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  • 基于CH341A的USB串口通讯设计

    为解决当前计算机串行通讯接口只有USB,难以满足旧型号设备或某些单片机要求RS232通讯的问题,设计出两款RS232/USB电路。采用CH341A与MAX223集成电路芯片构建标准9线RS232/USB通用接口转换器,无需编程。采用CH341A与PIC16F877A构建单片机与计算机之间的USB通讯电路,软件遵循RS232通讯协议,硬件进行电平转换。实际使用表明,这两款产品与计算机端Windows 操作系统下的串口应用程序完全兼容,且通讯过程中无握手失败现象。 Abstract:  To solve the problem that current computer serial communication only with USB interface can not satisfy with the old type equipments or MCU to communicate with RS232, two kinds of RS232/USB circuit were designed.CH341A and MAX223 integrated circuit chips were used to create a standard 9-line RS232/USB universal interface convertor without programme. CH341A and PIC16F877A chips were adopted to build the USB communication circuit between computers and MCU. The software follows RS232 communication protocol, and the hardware converts electrical levels. Actual practices indicate that the two manufactures are compatible with serial application program of Windows operation system completely,and get avoid of handshake lost.    

    标签: 341A 341 USB CH

    上传时间: 2013-11-03


  • PIC单片机的RS232通讯程序

    Digitemp Jr. is a device that is designed to measure and report ambient temperature. When connected to an RS-232 port on any PC, it will periodically measure and report in ASCII form the ambient temperature in degrees Celsius. These temperature readings can be monitored with any terminal program. If the terminal program supports capture to disk, the temperature readings can be saved to disk for further analysis with a spreadsheet program or other data analysis tool. The simple ASCII output format of Digitemp Jr. makes it relatively easy to write custom software for receiving, recording, and analyzing ambient temperature data. Best of all, Digitemp Jr. requires no external power supplies or batteries. It is powered directly by the RS-232 port.  

    标签: PIC 232 RS 单片机

    上传时间: 2013-10-20


  • 基于ARM单片机的自动测高测距小车

    生活中许多目标的高度和水平距离需要进行测量。目前主要的测量方法,仍以传统的皮尺丈量为主,测量效率不高,有时还很不方便,没有技术成熟的数字式测高测距产品。以基本的数学方法为理论依据,利用遥控小车做为载体,采用角度传感器测量角度、霍尔传感器测量水平距离等,通过单片机LM3S615进行数据计算,实现了对待测目标物体的高度、水平距离等数据的快速、精确和数字式的测量,高度测量精度可达99.06%,水平测量精度则可达98.06%。 Abstract:  In our lives, the height and horizontal distance of some goals are needed to be measured. Because the currently used methods are still traditional tape-based measuring methods, and the measuring efficiency is low and inconvenient so some kinds of digital and portable measuring methods or instruments are needed. Based on the basic math theory, this paper designed and manufactured a portable, digital and remote controlled measuring mobile small vehicle, which assembled with angle measuring sensor for angle measurement and Hall sensor for horizontal distance measuring. MCU LM3S615 calculated the height and horizontal distance data gotten from these sensors. The measuring process is simple, the measuring results are more accurate and the measuring efficiency is higher than traditional measure instruments. The accuracy of height and distance measurement can reach 99.06% and 98.06%.

    标签: ARM 单片机 自动

    上传时间: 2013-10-30


  • 基于C8051F040的以太网-CAN转换电路设计

    以太网和CAN总线应用广泛,但由于其通信协议不同,两种总线器件间无法进行数据通信,因此,设计了基于CP2200与C8051F040的以太网总线与CAN总线接口转换电路,并给出部分相关硬件电路与软件设计分析。在保证数据完整和协议可靠的前提下,通过握手协议和简化的以太网协议,不仅实现了以太网数据与CAN数据的转发,同时还顺利的解决了以太网的高速性与CAN的低速率冲突,以及两者数据包之间的大小不同的矛盾。 Abstract:  In the development of actual application, Ethernet and CAN bus are used very extensively. Owing to its various communication protocols, the communicating between two kinds of bus device can’t be carried out. Therefore, in order to solve this problem, the Ethernet-CAN bus interface circuit based on CP2200 and C8051F040 was designed in this paper, and part of the related hardware circuit and software design analysis were given. On the condition of data’s integrity and protocols’reliability, through the handshaking protocols and the simplified the Ethernet protocol, not only the data switching between CAN and Ethernet was realized, but also the differ in velocity and packet size was solved.

    标签: C8051F040 CAN 以太网 转换

    上传时间: 2013-10-15


  • 基于ATmega8的双轴太阳跟踪器设计

    为提高太阳能的利用率,以ATmega8单片机为控制核心,设计了一套光电跟踪与视日运动轨迹跟踪互补控制的双轴太阳跟踪器。该跟踪器在晴天时,利用光敏电阻采集光强判断太阳位置,控制步进电机实现光电跟踪;在阴天时,采集时钟器件PCF8583的时间信息,计算当前太阳位置来实现视日运动轨迹跟踪。实验表明:该太阳跟踪器能在不同天气状况下对太阳进行较准确地跟踪,能量接收效率提高了30%,达到充分利用太阳能的目的。 Abstract:  To improve the utilization rate of solar energy,a kind of solar tracking controller which effectively combined the sun angle tracking and photo electric tracking based on ATmega8is designed.In the sunny days,the solar tracking con-troller determines the sun's position by using photosensitive resistances to collect light intensity and control stepper motors to achieve photo electric tracking,n cloudy days,it collects clock chip PCF8583time information to calculate the current position of the sun and achieve the sun angle tracking.Experimental results show the solar tracking controller accurately tracks the sun in different weather conditions,improves received energy efficiency by30%and reaches the purpose of full use of solar energy.

    标签: ATmega8 跟踪器

    上传时间: 2013-10-15


  • 基于单总线式无线温度采集系统设计

    为提高温度测量效率,降低系统的成本,扩展传输距离,设计出一种新型温度采集系统。单片机通过控制具有单总线方式的温度传感器DS18B20实现对温度的测量,同时单片机通过控制具有单总线方式300~450MHz频率范围内的MAX7044与MAX7033无线发射与接收芯片实现温度数据的无线传输。与传统温度采集系统相比,该系统利用单总线方式连接,采用无线传输方式实现远距离通信,易于系统的集成与扩展。实验结果表明,该系统结构简单、方便移植,能够同时实现多达上百点温度的测量与500m范围的传输。 Abstract:  To improve the temperature measurement efficiency and reduce system cost,expansion of transmission distance,a new type of temperature acquisition system is designed.Microcontroller controlled temperature sensor DS18B20which has a single-bus achieves temperature measurement,while microcontroller by controlled the MAX7044and MAX7033chip with a single-bus and having300~450MHz radiofrequency to achieve the wireless transmission of temperature data.Compared with conventional temperature acquisition system,the system uses single-bus connected,and uses wireless transmission means to achieve long-distance communications,easy-to-system integration and expansion.The experimental results show that the system is simple,convenient transplantation,and can be implemented in as many as a hundred-point temperature measure-ment and the transmission range of500meters.

    标签: 单总线 无线温度 采集 系统设计

    上传时间: 2013-10-29


  • 基于P89V51RD2的功率因数测量仪设计

    设计一种基于P89V51RD2的功率因数测量仪,采用光电隔离器和专用数码管驱动器。该测量仪是以增强型单片机P89V51RD2为核心,大大简化系统硬件设计。而软件部分采用模块化设计思想,采用中值滤波和小数补偿算法,实现功率因数的高精度测量。实验测试表明,该功率因数测量仪测量精度高,运行稳定可靠。 Abstract:  A power-factor measurement instrument based on P89V51RD2is designed,which uses optical coupler and specific LED drive chip.The power factor measurement instrument uses P89V51RD2as a core of which greatly simplifies the system design.Furthermore,modularization software is developed in detail.The high precision power-factor measuring system is realized by the center value filter and fractional compensation algorithm.Experiments manifests that the power- factor measurement instrument is high precision,steady and reliable.

    标签: P89 89V V51 RD2

    上传时间: 2014-12-27


  • 基于C8051F320的心电监护系统设计

    介绍一种基于C8051单片机的动态心电监护系统。该系统由两部分组成:以C8051F320单片机为核心的数据采集装置和以PC机为平台的分析处理系统。硬件电路功耗低,由单片机自带的USB接口将数据传送给PC机。软件平台采用LabVIEW可视化虚拟仪器系统开发平台,将传统仪器的功能模块集成到计算机中,用户可通过修改虚拟仪器的程序改变其功能。采用USB接口实时传输心电数据,并将数据采集模块设计为计算机外设,使该系统高速快捷、小巧便携。 Abstract:  In this design,a low-cost ECG electrocardiogram monitoring system is introduced,which consists of two parts:data acquisition device based on C8051F320and PC terminal as the analysis and processing system.The system is low-power consumption,the data is transmitted to the PC terminal by USB interface of the C8051F320.By using the visible virtual instrument system developing platform LabVIEW,the traditional instruments function modules are integrated into the computer,so the user can modify virtual instrument software to change its function to meet their needs.Using USB in-terface to realize real-time ECG data transmission,in addition,ECG data acquisition module is designed as the computer peripheral,which makes the syetem high-speed and portable.

    标签: C8051F320 心电监护 系统设计

    上传时间: 2013-11-13


  • 基于AT89C52单片机的语音录放系统

       设计一种基于AT89C52的语音录放系统,利用单片机、ISD2560语音录放器件、麦克风、扬声器等元器件实现硬件电路的设计,并利用C51高级语言设计ISD2560器件控制字的写入和定时中断程序。经软硬件调试,结果表明该系统录放效果良好,具有一定的工程实用价值。 Abstract:  Voice recording and playback system based on AT89C52is designed in this paper.Using the single-chip microcomputer,voice recording and playback chip ISD2560,microphone and speaker to realize the hardware circuit design.Writing ISD2560control words and timing interrupt procedures are designed by C51advanced language.Through the hardware and software test,voice recording and playback system play better voice,and this system has some engineering practical values.

    标签: 89C C52 AT 89

    上传时间: 2013-10-20


  • 基于C8051F310的山路转弯预防警示系统

    针对盘山路存在的转弯盲区,即在转弯时司机无法得知弯路对面是否有车辆通过,设计一种基于C8051F310的山路转弯预防警示系统。该系统利用一阶滤波算法检测山路转弯时是否有车辆通过。运用该算法可增强系统检测的实时性,提高检测机动车辆的灵敏度,同时大大减少环境温度对检测的干扰。试验表明该系统能够正确指示出在山路转弯时是否有车辆通过,目前该系统已安装在盘山路上,可大大减少事故的发生率。 Abstract:  Aiming at passing hilly road,there is a turn blind spot.Motormen usually do not know if the passing of vehicles pass the road.So a system of defending accident on hilly road is designed,which is based on MCU C8051F310.The sys-tem uses the first-order filter algorithm to detect whether there are passing vehicles.This algorithm enhances the real-time detection and improves the sensitivity of detection vehicles.Meanwhile,it reduces the detection interference of environmen-tal temperature.The experimental results show that this system can exactly indicate if there are passing vehicles.At present,the system has been successfully applied to hilly road.The system can greatly decrease accident.

    标签: C8051F310 转弯

    上传时间: 2013-10-10
