数字控制的交流调速系统所选用的微处理器、功率器件及产生PWM波的方法是影响交流调速系统性能好坏的直接因素。在介绍了正弦脉宽调制(SPWM)技术的基础上,设计了一种以8098单片机作为控制器,以智能功率模块IPM为开关器件的变频调速系统。通过软件编程,产生正弦脉冲宽度调制波形来控制绝缘栅双极晶体管的导通和关断,从而达到控制异步电动机转速的目的。实验结果表明,该系统可调频率调电压,稳定度高,调速范围宽,具有较强的实用价值 Abstract: AC Variable speed with digital control systems used microprocessors, power devices and generate PWM wave is the direct factors of affecting the performance AC speed regulation system. On the basis of introducing the sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM) technology,this paper designed Variable speed system which used 8098 as a controller, intelligent power module IPM as switching device. Through software programming, resulting in sinusoidal pulse width modulation waveform to control the insulated gate bipolar transistor turn on and off, so as to achieve the purpose of speed control of induction motors. Experimental results show that the system can adjust frequency modulation voltage, high stability, wide speed range, has a strong practical value.
上传时间: 2013-11-14
车辆行驶性能的好坏,不仅取决于发动机,而且在很大程度上还依赖于变速器及变速器与发动机的匹配。在汽车上使用的自动变速器大致有三类:液力自动变速器(Automatic Transmission,AT)、电子控制机械自动变速器(AutomaticMechanicalTransmission,AMT)和金属带式无级变速器(Continuously Variable Transmission,CVT)。前两种变速器都是有级或分段无级自动变速,无级变速器CVT避免了齿轮传动比不连续的缺点,具有传动比连续、传递动力平稳、操纵方便、可使汽车行驶过程中经常处于良好的性能状态、可改善汽车排放和降低燃油消耗等特点,真正实现了无级变速。我国的汽车工业与发达国家有较大的差距,通过研制无级变速(CVT)控制系统对缩小差距和世新纪发展我国民族汽车工业都具有十分重要的意义。
上传时间: 2013-11-11
CAT5110/18/19/23/24/25 linear-taper digitally programmable potentiometers perform the same function as a mechanical potentiometer or a Variable resistor. These devices consist of a fixed resistor and a wiper contact with 32-tap points that are digitally controlled through a2-wire up/down serial interface.
上传时间: 2013-11-22
51单片机及其应用:1.1.1 电子计算机的问世及其经典结构1946年2月15日,第一台电子数字计算机问世,这标志着计算机时代的到来。(CALCULATOR)ENIAC(“埃尼阿克”)◆ENIAC是电子管计算机,时钟频率仅有100 KHz,但能在1秒钟的时间内完成5000次加法运算。◆与现代的计算机相比,有许多不足,但它的问世开创了计算机科学技术的新纪元,对人类的生产和生活方式产生了巨大的影响 。 匈牙利籍数学家冯·诺依曼在方案的设计上做出了重要的贡献。1946年6月,他又提出了“程序存储”和“二进制运算”的思想,进一步构建了计算机由运算器、控制器、存储器、输入设备和输出设备组成这一计算机的经典结构。(EDVAC-ELECTRONIC DISCRETE Variable AUTOMATIC COMPUTER)二、微型计算机的应用形态 从应用形态上,微机可以分成三种:
标签: 51单片机
上传时间: 2013-12-20
项目描述: Fluid is a server daemon for streaming media. The latest release is built as an API for building any kind of media streamer. Following with the server is a plugin for streaming MP3 files, even those with Variable bitrate. Multicast now supported. Fluid 是一个为媒体流提供的服务器后台。最新版本建造为一个API,用于建造任何类型的媒体。服务器是流式MP3文件的一个插件,即使其位率可变。现在也支持组播。 来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/fluid/
标签: for streaming release daemon
上传时间: 2015-04-17
This project is created using the Keil ARM CA Compiler. The Logic Analyzer built into the simulator may be used to monitor and display any Variable or peripheral I/O register. It is already configured to show the PWM output signal on PORT3.0 and PORT3.1 This ARM Example may be debugged using only the uVision Simulator and your PC--no additional hardware or evaluation boards are required. The Simulator provides cycle-accurate simulation of all on-chip peripherals of the ADuC7000 device series. You may create various input signals like digital pulses, sine waves, sawtooth waves, and square waves using signal functions which you write in C. Signal functions run in the background in the simulator within timing constraints you configure. In this example, several signal functions are defined in the included Startup_SIM.INI file.
标签: the Analyzer Compiler project
上传时间: 2013-12-19
These instructions assume that the 1.4 versions of the java and appletviewer commands are in your path. If they aren t, then you should either specify the complete path to the commands or update your PATH environment Variable as described in the installation instructions for the Java 2 SDK.
标签: instructions appletviewer the commands
上传时间: 2015-06-01
最优化算法,应用有限内存拟牛顿方法(Limited Memory (Variable-storage)quasi-Newton method)求解高维最优化问题,使用更多的内存将使算法更有效。
标签: 优化算法
上传时间: 2015-08-08
三次样条插值程序。编译运行本程序后,程序会弹出窗口及问句:“input the number of intervals:”,输入插值的次数即可,程序将得到的次数保存在变量int n中。如果输入的插值次数正确(n>=2),程序会显示下一语句:"input the value of the Variable:",此时输入插值点即可,程序将得到的插值点保存在变量double v中。若插值点正确(v>=0&&v<=6),则程序将输出插值结果。
上传时间: 2014-01-16
By building a nonlinear function relationship between an d the error signal,this paper presents a no— vel Variable step size LMS(Least Mean Square)adaptive filtering algorithm.
标签: relationship nonlinear building function
上传时间: 2015-10-22