本程序实现任意偶数大小图像第二代双正交97提升小波变换 注1: 采用标准正交方法,对行列采用不同矩阵(和matlab里不同) 注2: 为了保证正交,所有边界处理,全部采用循环处理 注3: 正交性验证,将单位阵带入函数,输出仍是单位阵(matlab不具有此性质) 注4: 此程序是矩阵实现,所以图像水平分量和垂直分量估计被交换位置 注5: 此程序实现的是类小波(WAVELET-like)变换,是介于小波包变换与小波变换之间的变换 注6: 此程序每层变换相对原图像矩阵,产生的矩阵都是正交阵,这和小波包一致 注7: 但小波变换每层产生的矩阵,是相对每个待分解子块的正交矩阵,而不是原图像的正交矩阵 注8: 且小波变换产生的正交矩阵维数,随分解层数2分减少 注9: 提升系数可以在MATLAB7.0以上版本,用liftwave( 9.7 )获取,这里直接给出,考虑兼容性 注10:由于MATLAB数组下标从1开始,所以注意奇偶序列的变化 注11:d为对偶上升,即预测;p为原上升,即更新
上传时间: 2016-08-09
EZW Embedded Zero-tree WAVELETs Encoding,video codecs from the EZW family which use a 3D version of EZW or SPIHT algorithms showed better performance than the MPEG-2 compression algorithm. These algorithms have many advantages inherent for WAVELET based schemes and EZW-like coders. Their most important advantages are good compression performance and scalability.
标签: EZW Zero-tree Embedded WAVELETs
上传时间: 2013-12-20
小波神经网络的源程序: 1.构造的非线性函数: 位于nninit_test.m 2.直接用WNN逼近非线性:Wnn_test.m, (内部调用小波函数) 3.遗传算法优化后逼近 :GA_Wnn_test.m (内部调用遗传算法的,初始化,适应度,解码函数)-genetic algorithm optimization WNN source : 1. Construction of the nonlinear function : nninit_test.m at 2. WNN directly with nonlinear approximation : Wnn_test.m. (internal called WAVELET function) 3. Genetic Algorithm optimization approach : GA_Wnn_test.m (internal called genetic algorithms, initialize, fitness and decoding functions)
标签: nninit_test GA_Wnn_tes Wnn_test WNN
上传时间: 2016-09-17
-The existence of numerous imaging modalities makes it possible to present different data present in different modalities together thus forming multimodal images. Component images forming multimodal images should be aligned, or registered so that all the data, coming from the different modalities, are displayed in proper locations. Mutual Information is the similarity measure used in this case for optimizing the two images. This method requires estimating joint histogram of the two images. The fusion of images is the process of combining two or more images into a single image retaining important features from each. The Discrete WAVELET Transform (DWT) has become an attractive tool for fusing multimodal images. In this work it has been used to segment the features of the input images to produce a region map. Features of each region are calculated and a region based approach is used to fuse the images in the WAVELET domain.
标签: present modalities existence different
上传时间: 2014-03-04
A paper that I presented on Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) won the second prize at the symposium conducted by the Electrical and Electronics Engineering department of the SRM University. Other topics on which I presented papers were Performance enhancement of wireless sensor networks using directional antennas, Smart card application and wireless communication. Also my research idea titled “WAVELET Based Image Compression Using SPIHT Algorithm “secured third prize in a technical festival.
标签: Supervisory Acquisition presented Control
上传时间: 2014-01-12
上传时间: 2017-06-29
内容包含: 1. 信号去噪的各种方法简介 2. 离散小波转换的原理 3. 层数选择的方法 4. 除噪时lamda的选择方法与公式 5. SURE算法与详细公式( 清华胡老师书里的公式是错的)
标签: WAVELET;denoise
上传时间: 2015-12-22
贝叶斯阈值方法实现图像去噪,对文献Chang.adaptive WAVELET thresholding for image denoising and compression仿真结果。-Bayesian threshold method of image denoising。
标签: 小波 图像处理
上传时间: 2016-04-25