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  • Optical+Access+Networks

    The roots of this book were planted about a decade ago. At that time, I became increasingly convinced that wide-area and metropolitan-area networks, where much of my group’s research has been centered at that time, were in good shape. Although research in these fields was (and still is) needed, that’s not where the networking bottleneck seemed to be. Rather, the bottleneck was (and still is in many places) in the access networks, which choked users’ access to information and services. It was clear to me that the long-term solution to that problem has to involve optical fiber access networks.

    标签: Networks Optical Access

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Ceramic+Thick+Films+for+MEMS+and+Microdevices

    As a student I did my best to avoid text books – a strange statement for a Professor to make and one that I should clarify before you put this book down; I did my best to avoid text books that did not help me.

    标签: Microdevices Ceramic Thick Films MEMS for and

    上传时间: 2020-06-06


  • Industrial Network Security

    I would like to thank you for purchasing the second edition of “Industrial Network Security,” especially if you are one of the many supporters of the first edition. When the second edition was announced, many people asked me, “why a second edition?” and even more followed that up with, “and why a coauthor?” These ques- tions are harder to answer than you would think.

    标签: Industrial Security Network

    上传时间: 2020-06-07


  • Tcl_and_The_Tk_Toolkit

    This manuscript is a partial draft of a book to be published in early 1994 by AddisonWesley (ISBN 0-201-63337-X). Addison-Wesley has given me permission to make drafts of the book available to the Tcl community to help meet the need for introductory documentation on Tcl and Tk until the book becomes available. Please observe the restrictions set forth in the copyright notice above: you’re welcome to make a copy for yourself or a friend but any sort of large-scale reproduction or reproduction for profit requires advance permission from Addison-Wesley

    标签: Toolkit

    上传时间: 2020-07-05


  • 开关电源设计(英文版)

    It all started rather innocuously. I walked into Dr GT Murthy’s office one fine day, andchanged my life. “Doc” was then the General Manager, Central R&D, of a very largeelectrical company headquartered in Bombay. In his new state-of-the-art electronics center,he had hand-picked some of India’s best engineers (over a hundred already) ever assembledunder one roof. Luckily, he too was originally a Physicist, and that certainly helped me gainsome empathy. Nowadays he is in retirement, but I will always remember him as athoroughly fair, honest and facts-oriented person, who led by example. There were severalthings I absorbed from him that are very much part of my basic engineering persona today.You can certainly look upon this book as an extension of what Doc started many years agoin India … because that’s what it really is! I certainly wouldn’t be here today if I hadn’t metDoc. And in fact, several of the brash, high-flying managers I’ve met in recent years,desperately need some sort of crash course in technology and human values from Doc!

    标签: 开关电源

    上传时间: 2021-11-23


  • 无线充电行业深度报告

    ◆无线充电是电子产品“无尾化”进程的一部分。摇脱线缆的来缚是消夤电子产业发展的必然趋势,也是无线互联网时代的自然害求。包抬3G4G等在内的无线通信技术主要麟决了数据文互的无线化,而能量传输的无线化作为“无尾化”发展趋势的重要组织部分,必须通过无线充电技术来完或。在盘据传输无线化进入高湖的今天能量传的无线化将得到更多的重视。而“无尾化”趋势的最终发展方向则是无线数据传输和无线能量传的融合◆无践充电技术在消费电子领域大有可为,消费电子市场下游体量巨大,智能手机平板电脑,PC以及近期越演越烈的可穿鵡風湖为无线充电产品提供了足够的发展空间。在智能予机和乎板电脑增长呈现疲态的后智能化时代,无线充电技术是各大厂商无法避开的产品创新。而从消費者角度讲。无线充电技术在无线互联网和智能终端大爆发的背景下能够带来用户体验的大幅提高。◆。无线充电产业启动的外部环境在2014年得到很大改善,根搭 isuppli的预计到2015年全球无线充电行业产值将达到240亿美元,但是其在2013年的渗遗逵度却远低于业界预期,主要是成本过高。标准不统一和充电效率不理想这三大固素制了产业启动。而在2014年,随着技术的进步以及多模方案的成热,这些限制概颈将逐一被突破,无线充电产业发展的外部环境将得到很大改善,这就使得产业启动成为可能巨头纷纷加入,无线充电产业有望在2014年迎来扬点。不管是在技术实力上,还是场号召力上,行业巨头的态度直接决定了无线充电产业何时启动以及以何种方式唇动,而在2014年的CEs上,包括me,高通、悔通等在内的行业巨头,一改此前出声不出力的做法,开始实质性的加大了对无线充电技术的投入力度,各种相关产品和方袋纷纷亮相。行业巨头们的强势加入将形成巨大的带动效应,推动无线充电产业在2014年实現实质性启动

    标签: 无线充电

    上传时间: 2022-03-30


  • DAC8568驱动程序

    This example shows how you can use signal functions in the Visiondebugger to simulate a signal that is coming into one of the analog inputs of the LPC21xx.The Measure example is described in detail in the Getting StartedUser's Guide.The MEASURE  example program is available for several targets:Simulator: uVision Simulator for LPC2129MCB2100:   Keil MCB2100 evaluation board with ULINK debugger           - Application is loaded to internal Flash.           - Switch S2 (INT1) is used as GPIO and sampled             (jumper positions: J1= off, J7= on)           - potentiometer POT1 is sampled as AIN0             (jumper position: J2= on)           - serial port COM1 parameters: 9600 baud, no parity,             8-bits, 1 stop bit, flow control noneMCB2130:   Keil MCB2130 evaluation board with ULINK debugger           - Application is loaded to internal Flash.           - Switch S2 (INT1) is used as GPIO and sampled             (jumper positions: J1= off, J7= on)           - potentiometer POT1 is sampled as AIN1             (jumper position: J2= on)           - serial port COM1 parameters: 9600 baud, no parity,             8-bits, 1 stop bit, flow control none

    标签: dac8568

    上传时间: 2022-06-28


  • FU6831产品数据手册

    FU6831 是一款集成 8051 内核和电机控制引擎(ME)的电机驱动专用芯片,8051 内核处理常规事务,ME 处理电机实时事务,双核协同工作实现各种高性能电机控制。其中 8051 内核大部分指令周期为 1T 或 2T,芯片内部集成有高速运算放大器、比较器、Pre-driver、高速 ADC、高速乘/除法器、CRC、SPI、I2C、UART、多种 TIMER、PWM 等功能,内置高压 LDO,适用于 BLDC/PMSM 电机的方波、SVPWM/SPWM、FOC 驱动控制。预驱动为 3P3N Predriver 输出。

    标签: fu6831

    上传时间: 2022-07-09


  • FU6831/11N数据手册

    FU6831/11 是一款集成 8051 内核和电机控制引擎(ME)的电机驱动专用芯片,8051 内核处理常规事务,ME 处理电机实时事务,双核协同工作实现各种高性能电机控制。其中 8051 内核大部分指令周期为 1T 或 2T,芯片内部集成有高速运算放大器、比较器、Pre-driver(FU6811 除外)、高速 ADC、高速乘/除法器、CRC、SPI、I2C、UART、多种 TIMER、PWM 等功能,内置高压 LDO,适用于BLDC/PMSM 电机的方波、SVPWM/SPWM、FOC 驱动控制。预驱动类型为:FU6811 为 Gate Driver 输出;FU6831 为 3P3N Predriver 输出。

    标签: FU6831

    上传时间: 2022-07-09


  • Microsoft visio 2016 软件下载 515.4M

    由于文件较大,附件提供了百度网盘的分享地址和提取码。打开即可下载或转存。microsoft visio 2016(visio2016)是微软官方最新发布的一款领先的图表解决方案,可以帮助企业定义流程、编制最佳方案、同时也是建立可视化计划变革的实用工具。新版本的visio2016为15大最热门的领域提供了直观和易于访问的预设模板;比如通过Office 365你可以向任何人分享视频图表,并就其中一个版本进行沟通,以保持和推动全局的一致性。visio2016提供了上手图例(starter diagrams)、成百上千的智能形状、一步数据链接、以及信息权限管理(IRM)等功能,可视化工作可以以往更快更轻松。除了上手图例,visio2016还加入了office 2016上全新的“Tell Me”功能,通过它,用户可以在导航栏上轻松访问超过800 Visio命令。visio2016的“新手入门”功能再次经历大幅变动,现在操作更加简单。对于新用户以及不习惯其丰富工具的用户来说,Visio图表显得有些“吓人”。visio2016现在通过提供一组筛选后的预绘制图表来帮助用户熟悉该应用的核心使用场景,从而让它显得更加“平易近人”。visio2016还提供了一些与图表相关的操作技巧,帮助用户顺利编辑与完成图表,Visio已经变得比以往更加好用。

    标签: microsoft visio

    上传时间: 2022-08-09
