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  • 是对upnp的介绍

    是对upnp的介绍,UPnP即UniveRSal Plug and Play通用即插即用简称UPNP。UPnP使用标准的TCP/IP和网络协议,使它能够无缝的融入现有网络。是intel、力推的

    标签: upnp

    上传时间: 2013-12-24


  • upnp得技术文档 是对upnp的介绍

    upnp得技术文档 是对upnp的介绍,UPnP即UniveRSal Plug and Play通用即插即用简称UPNP。UPnP使用标准的TCP/IP和网络协议,使它能够无缝的融入现有网络。是intel、力推的

    标签: upnp 文档

    上传时间: 2015-04-20


  • 通用串行总线(USB)是一种新兴的计算机外围串行通信接口标准

    通用串行总线(USB)是一种新兴的计算机外围串行通信接口标准,与常用的计算机接口(如串口、并口等)相比,通用串行总线(UniveRSal Serial Bus,USB)具有热插拔、即插即用、数据传输可靠、扩展方便、低成本等优点。从问世以来,它得到了广泛的应用,一方面已成为当前计算机必备的接口之一,同时也被广泛地应用于嵌入式系统设计中。 从1994年USB 0.7出现开始,USB实施者论坛(Implementation Forum)先后定义了USB 0.8、0.9、1.0、1.1、2.0以及USB OTG等规范,以及各种不同的设备类规范。其中USB1.1规范目前正逐步广泛应用,而USB2.0和USBOTG作为USB协议的更新和扩展,也将使USB占领更广的外设

    标签: USB 通用串行总线 计算机 串行通信

    上传时间: 2016-02-17


  • 在工业生产和科学技术研究的各行业中

    在工业生产和科学技术研究的各行业中,常常利用PC或工控机对各种数据进行采集。这其中有很多地方需要对各种数据进行采集,如液位、温度、压力、频率等。现在常用的采集方式是通过数据采集板卡,常用的有A/D卡以及422、485等总线板卡。采用板卡不仅安装麻烦、易受机箱内环境的干扰,而且由于受计算机插槽数量和地址、中断资源的限制,不可能挂接很多设备。而通用串行总线(UniveRSal Aerial Bus,简称USB)的出现,很好地解决了以上这些冲突,很容易就能实现低成本、高可靠性、多点的数据采集。

    标签: 工业生产 技术研究

    上传时间: 2016-05-21


  • X10 Protocol.pdf X10 Home Automation.pdf Microchip - AN236 - Home automation using X10.pdf MANDO

    X10 Protocol.pdf X10 Home Automation.pdf Microchip - AN236 - Home automation using X10.pdf MANDO UniveRSal X10 WIRELESS MOUSE REMOTE SYSTEM.pdf Manual ipcontrol x10.pdf x10_camera_control_system.doc domotica d-6006 - X10.pdf X10 Temperature Sensing Device.pdf DOMOTICA X10.pdf Switching Lights With X10 Controllers.pdf X10 iwitness.pdf protocol X10.pdf codelist mando UniveRSal x10.pdf x10.rtf

    标签: Home Automation automation

    上传时间: 2013-12-06


  • 本人编写的incremental 随机神经元网络算法

    本人编写的incremental 随机神经元网络算法,该算法最大的特点是可以保证approximation特性,而且速度快效果不错,可以作为学术上的比较和分析。目前只适合benchmark的regression问题。 具体效果可参考 G.-B. Huang, L. Chen and C.-K. Siew, “UniveRSal Approximation Using Incremental Constructive Feedforward Networks with Random Hidden Nodes”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 879-892, 2006.

    标签: incremental 编写 神经元网络 算法

    上传时间: 2016-09-18


  • ardware sensors monitor (June 2008) (Shareware, trial period is two weeks) The most univ

    ardware sensors monitor (June 2008) (Shareware, trial period is two weeks) The most UniveRSal hardware monitoring program for Windows 9X/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/VISTA x86/x64 editions This program monitors and displays certain parameters (temperatures, voltages, fans RPM) taken from h/w sensor chips, installed on smart motherboards and/or graphics cards. Customizable alarms can be displayed. Professional license includes thermo control features (so-called "Software cooling"), nVidia/ATi graphics cards and HDD S.M.A.R.T. monitoring.

    标签: Shareware ardware sensors monitor

    上传时间: 2013-12-17


  • After the successful global introduction during the past decade of the second generation (2G) digita

    After the successful global introduction during the past decade of the second generation (2G) digital mobile communications systems, it seems that the third generation (3G) UniveRSal Mobile Communication System (UMTS) has finally taken off, at least in some regions. The plethora of new services that are expected to be offered by this system requires the development of new paradigms in the way scarce radio resources should be managed. The Quality of Service (QoS) concept, which introduces in a natural way the service differentiation and the possibility of adapting the resource consumption to the specific service requirements, will open the door for the provision of advanced wireless services to the mass market.

    标签: the introduction successful generation

    上传时间: 2013-12-30


  • Bootloading the TMS320VC5506/C5507/C5509 A digital signal processor (DSP) through the on-chip unive

    Bootloading the TMS320VC5506/C5507/C5509 A digital signal processor (DSP) through the on-chip UniveRSal serial bus (USB) peripheral is part of the standard bootloader provided on the device. This document describes the procedures for physically connecting the DSP to a USB host, invoking the USB bootloader on the DSP, generating the correct boot table file, and downloading the boot table from the host to the DSP via USB.

    标签: Bootloading the processor digital

    上传时间: 2017-02-11


  • 3rd Generation Partnership Project Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network Evolved Un

    3rd Generation Partnership Project Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network Evolved UniveRSal Terrestrial Radio Access [E-UTRA] Physical layer 鈥?Measurements

    标签: Specification Partnership Generation Technical

    上传时间: 2013-12-25
