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  • Fast Fourier Transform in C

    Fast Fourier Transform in C

    标签: Transform Fourier Fast in

    上传时间: 2014-01-05


  • fast maths routines for delphi/BCB

    fast maths routines for delphi/BCB

    标签: routines delphi maths fast

    上传时间: 2014-07-29


  • Ultra Wideband - Circuits

    Recent advances in wireless communication technologies have had a transforma- tive impact on society and have directly contributed to several economic and social aspects of daily life. Increasingly, the untethered exchange of information between devices is becoming a prime requirement for further progress, which is placing an ever greater demand on wireless bandwidth. The ultra wideband (UWB) system marks a major milestone in this progress. Since 2002, when the FCC allowed the unlicensed use of low-power, UWB radio signals in the 3.1–10.6GHz frequency band, there has been significant synergistic advance in this technology at the cir- cuits, architectural and communication systems levels. This technology allows for devices to communicate wirelessly, while coexisting with other users by ensuring that its power density is sufficiently low so that it is perceived as noise to other users.

    标签: Circuits Wideband Ultra

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Ultra Wideband Signals and Systems

    In the two years since this book was first published, ultra wideband (UWB) has advanced and consolidated as a technology, and many more people are aware of the possibilities for this exciting technology. We too have expanded and consolidated materials in this second edition in the hope that ‘Ultra Wideband: Signals and Systems in Communication Engineering’ will continue to prove a useful tool for many students and engineers to come to an understanding of the basic technologies for UWB.

    标签: Wideband Signals Systems Ultra and

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Ultra Wideband Signals and Systems 1st

    In this book we focus on the basic signal processing that underlies current and future ultra wideband systems. By looking at signal processing in this way we hope this text will be useful even as UWB applications mature and change or regulations regarding ultra wideband systems are modified. The current UWB field is extremely dynamic, with new techniques and ideas being presented at every communications and signal-processing conference. The basic signal-processing techniques presented in this text though will not change for some time to come. Thus, we have taken a somewhat theoretical approach, which we believe is longer lasting and more useful to the reader in the long term than an up-to-the-minute summary that is out of date as soon as it is published.

    标签: Wideband Signals Systems Ultra 1st

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • STM32L053C8T6数据手册

    STM32L053C8T6数据手册Features • Ultra-low-power platform – 1.65 V to 3.6 V power supply – -40 to 125 °C temperature range – 0.27 µA Standby mode (2 wakeup pins) – 0.4 µA Stop mode (16 wakeup lines) – 0.8 µA Stop mode + RTC + 8 KB RAM retention – 139 µA/MHz Run mode at 32 MHz – 3.5 µs wakeup time (from RAM) – 5 µs wakeup time (from Flash) • Core: ARM® 32-bit Cortex®-M0+ with MPU – From 32 kHz up to 32 MHz max.  – 0.95 DMIPS/MHz • Reset and supply management – Ultra-safe, low-power BOR (brownout reset)  with 5 selectable thresholds – Ultralow power POR/PDR – Programmable voltage detector (PVD) • Clock sources – 1 to 25 MHz crystal oscillator – 32 kHz oscillator for RTC with calibration – High speed internal 16 MHz factory-trimmed RC  (+/- 1%) – Internal low-power 37 kHz RC – Internal multispeed low-power 65 kHz to  4.2 MHz RC – PLL for CPU clock • Pre-programmed bootloader – USART, SPI supported • Development support – Serial wire debug supported • Up to 51 fast I/Os (45 I/Os 5V tolerant) • Memories – Up to 64 KB Flash with ECC – 8KB RAM – 2 KB of data EEPROM with ECC – 20-byte backup register

    标签: stm32l053c8t6

    上传时间: 2022-02-06


  • 激光测距芯片基于STM32的开发工具介绍与演示

    • VL53L1X OverView• VL53L1X Software Package• Default and FAST mode• Ultra light driver.• VL53L1X GUI• VL53L1X Multi sensor design• STM32 FW: Import, Compile, Run, Debug…• What is Xtalk?• Cover Window and ID design• How about Human and object reflectance at 940 nm ?

    标签: 激光测距芯片 stm32

    上传时间: 2022-07-17



    元件库制作工具,使用 Ultra Librarian 生成各种PCB软件的器件库

    标签: 红外 光学 工程

    上传时间: 2013-04-15


  • 超高频射频识别标签基准测试研究.rar

    射频识别(Radio Frequency Identification,RFID)是一种允许非接触式数据采集的自动识别技术。其中工作在超高频(Ultra High Frequency,UHF)频段的无源RFID系统,由于在物流与供应链管理等领域的潜在应用,近年来得到了人们的广泛关注。这种系统所使用的无源标签具有识别距离长、体积小、成本低廉等突出特点。目前在市场上出现了各种品牌型号的UHF RFID无源标签,由于不同品牌型号的标签在设计与制造工艺上的差异,这些标签在性能表现上各不相同,这就给终端用户选择合适自己应用的标签带来了困难。RFID基准测试就是在实际部署RFID系统前对RFID标签的性能进行科学评估的有效手段。然而为了在常规实验室条件下得到准确公正的测试结果,需要对基准测试的性能指标及测试方法学开展进一步的研究。本文正是研究符合EPC Class1 Gen2标准的RFID标签基准测试。 本文首先分析了当前广泛应用的超高频无源RFID标签基准测试性能指标与测试方法上的局限性与不足之处。例如,在真实的应用环境中,由于受到各种环境因素的影响,对同一品牌型号的标签,很难得到一致的识读距离测试结果。另外,在某些测试场景中,使用识读速率作为测试指标,所得到的测试结果数值非常接近,以致分辨度不足以区分不同品牌型号标签的性能差异。在这些分析基础上,本文把路径损耗引入了RFID基准测试,通过有限点的测量与数据拟合分别得到不同类型标签的路径损耗方程,结合读写器天线的辐射方向图,进一步得到各种标签受限于读写器接收灵敏度的覆盖区域。无源标签由于其被动式能量获取方式,其实际工作区域仍然受限于前向链路。本文通过实验测试出这些标签的最小激活功率后,得出了各种标签在一定读写器发射功率下的激活区域。完成这些步骤后,根据这两种区域的交集可以确定标签的工作区域,从而进行标签间的比较并达到基准测试的目的,并能找出限制标签工作范围的瓶颈。 本文最后从功率损耗的角度研究了标签之间的相互干扰,为用户在密集部署RFID标签的场景中设置标签之间的最小间隔距离具有重要的参考意义。

    标签: 超高频 射频识别 基准测试

    上传时间: 2013-04-24


  • 基于FPGA的快速傅立叶变换.rar

    随着数字电子技术的发展,数字信号处理广泛应用于声纳、雷达、通讯语音处理和图像处理等领域。快速傅立叶变换(Fast Fourier Transform,FFT)在数字信号处理系统中起着很重要的作用,FFT 有效地提高了离散傅立叶变换(Discret Fourier Transform,DFT)的运算效率。 处理器一般要求具有高速度、高精度、大容量和实时处理的性能,而现场可编程门阵列(Field Programmable Gate Array,FPGA)是近年来迅速发展起来的新型可编程器件,在处理大规模数据方面,有极大的优势。论文采用了在FPGA中实现FFT算法的方案。 数字信号处理板的硬件电路设计是本论文的重要部分之一。在介绍了FFT以及波束形成的基本原理和基本方法的基础上,根据实时处理的要求,给出了数字信号处理板的硬件设计方案并对硬件电路的实现进行了分析和说明。 依据数字系统的设计方法,分别采用基二按时间抽取FFT算法、基四按时间抽取FFT算法以及FFT兆核函数三种方法利用硬件描述语言(VHSICHardware Description Language,VHDL)实现了1024点的FFT,接着对三种方法进行了评估,得出了FPGA完全能满足处理器的实时处理的要求的结论。然后根据通用串行总线(Universial Serial Bus,USB)协议,利用VHDL语言编写了USB接口芯片ISP1581的固件程序,实现了设备的枚举过程。

    标签: FPGA 傅立叶变换

    上传时间: 2013-06-27
