具有中国自主知识产权的视频编码标准AVS(Audio Video Coding Standard) 的源码
标签: Standard Coding Audio Video
上传时间: 2013-12-12
These files contain the source code of the "Video Disk Recorder", which is based on the DVB driver of the LinuxTV project.
标签: the Recorder contain driver
上传时间: 2015-11-11
The Joint Video Team (JVT) of ISO/IEC MPEG and ITU-T VCEG are finalising a new standard for the coding (compression) of natural Video images. The new standard [1] will be known as H.264 and also MPEG-4 Part 10, “Advanced Video Coding”. This document describes the methods of filtering reconstructed blocks in an H.264 CODEC. Note that the H.264 draft standard is not yet finalised and so readers are encouraged to refer to the latest version of the standard.
标签: finalising standard Joint ITU-T
上传时间: 2015-12-08
The Joint Video Team (JVT) of ISO/IEC MPEG and ITU-T VCEG are finalising a new standard for the coding (compression) of natural Video images. The new standard [1] will be known as H.264 and also MPEG-4 Part 10, “Advanced Video Coding”. This document describes the transform and quantization processes defined, or implied, by the standard.
标签: finalising standard Joint ITU-T
上传时间: 2015-12-08
The Joint Video Team (JVT) of ISO/IEC MPEG and ITU-T VCEG are finalising a new standard for the coding (compression) of natural Video images. The new standard [1,2] will be known as H.264 and also MPEG-4 Part 10, “Advanced Video Coding”. This document describes the methods of predicting intra-coded macroblocks in an H.264 CODEC.
标签: finalising standard Joint ITU-T
上传时间: 2013-12-28
The Joint Video Team (JVT) of ISO/IEC MPEG and ITU-T VCEG are finalising a new standard for the coding (compression) of natural Video images. The new standard [1] will be known as H.264 and also MPEG-4 Part 10, “Advanced Video Coding”. The standard specifies two types of entropy coding: Context-based Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding (CABAC) and Variable-Length Coding (VLC). This document provides a short introduction to CABAC. Familiarity with the concept of Arithmetic Coding is assumed.
标签: finalising standard Joint ITU-T
上传时间: 2015-12-08
The Joint Video Team (JVT) of ISO/IEC MPEG and ITU-T VCEG are finalising a new standard for the coding (compression) of natural Video images. The new standard [1] will be known as H.264 and also MPEG-4 Part 10, “Advanced Video Coding”. This document introduces the concepts of Switching P and I slices, part of the Extended Profile of H.264.
标签: finalising standard Joint ITU-T
上传时间: 2013-11-30
The Joint Video Team (JVT) of ISO/IEC MPEG and ITU-T VCEG are finalising a new standard for the coding (compression) of natural Video images. The new standard [1] will be known as H.264 and also MPEG-4 Part 10, “Advanced Video Coding”. The standard specifies two types of entropy coding: Context-based Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding (CABAC) and Variable-Length Coding (VLC). The Variable-Length Coding scheme, part of the Baseline Profile of H.264, is described in this document.
标签: finalising standard Joint ITU-T
上传时间: 2013-12-21
unit Video interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, stdctrls, ExtCtrls, avicap, mmsystem, dsgnintf // Types for event-procedures type TCapStatusProc = procedure(Sender: TObject) of object TCapStatusCallback = procedure(Sender: TObject nID: integer status: string) of object TVideoStream = procedure(sender: TObject lpVhdr: PVideoHDR) of object TAudioStream = procedure(sender: TObject lpWHdr: PWAVEHDR) of object // Property Editor for driver selection type TDrivereditor = class(TPropertyEditor) function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes override procedure GetValues(Proc: TGetStrProc) override function GetValue: string override procedure SetValue(const Value: string) override end
标签: interface Messages Graphics Controls
上传时间: 2013-12-21
Video decoder for dvi from ad corp.
上传时间: 2013-11-28