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  • %CHECKBOUNDS Move the initial point within the (VALID) bounds. % [X,LB,UB,X,FLAG] = CHECKBOUNDS(X0,

    %CHECKBOUNDS Move the initial point within the (VALID) bounds. % [X,LB,UB,X,FLAG] = CHECKBOUNDS(X0,LB,UB,nvars) % checks that the upper and lower % bounds are VALID (LB <= UB) and the same length as X (pad with -inf/inf % if necessary) warn if too long. Also make LB and UB vectors if not % already. % Finally, inf in LB or -inf in UB throws an error.

    标签: CHECKBOUNDS the initial bounds

    上传时间: 2015-10-26


  • 此license为MOTORALA 8位单片机的编程环境 metrowks codewarriode的永久解码license for all-VALID metrowks codewarriode

    此license为MOTORALA 8位单片机的编程环境 metrowks codewarriode的永久解码license for all-VALID metrowks codewarriode 和

    标签: codewarriode metrowks license all-VALID

    上传时间: 2015-10-30


  • A check date VALID program interface and implementation

    A check date VALID program interface and implementation

    标签: implementation interface program check

    上传时间: 2014-01-16


  • 用MATLAB里的XILINX BLOCK, 支持FPGA算法, 实现开平方, 并且取整.当计算停止时, VALID为高电瓶.

    用MATLAB里的XILINX BLOCK, 支持FPGA算法, 实现开平方, 并且取整.当计算停止时, VALID为高电瓶.


    上传时间: 2013-12-07


  • This the brief for the common function in uCOS system. VALID for elementary user.

    This the brief for the common function in uCOS system. VALID for elementary user.

    标签: elementary the for function

    上传时间: 2014-01-25


  • 差分電路中單端及混合模式S-參數的使用

    Single-Ended and Differential S-Parameters Differential circuits have been important incommunication systems for many years. In the past,differential communication circuits operated at lowfrequencies, where they could be designed andanalyzed using lumped-element models andtechniques. With the frequency of operationincreasing beyond 1GHz, and above 1Gbps fordigital communications, this lumped-elementapproach is no longer VALID, because the physicalsize of the circuit approaches the size of awavelength.Distributed models and analysis techniques are nowused instead of lumped-element techniques.Scattering parameters, or S-parameters, have beendeveloped for this purpose [1]. These S-parametersare defined for single-ended networks. S-parameterscan be used to describe differential networks, but astrict definition was not developed until Bockelmanand others addressed this issue [2]. Bockelman’swork also included a study on how to adapt single-ended S-parameters for use with differential circuits[2]. This adaptation, called “mixed-mode S-parameters,” addresses differential and common-mode operation, as well as the conversion betweenthe two modes of operation.This application note will explain the use of single-ended and mixed-mode S-parameters, and the basicconcepts of microwave measurement calibration.

    标签: 差分電路 單端 模式

    上传时间: 2014-03-25


  • superpro 3000u 驱动及编程器软件下载

    superpro 3000u 驱动 PIC16C65B@QFP44 [SA245] PIC16C65B:          Part number QFP44:              Package in QFP44 SA245:              Adapter purchase number AM29DL320GT@FBGA48 [SA642+B026] AM29DL320GT:        Part number FBGA48:             Package in FBGA48 SA642:              Adapter purchase number (Top board with socket) B026:               Adapter purchase number (Bottom board, exchangable for different parts) 87C196CA@PLCC68(universal adapter) [PEP+S414T] 87C196CA:           Part number PLCC68:             Package in PLCC68 universal adapter:  this adapter is VALID for all parts in this package PEP:                The PEP (Pin-driver Expansion Pack necessary to work with the adapter S414T) S414T:              Adapter purchase number (Universal for all parts in this package) S71PL127J80B@FBGA64(special adapter) [(SA642A-B079A-Y096AF001)] S71PL127J80B:            Part number FBGA64:                  Package in FBGA64 special adapter:         this adapter is VALID for this

    标签: superpro 3000u 驱动 编程器软件

    上传时间: 2013-10-23


  • Multisim2001汉化破解版免费下载

    这个软件需要你的本机操作的。其他机器是算不出来的! 就是说 一台电脑只有一个注册码对应! 这里有个办法: MULTISIM2001安装方法: 一:运行SETUP.EXE安装。在安装时,要重新启动计算机一次。 二:启动后在“开始>程序”中找到STARTUP项,运行后,继续进行安装,安装过程中,第一次要求输入“CODE"码时, 输入“PP-0411-48015-7464-32084"输入后,会提示"VALID SERIAL NUMBER FOR MULTISIM 2001 POWER-PRO." 按确定,又会出现一个“feature code”框,输入“FC-6424-04180-0044-13881”后, 在弹出的对话框中选择“取消”,一路确定即可完成安装。 三:1.运行VERILOG目录内的SETUP安装 2.运行FPGA目录内的SETUP安装 3.将CRACK目录内的LICMGR.DLL拷贝到WINDOWS系统的SYSTEM 目录内 4.并将VERILOG安装目录内的同名文件删除 5.将SILOS.LIC文件拷到VERILOG安装目录内覆盖原文件,并作如下编辑: 6.将“COMPUTER_NAME”替换为你的机器名 7.将“D:\MULTISIM\VERILOG\PATH_TO_SIMUCAD.EXE”替换为你的 实际安装路径。如此你便可以使用VERILOG了。 四:安装之后,运行MULTISIM2001,会要求输入“RELEASE CODE",不用着急, 记下“SERIAL NUMBER"和“SIGNATURE NUMBER", 使用CRACK目录内的注册器“MULTISIM KEYGEN.EXE" 将刚才记下的两个号码分别填入后, 即可得到"RELEASE CODE", 以后就可以正常使用了。 五:接下来运行 database update目录中的几个文件, 进行数据库合并即可。祝你成功!! 六:启动MULTISIM2001时候的注册码 1: PP-0411-48015-7464-32084 2: 37506-86380 3:的三个空格 1975 2711 4842 里面包含了:Multisim2001汉化破解版、Multisim.V10.0.1.汉化破解版图解 解压密码:www.pp51.com

    标签: Multisim 2001 汉化破解版 免费下载

    上传时间: 2013-11-16


  • 基于MASON公式的多功能二阶通用滤波器设计

    基于通用集成运算放大器,利用MASON公式设计了一个多功能二阶通用滤波器,能同时或分别实现低通、高通和带通滤波,也能设计成一个正交振荡器。电路的极点频率和品质因数能够独立、精确地调节。电路使用4个集成运放、2个电容和11个电阻,所有集成运放的反相端虚地。利用计算机仿真电路的通用滤波功能、极点频率和品质因数的独立控制和正交正弦振荡,从而证明该滤波器正确有效。 Abstract:  A new multifunctional second-order filter based on OPs was presented by MASON formula. Functions, such as high-pass, band-pass, low-pass filtering, can be realized respectively and simultaneously, and can become a quadrature oscillator by modifying resistance ratio. Its pole angular frequency and quality factor can be tuned accurately and independently. The circuit presented contains four OPs, two capacitors, and eleven resistances, and inverting input of all OPs is virtual ground. Its general filtering, the independent control of pole frequency and quality factor and quadrature sinusoidal oscillation were simulated by computer, and the result shows that the presented circuit is VALID and effective.

    标签: MASON 多功能 二阶 滤波器设计

    上传时间: 2013-10-09


  • superpro 3000u 驱动及编程器软件下载

    superpro 3000u 驱动 PIC16C65B@QFP44 [SA245] PIC16C65B:          Part number QFP44:              Package in QFP44 SA245:              Adapter purchase number AM29DL320GT@FBGA48 [SA642+B026] AM29DL320GT:        Part number FBGA48:             Package in FBGA48 SA642:              Adapter purchase number (Top board with socket) B026:               Adapter purchase number (Bottom board, exchangable for different parts) 87C196CA@PLCC68(universal adapter) [PEP+S414T] 87C196CA:           Part number PLCC68:             Package in PLCC68 universal adapter:  this adapter is VALID for all parts in this package PEP:                The PEP (Pin-driver Expansion Pack necessary to work with the adapter S414T) S414T:              Adapter purchase number (Universal for all parts in this package) S71PL127J80B@FBGA64(special adapter) [(SA642A-B079A-Y096AF001)] S71PL127J80B:            Part number FBGA64:                  Package in FBGA64 special adapter:         this adapter is VALID for this

    标签: superpro 3000u 驱动 编程器软件

    上传时间: 2014-03-27
