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  • USB Demonstration for DK3200 w

    The μPSD32xx family, from ST, consists of Flash programmable system devices with a 8032 MicrocontrollerCore. Of these, the μPSD3234A and μPSD3254A are notable for having a complete implementationof the USB hardware directly on the chip, complying with the Universal Serial Bus Specification, Revision1.1.This application note describes a demonstration program that has been written for the DK3200 hardwaredemonstration kit (incorporating a μPSD3234A device). It gives the user an idea of how simple it is to workwith the device, using the HID class as a ready-made device driver for the USB connection.IN-APPLICATION-PROGRAMMING (IAP) AND IN-SYSTEM-PROGRAMMING (ISP)Since the μPSD contains two independent Flash memory arrays, the Micro Controller Unit (MCU) can executecode from one memory while erasing and programming the other. Product firmware updates in thefield can be reliably performed over any communication channel (such as CAN, Ethernet, UART, J1850)using this unique architecture. For In-Application-Programming (IAP), all code is updated through theMCU. The main advantage for the user is that the firmware can be updated remotely. The target applicationruns and takes care on its own program code and data memory.IAP is not the only method to program the firmware in μPSD devices. They can also be programmed usingIn-System-Programming (ISP). A IEEE1149.1-compliant JTAG interface is included on the μPSD. Withthis, the entire device can be rapidly programmed while soldered to the circuit board (Main Flash memory,Secondary Boot Flash memory, the PLD, and all configuration areas). This requires no MCU participation.The MCU is completely bypassed. So, the μPSD can be programmed or reprogrammed any time, anywhere, even when completely uncommitted.Both methods take place with the device in its normal hardware environment, soldered to a printed circuitboard. The IAP method cannot be used without previous use of ISP, because IAP utilizes a small amountof resident code to receive the service commands, and to perform the desired operations.

    标签: Demonstration 3200 USB for

    上传时间: 2014-02-27


  • PL2303 USB转RS232控制器

    PL2303 是Prolific 公司生产的一种高度集成的RS232-USB 接口转换器,可提供一个RS232 全双工异步串行通信装置与USB 功能接口便利联接的解决方案。该器件内置USB功能控制器、USB 收发器、振荡器和带有全部调制解调器控制信号的UART, 只需外接几只电容就可实现USB 信号与RS232 信号的转换,能够方便嵌入到各种设备.

    标签: 2303 232 USB PL

    上传时间: 2014-12-30


  • USB调试与开发

    现在,您可在新的MCU项目中加入供连接多个器件和外设的USB接口,这比过去惯用的SPI和UART看起来要复杂些。参加本会议可以了解如何使用Beagle Protocol Analyzer实施、分析和调试飞思卡尔MCU的USB系统。

    标签: USB 调试

    上传时间: 2013-11-06


  • 基于s3c4480的三星arm开发板的测试程序 有usb

    基于s3c4480的三星arm开发板的测试程序 有usb,uart,flash等模块的测试程序

    标签: s3c4480 arm usb 三星

    上传时间: 2014-01-18


  • DEC5502_USB程序主要实现了与PC机应用程序之间的USB通讯

    DEC5502_USB程序主要实现了与PC机应用程序之间的USB通讯,并根据PC机传来的指令进行相应的动作。 DEC5502_LED程序通过配置系统定时器和系统中断来控制指示灯D5和D1,并且通过D5和D1是否交替闪烁来达到测试系统定时器和系统中断的目的。 DEC5502_DARAM程序实现了对DSP的片上DARAM的读写访问。 DEC5502_DMA程序通过配置DMA通道实现片上DARAM与外扩SDRAM之间的数据传送。 DEC5502_UARTONCHIP程序实现了DSP片上UART与PC机的串行数据通讯。

    标签: USB 5502 DEC PC机

    上传时间: 2013-12-16


  • STM103V100-II是英蓓特公司新推出的一款基于ST意法半导体STM32系列处理器的全功能评估板。STM103V100-II评估板有USB

    STM103V100-II是英蓓特公司新推出的一款基于ST意法半导体STM32系列处理器的全功能评估板。STM103V100-II评估板有USB,Motor Control ,CAN,SD卡,Smart 卡,UART,Speaker,LCD,LED,BNC,耳塞插孔等丰富的外设,有助于用户轻松开发STM32的强大功能。此为操作手册

    标签: STM 103 100 II

    上传时间: 2017-02-11


  • CH340C+RT9013+MINI USB接口板 AD设计硬件原理图+PCB文件 ALTIUM设计

    CH340C+RT9013+MINI USB接口板 AD设计硬件原理图+PCB文件,ALTIUM设计的2层板设计,包括完整的原理图和PCB文件,主要器件如下:Library Component Count : 12Name                Description----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CAP                 CapacitorCC2640EM            CC2630 ModuleCH340               CH340 USB 2 UARTCON11               Connector 11pinsCON12               Connector 12pinsCON3X2              Connector 5*2LED                 LEDRES                 ResistorRT9013              RT9013 3.3VSWITCH              switch 6*6USB1                USB ConnectorsXDS110-Lte          XDS110-Lite Target Interface

    标签: ch340c rt9013 usb 接口 ad设计

    上传时间: 2021-11-24


  • CH341系列编程器芯片usb转串口Altium Designer AD原理图库元件库

     CH341系列编程器芯片usb转串口Altium Designer AD原理图库元件库CSV text has been written to file : 1.9 - CH341系列编程器芯片.csvLibrary Component Count : 56Name                Description----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CH311Q              PC debug port monitorCH331T              Mini USB Disk ControllerCH340G              CH340H              USB to TTL Serial / UART,  USB to IrDACH340T              USB to TTL Serial / UART,  USB to IrDACH340R              USB to IrDA, USB to RS232 SerialCH340S_P            USB to Print Port / ParallelCH340S_S            USB to TTL Serial / UART, pin compatible with CH341CH341A_S            USB to TTL Serial / UART / I2C/IICCH341S_P            USB to Print Port / ParallelCH341A_P            USB to Print Port / ParallelCH341S_S            USB to TTL Serial / UARTCH341S_X            USB to EPP Parallel / SPI / I2C/IICCH341A_X            USB to EPP Parallel / SPI / I2C/IICCH341T              USB to TTL Serial / UART / I2C/IICCH345T              USB to MidiCH352L_M            PCI to 8255 mode 2 Parallel for MCU and 16C550 UART / IrDACH352L_P            PCI to Print Port / Parallel and 16C550 UART / IrDACH352L_S            PCI to Dual 16C550 UART, TTL Serial*2 / IrDA*1CH362L              PCI Device / Slave only for RAM / Expansion ROMCH364F              Member of CH364 chipsetsCH364P              PCI Device / Slave Embedded Flash ROM, for Expansion ROMCH365P              PCI Device / Slave, for I/O port or RAM / ROMCH372T              USB Device / Slave for MCU, ParallelCH372A              USB Device / Slave for MCU, ParallelCH372V              USB Device / Slave for MCU, ParallelCH374S              USB Host & Device / Slave for MCU, parallel / SPICH374T              USB Host & Device / Slave for MCU, parallel / SPICH375S              USB Host & Device / Slave for MCU, parallel / UART SerialCH375A              USB Host & Device / Slave for MCU, parallel / UART SerialCH375V              USB Host & Device / Slave for MCU, parallel / UART SerialCH411G              FDC MFM encode and decodeCH421A              Dual port bufferCH421S              Dual port bufferCH423D              I2C/IIC I/O expander, 16 GPO + 8 GPIO, 128 LEDs DriveCH423S              I2C/IIC I/O expander, 16 GPO + 8 GPIO, 128 LEDs DriveCH423D_D            I2C/IIC I/O expander, 16 GPO + 8 GPIO, 128 LEDs DriveCH423S_D            I2C/IIC I/O expander, 16 GPO + 8 GPIO, 128 LEDs DriveCH423G              I2C/IIC I/O expander, 6 GPO + 5 GPIOCH432Q              Dual 16C550 UART with IrDA, parallel / SPICH432T              SPI Dual 16C550 UART with IrDACH450K              6 Digits / 48 LEDs Drive & 8x6 Keyboard, I2C/IICCH450H              6 Digits / 48 LEDs Drive & 8x6 Keyboard, I2C/IICCH450L              8 Digits / 64 LEDs Drive & 8x8 Keyboard, I2C/IICCH451L              8 Digits / 64 LEDs Drive & 8x8 Keyboard, 4 Wire Interface, SPICH451S              8 Digits / 64 LEDs Drive & 8x8 Keyboard, 4 Wire Interface, SPICH451D              8 Digits / 64 LEDs Drive & 8x8 Keyboard, 4 Wire Interface, SPICH452L_2            8 Digits / 64 LEDs Drive & 8x8 Keyboard, I2C/IICCH452L_4            8 Digits / 64 LEDs Drive & 8x8 Keyboard, 4 Wire Interface, SPICH452S_2            8 Digits / 64 LEDs Drive & 8x8 Keyboard, I2C/IICCH452S_4            8 Digits / 64 LEDs Drive & 8x8 Keyboard, 4 Wire Interface, SPICH453S              16 Digits / 128 LEDs Drive, I2C/IICCH453D              16 Digits / 128 LEDs Drive, I2C/IICPCI                 32Bit PCI Bus, simple / short cardPCI32               32Bit PCI BusUSB                 USB Port

    标签: ch341 编程芯片 usb 串口 altium designer

    上传时间: 2022-03-13


  • USB接口HID驱动程序设计

    【摘要】:随着USB接口在计算机业界应用越来越广泛,基于USB的接口开发显得越来越具有现实意义。随着客户对系统数据采集速度要求的不断提高,USB以其使用方便、易于扩展、速度快等优点而越来越多的被应用于各种人机接口设备中。本设计提出了一种USB接口的HID数据通讯接口设计方案,USB接口芯片采用的是PHILIP的PDIUSBD12,微控器是宏晶科技的STC89C52RC。该方案具有器件通用、成本低、方便焊接调试等特点。由于本设计采用了PDIUSBD12接口芯片,通过改变微控器的代码可以制作成各种标准的USB设备。本设计完成了一种典型的HID设备驱动程序的开发,PC机无需额外加装驱动便可实现和USB设备之间的通讯。而且经过典型HID设备的枚举过程,还可用于对USB协议的熟悉和学习。上位机软件部分,采用了VisualC++6.0编写HID设备的控制程序,此控制程序和HID下位机设备构成了完整的USB控制系统。在此基础上,本设计还增加了简单的音乐播放功能,可以打开并播放格式为mp3和wma的音频文件,还可以暂停、停止、选择播放曲目、调节音量等;在音频播放时HID设备彩灯可以实时显示音频的频谱。这在验证USB系统的同时,大大增加了控制的趣味性。验证结果表明按照该方案设计的数据通讯接口和HID设计运行稳定可靠。USB是一种计算机和外部设备进行通讯连接的接口.USB的出现的目的是取代现在计算机接口,简化计算机与外部设备的连接过程,使计算机的扩展更加方便。它使得计算机和外部设备的连接十分方便。目前,各种计算机外部设备都在逐渐改为USB接口,USB技术的出现是计算机接口技术的一大飞跃。越来越多的测控系统、信号处理系统和智能仪器选用USB接口与PC机进行高速、海量的数据通讯。但是,相对UART(通用异步串口)、LPT(打印机并行端口),USB的开发难度要大的多。采用HID(Human Interface Device,人机接口设备)的设计方案则可以很好的解决这一矛盾。

    标签: usb 接口 hid

    上传时间: 2022-05-02


  • USB子类协议.part2


    标签: part USB 协议

    上传时间: 2013-05-22
