The following file describes how to use the Bluetooth Headset Audio Gateway.
标签: Bluetooth following describes Headset
上传时间: 2013-12-09
use dsp5402 dram to let green led flashing in order to test dsp
上传时间: 2015-04-16
Bus Hound 5.0 Released by RAINMAN Installation: Simply install and when asked use whatever serial you want
标签: Installation Released whatever RAINMAN
上传时间: 2015-04-21
In case you haven t realized it, building computer systems is hard. As the complexity of the system gets greater, the task of building the software gets exponentially harder. As in any profession, we can progress only by learning, both from our mistakes and from our successes. This book represents some of this learning written in a form that I hope will help you to learn these lessons quicker than I did, or to communicate to others more effectively than I did before I boiled these patterns down.
标签: complexity the building computer
上传时间: 2015-04-25
Libsvm is a simple, easy-to-use, and efficient software for SVM classification and regression. It can solve C-SVM classification, nu-SVM classification, one-class-SVM, epsilon-SVM regression, and nu-SVM regression. It also provides an automatic model selection tool for C-SVM classification. This document explains the use of libsvm.
标签: classification easy-to-use regression and
上传时间: 2013-12-22
scsi接口编程的汇编代码1-This sample code provides examples of how to use the ASPI programming interface.
标签: programming interface provides examples
上传时间: 2015-04-27
scsi接口编程的汇编代码2.rar-This sample code provides examples of how to use the ASPI programming interface.
标签: programming interface rar-This provides
上传时间: 2015-04-27
PowerDesigner使用教程 PowerDesigner是Sybase公司的CASE工具集,使用它可以方便地对管理信息系统进行分析设计,它几乎包括了数据库模型设计的全过程。利用PowerDesigner可以制作数据流程图、概念数据模型、物理数据模型,可以生成多种客户端开发工具的应用程序,还可为数据仓库制作结构模型,也能对团队设计模型进行控制。它可与许多流行的数据库设计软件,例如:PowerBuilder,Delphi,VB等相配合使用来缩短开发时间和使系统设计更优化。
标签: PowerDesigner Sybase CASE 使用教程
上传时间: 2014-11-23
yi ge TFPT CLIENT , it is tested can use it.
标签: successfully CLIENT tested TFPT
上传时间: 2013-11-26
This little program shows how to use COM technology in Win32Asm. When it s run it lets the user freely decide about the presence of the program with the WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW style on the taskbar. The main goal is to show the easiest possible example instead of killing people with the details about virtual tables, polymorphism, inheritance and using nested macros etc., etc.
标签: technology program little shows
上传时间: 2015-05-03