pdiusbd12和eeprom的程序 PDIUSBD12 是一款性价比很高的USB 器件它通常用作微控制器系统中实现与微控制器进行通信的 高速通用并行接口它还支持本地的DMA 传输 这种实现USB 接口的标准组件使得设计者可以在各种不同类型微控制器中选择出最合适的微控制器 这种灵活性减小了开发的时间风险以及费用通过使用已有的结构和减少固件上的投资从而用最快捷 的方法实现最经济的USB 外设的解决方案
标签: USB pdiusbd PDIUSBD eeprom
上传时间: 2015-03-25
Stantor is a Domotic project. It is a SCADA for the computer interface board K8055 (USB bus), K8000 (I2C bus) , X10 modules and also Webcam. It uses Browser WEB, I-mode and Wap2/Wap1, Apache,mySQL, PHP, javascript. It run with Linux 2.4 or 2.6 and XP
标签: interface computer Stantor Domotic
上传时间: 2013-12-18
微软的USB开发包,详细介绍了 .inf .sys .pdr .inc
上传时间: 2013-12-14
USB驱动程序,和NANDflash的驱动, 包括文件系统,cpu是arm
上传时间: 2013-11-29
上传时间: 2014-01-06
PIC MCU USB Keyboard/Mouse Combination Device C sample
标签: Combination Keyboard Device sample
上传时间: 2015-03-27
S3C44B0X开发板上USB应用代码,PC机部分的软件1) LEDDEMO -- 控制 SW44B0板上三个LED的程序2) D12_DRIVER_FOR_WIN98 -- USB芯片WIN98的驱动程序FS44B0X板的USB固件程序--源代码USB_DEMO
上传时间: 2015-03-27
上传时间: 2015-03-27
USB Manager(usbmgr) 0.4.8 Shuu Yamaguchi <shuu@wondernetworkresources.com> Special Helper: Philipp Thomas When USB devices connect to or disconnect from a USB hub, the usbmgr works as the following according to configuration. a) It loads and unloads files Linux kernel modules. b) It execute file to setup USB devices.
标签: wondernetworkresources Yamaguchi Manager Special
上传时间: 2014-01-27
Altera recommends the following system configuration: * Pentium II 400 with 512-MB system memory (faster systems give better software performance) * SVGA monitor * CD-ROM drive * One or more of the following I/O ports: - USB port (if using Windows XP or Windows 2000) for USB-Blaster(TM) or MasterBlaster(TM) communications cables, or APU programming unit - Parallel port for ByteBlasterMV(TM) or ByteBlaster(TM) II download cables - Serial port for MasterBlaster communications cable * TCP/IP networking protocol installed * Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 3 or later, or Windows XP * Internet Explorer 5.0 or later Memory & Disk Space Requirements USB开发
标签: system configuration recommends following
上传时间: 2015-03-27