利用EZ-USb接口芯片AN2131Q实现了基于TMS320C5409的水声信号采集及混沌特性研究系统中的高速数据通信,提出了一种采用FIFO缓存芯片实现AN2131Q与TMS320C5409的连接方法,深入研究了EZ-USb序列接口芯片的固件、设备驱动和用户程序开发过程。关键词:AN2131Q; TMS320C5409; IDT72V02;数据通信ABSTRACT: Using AN2131Q as the control chip, the communication between DSP and PC in the underwater acoustic signal acquisition and chaotic characteristics study system is realized. The method is proposed that using FIFO to realize the connectivity between AN2131Q and TMS320C5409. The development of programming Firmware、device driver and user application are thoroughly researched.Key words: AN2131Q; TMS320C5409; IDT72V02; data communication