Somebody over on the Generation5 forum asked for a "Hello World!" program for genetic algorithms. I took it literally and created a very simple program (138 lines of code) that evolves the phrase "Hello world!"
标签: Generation5 algorithms for Somebody
上传时间: 2016-03-07
若在矩阵Am×n中存在一个元素A[i-1,j-1],其满足A[i-1,j-1]是第i行元素中最小值,且又是第j列元素中最大值,则称此元素为该矩阵的一个马鞍点。用二维数组存储矩阵Am×n ,设计算法求出矩阵中所有马鞍点。
上传时间: 2013-12-13
many matlab script ,i colect many things about mathmatics and many method of math problem
标签: many mathmatics problem colect
上传时间: 2016-03-11
最优服务次序问题 问题描述: 设有n 个顾客同时等待一项服务。顾客i需要的服务时间为t(i),i=1,…,n 。...个顾客等待服务时间的 总和除以n。 编程任务: 对于给定的n个顾客需要的服务时间,编程计算最优服务次序。
上传时间: 2013-12-19
上传时间: 2013-12-24
The LZW compression class i mplemented as a fixed length code which you can specify, the huffman algorithm implementation encodes a byte into a variable length bit array. Both of them can work with streams
标签: compression mplemented huffman specify
上传时间: 2013-12-03
用51单片机实现数字钟 利用数码管、I/O口实现数字钟的计数功能,并显示在数码管上
上传时间: 2013-12-24
给定n个小区之间的交通图。若小区i与小区j之间有路可通,则将顶点i与顶点j之间用边连接,边上的权值 表示这条道路的长度。现在打算在这n个小区中选定一个小区建一所医院。试问这家医院应建在哪个小区,才能使距离医院最远的小区到医院的路程最短?请设计一个算法求解上述问题。
上传时间: 2013-12-31
同时读取ISO15693(I CODE II,My-D卡)16张卡的硬件接口C程序,用的是单片机51系列
上传时间: 2013-12-09
基于OFDM的无线宽带系统仿真It contains mainly two parts, i.e. link-level simulator and system-level simulator. Link-level simulator focus on a single-cell single-user scenario, where signal is transmitted from tx, and estimated at rx. Comparing the difference in tx/rx signal, the error rate can be found out. The output of the link-level simulator is the BLER/BER vs. SNR mapping table, that can be used for the system-level simulation. System-level simulator focus on a multi-cell multi-user scenario. For the sake of simplicity, it takes the mapping table aquired in the link-level simulation, measure the actural SNR, and finds the corresponding error rate.
标签: simulator i.e. system-level link-level
上传时间: 2016-03-15