上传时间: 2017-01-30
算法设计的实验报告 包括Bottom-Up Merge Sorting算法、插入排序算法Heaps的创建堆、堆排序算法、按秩合并算法以及带路径压缩算法、实现查找第K小元素算法、实现快速排序算法、实现平面内最接近点对算法、实现最长公共子序列算法、实现矩阵链相乘算法、实现0/1背包问题算法、实现Dijistra’s算法、Prim算法、Kruskal算法、文件压缩算法
标签: Bottom-Up Sorting Merge Heaps
上传时间: 2017-02-02
本源码为基于Alteral FPGA SOPC系统的PIO中断例程。
上传时间: 2017-02-06
bootup code for Barebone, it s useful for bring up new chip
标签: for Barebone bootup useful
上传时间: 2017-02-13
基于sopc的vga ip核设计参考文档
上传时间: 2017-02-15
基于 SOPC 的 VGA IP 核设计
上传时间: 2014-01-26
Have you ever seen players eyes light up as they explore the worlds that you ve created in your games? If you have, then game development probably has you hooked firmly in its grasp! If you ve never taken your games beyond the PC, now s the time! "J2ME Game Programming" is a hands-on guide that teaches you how to create games for micro-devices. You ll be amazed at just how cool the games you create can look and play. Focusing primarily on mobile phone game creation, you ll jump right in and create your own games as you work your way through the book. The thought has surely crossed your mind that it would be nice to make some money off of this cool hobby of yours. J2ME offers real opportunity to profit from your games. Learn how you can earn revenue from your games by taking them to market. If you have a basic understanding of Java, then you re ready to explore all that "J2ME Game Programming" has to offer!
标签: you created players explore
上传时间: 2017-02-25
"Readers can pick up this book and become familiar with C++ in a short time. Stan has taken a very broad and complicated topic and reduced it to the essentials that budding C++ programmers need to know to write real programs. His case study is effective and provides a familiar thread throughout the book.
标签: familiar Readers become short
上传时间: 2014-01-19
SOPC Builder创建的CPU,能够满足简单的VHDL软件仿真
上传时间: 2017-03-06
SOPC Builder创建的CPU,能够满足简单的VHDL软件仿真
上传时间: 2017-03-06