可视化程序设计与visual basic
上传时间: 2016-01-27
COM Component designed to make full screen scrolling maps easy, especially from Visual Basic. This is the VC++ 6.0 source code of the graphics engine
标签: especially Component scrolling designed
上传时间: 2016-01-28
n皇后问题求解(8<=n<=1000) a) 皇后个数的设定 在指定文本框内输入皇后个数即可,注意: 皇后个数在8和1000 之间(包括8和1000) b) 求解 点击<Solve>按钮即可进行求解. c) 求解过程显示 在标有Total Collision的静态文本框中将输出当前棋盘上的皇后总冲突数. 当冲突数降到0时,求解完毕. d) 求解结果显示 程序可以图形化显示8<=n<=50的皇后求解结果. e) 退出程序,点击<Exit>即可退出程序.
上传时间: 2016-01-28
mpeg test inter b. Dequantizer Algorithm hardware realization method and comparison c. Dequantizer Hardware Architecture Design
标签: b. c. Dequantizer realization
上传时间: 2016-01-29
visual basic写的一个小小的聊天软件,麻雀虽小五脏俱全
上传时间: 2013-12-26
Essential C++ By Stanley B. Lippman Publisher : Addison Wesley Pub Date : September 12, 2002 ISBN : 0-201-48518-4 Pages : 416
标签: B. Essential Publisher September
上传时间: 2016-01-30
Visual Basic Shell Programming ventures where none have gone before by showing how to develop shell extensions that more closely integrate an application with the Windows shell, while at the same time providing an advanced tutorial-style treatment of COM programming with Visual Basic. Each major type of shell extension gets attention, including customized context menu handlers, per instance icons, and customized property sheets.
标签: Programming ventures develop showing
上传时间: 2016-02-01
样条类的C++,该类包括三次样条的插值,拟合和B样条的插值,拟和等功能 。自己编写的简单适用的函数,粘上即可用。
上传时间: 2014-08-12
David B. Probert, Ph.D. Windows Kernel Development Microsoft Corporation 微軟windows kernel課程的powerpoint
标签: B. Corporation Development Microsoft
上传时间: 2013-12-15
C++ Primer 第三版(Stanley B.Lippman,Josee Lajoie [同作者作品] 潘爱民译 ) 源代码
标签: Lippman Stanley Primer Lajoie
上传时间: 2013-12-21