Aiming at the application of passive trackinn based on sensor array, a new passive trackinn usinn sensor array based on particle filter was proposed. Firstly, the“fake points" could be almost entirely and exactly deleted with the aids of the sensor array at the expense of an additional sensor. Secondly, considered the fact that the measurements notten from each array WEre independent in passive trackinn system, a novel sequential particle filter usinn sensor array with improved distribution was proposed. At last, in a simulation study WE compared this approach a坛orithm with traditional trackinn methods. The simulation re-sups show that the proposed method can nreatly improve the state estimation precision of sensor array passive trackinn system.
标签: trackinn passive application Aiming
上传时间: 2015-12-31
An unsatisfactory property of particle filters is that they may become inefficient when the observation noise is low. In this paper WE consider a simple-to-implement particle filter, called ‘LIS-based particle filter’, whose aim is to overcome the above mentioned WEakness. LIS-based particle filters sample the particles in a two-stage process that uses information of the most recent observation, too. Experiments with the standard bearings-only tracking problem indicate that the proposed new particle filter method is indeed a viable alternative to other methods.
标签: unsatisfactory inefficient property particle
上传时间: 2014-01-11
Rao-BlackWEllised Particle Filters (RBPFs) are a class of Particle Filters (PFs) that exploit conditional dependencies betWEen parts of the state to estimate. By doing so, RBPFs can improve the estimation quality while also reducing the overall computational load in comparison to original PFs. HoWEver, the computational complexity is still too high for many real-time applications. In this paper, WE propose a modified RBPF that requires a single Kalman Filter (KF) iteration per input sample. Comparative experiments show that while good convergence can still be obtained, computational efficiency is always drastically increased, making this algorithm an option to consider for real-time implementations.
标签: Particle Filters Rao-BlackWEllised exploit
上传时间: 2016-01-02
VC6.0核心编程。主要涉及到windows消息,框架,mfc库以及相关编程,com,activex技术,数据库技术,网络编程技术。为英文版本。 The 6.0 release of Visual C++ shows Microsoft s continued focus on Internet technologies and COM, which are key components of the new Windows Distributed interNet Application Architecture (DNA). In addition to supporting these platform initiatives, Visual C++ 6.0 also adds an amazing number of productivity-boosting features such as Edit And Continue, IntelliSense, AutoComplete, and code tips. These features take Visual C++ to a new level. WE have tried to make sure that this book keeps you up to speed on the latest technologies being introduced into Visual C++.
上传时间: 2016-01-02
The need for accurate monitoring and analysis of sequential data arises in many scientic, industrial and nancial problems. Although the Kalman lter is effective in the linear-Gaussian case, new methods of dealing with sequential data are required with non-standard models. Recently, there has been reneWEd interest in simulation-based techniques. The basic idea behind these techniques is that the current state of knowledge is encapsulated in a representative sample from the appropriate posterior distribution. As time goes on, the sample evolves and adapts recursively in accordance with newly acquired data. WE give a critical review of recent developments, by reference to oil WEll monitoring, ion channel monitoring and tracking problems, and propose some alternative algorithms that avoid the WEaknesses of the current methods.
标签: monitoring sequential industria accurate
上传时间: 2013-12-17
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the modern study of computer algorithms. It presents many algorithms and covers them in considerable depth, yet makes their design and analysis accessible to all levels of readers. WE have tried to keep explanations elementary without sacrificing depth of coverage or mathematical rigor.
标签: comprehensive introduction algorithms provides
上传时间: 2014-11-23
The equation is written as a system of two first order ODEs. These are evaluated for different values of the parameter Mu. For faster integration, WE choose an appropriate solver based on the value of the parameter Mu.
标签: different evaluated equation written
上传时间: 2013-12-25
The problem of image registration subsumes a number of problems and techniques in multiframe image analysis, including the computation of optic flow (general pixel-based motion), stereo correspondence, structure from motion, and feature tracking. WE present a new registration algorithm based on spline representations of the displacement field which can be specialized to solve all of the above mentioned problems. In particular, WE show how to compute local flow, global (parametric) flow, rigid flow resulting from camera egomotion, and multiframe versions of the above problems. Using a spline-based description of the flow removes the need for overlapping correlation windows, and produces an explicit measure of the correlation betWEen adjacent flow estimates. WE demonstrate our algorithm on multiframe image registration and the recovery of 3D projective scene geometry. WE also provide results on a number of standard motion sequences.
标签: image registration multiframe techniques
上传时间: 2016-01-20
网络日志!当前免费FTP服务到处都有,我的这个APPLET用意是:利用起这些免费空间,在自己的网站上实现日志,相当于把数据库建在这些免费的FTP空间上,该代码已经在本地FTP服务器上测试通过,在测试外网FTP服务器失败,只要查一查BUG就可以启用的,我当时想法是统筹应用各方的FTP空间,并在自己有限的稳定空间上保存链接资料,从而保证空间的免费和稳定,原理有点象花生壳这个程序,希望同志们实现我的想法!别忘了SHARE哦,WE SHARE SO WE FREE!
上传时间: 2014-12-03
* first open client.cpp and search for that USER_MSG_INTERCEPT(TeamInfo) over it u add this Code: USER_MSG_INTERCEPT(Health) { BEGIN_READ(pbuf,iSize) me.iHealth = READ_BYTE() return USER_MSG_CALL(Health) } * then WE search for int HookUserMsg (char *szMsgName, pfnUserMsgHook pfn) and add this Code: REDIRECT_MESSAGE( Health ) *k now WE have the health registered and can read it out i stop this hear know cuz i must thanks panzer and that they helped me with it first time! *ok now WE go to int HUD_Redraw (float x, int y) and packing this draw code in it Code:
标签: USER_MSG_INTERCEPT TeamInfo client search
上传时间: 2016-01-22