Base64算法,This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application
上传时间: 2015-12-22
tsp遗传算法源代码,nit fEA_TSP interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, Spin, ComCtrls, uIEA, uITSP, uUtilsEA, uDisplayTSP type TFormGA = class(TForm) PanelFit: TPanel Panel2: TPanel Panel3: TPanel PanelDisp: TPanel Panel5: TPanel Panel6: TPanel Label2: TLabel EditNoCities: TSpinEdit EditPopulationSize: TSpinEdit EditKill: TSpinEdit EditInversion: TSpinEdit EditTransposition: TSpinEdit EditGens: TSpinEdit ButtonRun: TButton ButtonStep: TButton ButtonCreateCities: TButton ButtonCreatePop: TButton
上传时间: 2015-12-28
In this article, we present an overview of methods for sequential simulation from posterior distributions. These methods are of particular interest in Bayesian filtering for discrete time dynamic models that are typically nonlinear and non-Gaussian. A general importance sampling framework is developed that unifies many of the methods which have been proposed over the last few decades in several different scientific disciplines. Novel extensions to the existing methods are also proposed.We showin particular how to incorporate local linearisation methods similar to those which have previously been employed in the deterministic filtering literature these lead to very effective importance distributions. Furthermore we describe a method which uses Rao-Blackwellisation in order to take advantage of the analytic structure present in some important classes of state-space models. In a final section we develop algorithms for prediction, smoothing and evaluation of the likelihood in dynamic models.
标签: sequential simulation posterior overview
上传时间: 2015-12-31
Core Java 2 Volume I - Fundamentals, Seventh Edition Completely revised and up-to-date coverage of Generic programming, restrictions and limitations, type bounds, wilcard types, and generic reflection Swing GUI development, including input validation and other enhancements Exception handling and debugging, including chained exceptions, stack frames, assertions, and logging Streams and files, the new I/O API, memory-mapped files, file locking, and character set encoders/decoders Regular expressions using the powerful java.util.regex package Inner classes, reflection, and dynamic proxies Application packaging and the Preferences API
标签: Fundamentals Completely up-to-date coverage
上传时间: 2016-01-02
JAVA项目开发实践-网上范例:网上购物系统的JSP实现 第一步:将cart.jsp复制到C:\Apache Tomcat 4.0\webapps\ROOT下。 第二步:将cart目录(包含*.class文件及*.java文件)复制到C:\Apache Tomcat 4.0\common\classes目录中。 第三步:将cart.mdb复制到C:\下。 第四步:配制ODBC数据源,在系统DNS中添加cart.mdb,并命名为cart。 然后在浏览器中输入http://localhost:8080/cart.jsp测试,如果看到如图6-2所示的画面,则证明安装成功。
标签: cart webappsROOT Apache Tomcat
上传时间: 2016-01-02
AVA项目开发实践-网上范例3: 运行方法: 编译好四个类之后,把生成的文件存放到一个叫作grapro的目录下,再用下面的命令来启动程序: javaw –classpath "程序的class文件存放位置" grapro.GraphProg 假如class文件都存放在D盘的PicExample\classes中,那么命令就是: javaw –classpath "D:\PicExample\classes" grapro.GraphProg
上传时间: 2016-01-02
股票源码The application wizard has created this SCDemo application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation Classes but is also a starting point for writing your application.
标签: application created SCDemo wizard
上传时间: 2016-01-08
1. 下载一个Java开发库,例如 J2sdk1.4.2 等版本, 上有; 2. 编译所有的源文件; 3. 复制 images 目录到程序运行目录,如果目录放置错误,程序会没有图像显示; 4. 运行 dujid.araneid.Araneid(默认) 。 对于发布包: 1. 下载一个Java运行时,例如 J2re1.4.2 等版本, 上有; 2. 执行 classes 目录中的 start.bat
标签: Java
上传时间: 2016-01-10
The 1.4 release of Java 2 Standard edition brings a load of new features - and the potential for frustration. Fret not, our new 4th edition has answers. The accelerated introduction lets you start writing code right away, and because the book s classic quick reference contains all the classes in the essential Java packages, you can find exactly what you need to make Java s new version work for you.
标签: potential Standard features release
上传时间: 2014-11-27
华东师范大学(面向对象程序设计基于C++)课程全部作业(12次)代码,包含一个大整数类。(包含作业内容) 1 How to use VC++ & IBM Visual Age (XL) C++ 2 Pointers, Arrays and Structures 3 Operators & Statements 4 Functions 5 Use of classes in STL 6 Define concrete classes 7 Data abstraction 8 Operator Overloading 9 Define integer type with arbitrary precision 10 Virtual functions 11 Templates 12 Exception handling
上传时间: 2016-02-24