机电类比法是一种把机械量通过一定的计算等效类比为电量的方法,其在对电子机械系统的分析中应用非常广泛。它能够把一个较复杂的机械系统类比为我们熟知的电路系统来进行分析,从而使问题的分析得到简化。本文通过对振弦式传感器的分析介绍了机电类比法,并对使用电路进行了相关的分析。 Summary:The electromechanical analogy is assort of analysis which is to analogize the mechanical system by using circuit system , it applied widely in the filed of analysis the electronic-mechanical system. The analysis can take a complex mechanical system analogous to a circuitry that we well-known, which can simplify the problems. In the paper, the electro-mechanical analogy method is briefly introduced by analysis the vibrating wire sensor,and have a correlation analysis about the circuit we used.关键词: 机电类比法 振弦式传感器 频率 振荡 反馈Keyword:electro-mechanical analogy method,vibrating wire sensor,frequency, oscillation, feedback 0 引言振弦式传感器是属于频率式传感器的一种。所谓频率式传感器就是能直接将被测量转换为振动频率信号的传感器,这类传感器一般是通过测量振弦、振筒、振梁、振膜等弹性振体或石英晶体谐振器的固有谐振频率来达到测量引起谐振频率变化的被测非电量的目的,其也称为谐振式传感器[1]。在分析该类传感器中,由于其涉及到频率,就容易让人联想到在电子技术中接触到的RLC振荡电路。因此可以尝试着用类比的方法使之对应起来分析,即机电类比法分析。
上传时间: 2013-11-16
The CC1101 is a low-cost sub- 1 GHztransceiver designed for very low-powerwireless applications. The circuit is mainlyintended for the ISM (Industrial, Scientific andMedical) and SRD (Short Range Device)frequency bands at 315, 433, 868, and 915MHz, but can easily be programmed foroperation at other frequencies in the 300-348MHz, 387-464 MHz and 779-928 MHz bands.CC1101 is an improved and code compatibleversion of the CC1100 RF transceiver. Themain improvements on the CC1101 include:
上传时间: 2013-11-12
RFID(Radio Frequency Identification)技术是利用射频通信实现的一种非接触式自动识别技术。拥有广阔的发展前景和巨大的市场潜力。本文介绍了RFID技术的原理、特点,深入分析了信号传输时所采取的反方向散射的调制方式,影响传输距离的因素,最后介绍了在远程RFID自动识别系统中的读写冲突和防冲突算法,更好的解决了远程RFID系统存在的冲突问题。
上传时间: 2013-10-11
Abstract: The process of designing a radio system can be complex and often involves many project tradeoffs. Witha little insight, balancing these various characteristics can make the job of designing a radio system easier. Thistutorial explores these tradeoffs and provides details to consider for various radio applications. With a focus on theindustrial, scientific, medical (ISM) bands, the subjects of frequency selection, one-way versus two-way systems,modulation techniques, cost, antenna options, power-supply influences, effects on range, and protocol selectionare explored.
标签: 无线
上传时间: 2013-12-13
Abstract: This application note discusses a design for a phantom antenna power-supply system compatible with theDigital Satellite Equipment Control (DiSEqC) communication standard, using the MAX16948 automotive dual, highvoltageLDO/switch. The presented application circuit provides a remote antenna power supply and also enables onewaycommunication from the radio head unit to the remote antenna. This system architecture offers flexibility inDiSEqC tone-burst frequency choice (100Hz to 30kHz), enabling users the ability to select the best frequency for theirapplication.
上传时间: 2013-11-17
Abstract: This application note describes system-level characterization and modeling techniques for radio frequency (RF) and microwavesubsystem components. It illustrates their use in a mixed-signal, mixed-mode system-level simulation. The simulation uses an RF transmitterwith digital predistortion (DPD) as an example system. Details of this complex system and performance data are presented.
上传时间: 2013-12-18
Abstract: With industrial/scientific/medical (ISM) band radio frequency (RF) products, often times users are new to the structure of Maxim's low pin-count transmitters andfully integrated superheterodyne receivers. This tutorial provides simple steps that can be taken to get the best performance out of these transmitters and receivers whileproviding techniques to measure the overall capability of the design.
上传时间: 2013-11-02
Abstract: While many questions still surround the creation and deployment of the smart grid, the need for a reliablecommunications infrastructure is indisputable. Developers of the IEEE 1901.2 standard identified difficult channel conditionscharacteristic of low-frequency powerline communications and implemented an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)architecture using advanced modulation and channel-coding techniques. This strategy helped to ensure a robust communicationsnetwork for the smart grid.
上传时间: 2013-10-18
Radio frequency (RF) can be a complex subject to navigate, but it does not have to be. If you are just getting started with radios or maybe you cannot find that old reference book about antenna aperture, this guide can help. It is intended to provide a basic understanding of RF technology, as well act as a quick reference for those who “know their stuff” but may be looking to brush up on that one niche term that they never quite understood. This document is also a useful reference for Maxim’s products and data sheets, an index to deeper analysis found in our application notes, and a general reference for all things RF.
上传时间: 2013-10-23
Radio frequency (RF) can be a complex subject to navigate, but it does not have to be. If you are just getting started with radios or maybe you cannot find that old reference book about antenna aperture, this guide can help. It is intended to provide a basic understanding of RF technology, as well act as a quick reference for those who “know their stuff” but may be looking to brush up on that one niche term that they never quite understood. This document is also a useful reference for Maxim’s products and data sheets, an index to deeper analysis found in our application notes, and a general reference for all things RF.
标签: 无线技术
上传时间: 2013-10-08