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  • ICN6202规格书V10

    ICN6201/02 is a bridge chip which receives MIPI® DSI inputs and sends LVDS outputs. MIPI® DSI supports up to 4 lanes and each lane operates at 1Gbps maximum; the totally maximum input bandwidth is 4Gbps; and the MIPI defined ULPS(ultra-low-power state) is also supported. ICN6201 decodes MIPI® DSI 18bepp RGB666 and 24bpp RGB888 packets.The LVDS output 18 or 24 bits pixel with 25MHz to 154MHz, by VESA or JEIDA format.ICN6201/02 support video resolution up to FHD (1920x1080) and WUXGA (1920x1200).ICN6201 adopts QFN48 package and ICN6202 adopts QFN40 package

    标签: icn6202

    上传时间: 2022-06-10


  • 时钟芯片RX8025T

    RX-8801 SA Features built-in 32.768 kHz DTCXO, High Stability Supports l'C-Bus's high speed mode (400 kHz)Alarm interrupt function for day, date, hour, and minute settings Fixed-cycle timer interrupt function Time update interrupt function32.768 kHz output with OE function Auto correction of leap years Wide interface voltage range: 2.2 V to 5.5 V Wide time-keeping voltage range:1.8 V to 5.5 V Low current consumption: 0.84A/3V (Typ.)is an IC bus interface-compliant real-time clock which includes a 32.768 kHz DTCXO In addition to providing a calendar (year, month, date, day, hour, minute, second) function and a clock counter function, this module provides an abundance of other functions including an alarm function, fixed-cycle timer unction, time update interrupt function, and 32.768 kHz output function.The devices in this module are fabricated via a C-MOS process for low current consumption, which enables ong-term battery back-up.

    标签: 时钟芯片 rx8025t

    上传时间: 2022-06-17


  • COMSOL声学模块介绍

    Mathematical modeling has become an important part of the research and devclopment work in engineering and scicnce. Retaining a competitive edge requiresa fast path between ideas and prototypes, and in this regard mathematical modeling and simulation provide a valuable shortcut for understanding both qualitative and quantitative aspects of scientific and engineering design. To assist you in gaining this edge, COMSOL Multiphysics offers state-of-the art performance, being built from the ground up with a Java3D interface and C/C++ solvers.The Acoustics Module is an optional package that extends the COMSOL Multiphysicsmodcling cnvironment with customized user interfaces and functionality optimizcd for the analysis of acoustics. Like all modules in the COMSOL family, it provides a brary of prewritten ready-to-run models that make it quicker and casier to analyze disciplinc-specific problcms.

    标签: comsol 声学模块

    上传时间: 2022-06-19


  • 基于CCD的微型光谱仪设计与研究


    标签: ccd 微型光谱仪

    上传时间: 2022-06-23


  • SiI9135芯片手册

    Introduction The Sil9135/Sil9135A HDMI Receiver with Enhanced Audio and Deep Color Outputs is a second-generation dual-input High Definition Multimedia Interface(HDMI)receiver. It is software-compatible with the Sil9133receiver, but adds audio support for DTS-HD and Dolby TrueHD. Digital televisions that can display 10-or 12-bit color depth can now provide the highest quality protected digital audio and video over a single cable. The Sil9135and Sil9135A devices, which are functionally identical, can receive Deep Color video up to 12-bit,1080p @60Hz. Backward compatibility with the DVI 1.0specification allows HDMI systems to connect to existing DVI 1.0 hosts, such as HD set-top boxes and PCs. Silicon Image HDMI receivers use the latest generation Transition Minimized Differential Signaling(TMDS) core technology that runs at 25-225 MHz.The chip comes pre-programmed with High-bandwidth?

    标签: sii9135 芯片

    上传时间: 2022-06-25


  • SHT30温湿度传感器模块 I2C通讯 数字型 宽电压 传感器

    Datasheet SHT3x-DISHumidity and Temperature Sensor Fully calibrated, linearized, and temperaturecompensated digital output Wide supply voltage range, from 2.4 V to 5.5 V I2C Interface with communication speeds up to 1MHz and two user selectable addresses Typical accuracy of  2 %RH and  0.3 °C Very fast start-up and measurement time Tiny 8-Pin DFN package

    标签: sht30 温湿度传感器

    上传时间: 2022-06-29


  • 博通BCM43438KUBG正基同款AP6212sdio工业级wifi模块

    1. General Description BL-M3362NS1 product is designed base on Broadcom BCM43362 chipset. It operates at 2.4GHz band and supports IEEE802.11b/g/n 1T1Rwith wireless data rate up to 72.2Mbps. It supports IEEE802.11isafety protocol, along with IEEE802.11e standard service quality. It supports standard interfaces SDIOV2.0(50 MHz,4-bit and1-bit) and generic SPI(up to 50 MHz), Integrated ARM Cortex?-M3 CPUwith on-chip memory enables running IEEE802.11 firmware that can be field-upgraded with future features.2. The range of applying Imaging platforms(printers, digital still cameras, digital picture frames)Consumer electronic devices(DTV, DVDplayers, Blu-ray players. etc.)Gaming platforms Carinformation MiFi/Mobile Routes Smart PAD Set-TopBoxes

    标签: wifi

    上传时间: 2022-07-04


  • 4G移动通信技术权威指南:LTE与LTE-Advanced.4G LTE.LTE

    PrefaceDuring the past years, there has been a quickly rising interest in radio access technologies for providingmobile as well as nomadic and fixed services for voice, video, and data. The difference indesign, implementation, and use between telecom and datacom technologies is also becoming moreblurred. One example is cellular technologies from the telecom world being used for broadband dataand wireless LAN from the datacom world being used for voice-over IP.Today, the most widespread radio access technology for mobile communication is digital cellular,with the number of users passing 5 billion by 2010, which is more than half of the world’s population.It has emerged from early deployments of an expensive voice service for a few car-borne users,to today’s widespread use of mobile-communication devices that provide a range of mobile servicesand often include camera, MP3 player, and PDA functions. With this widespread use and increasinginterest in mobile communication, a continuing evolution ahead is foreseen.This book describes LTE, developed in 3GPP (Third Generation Partnership Project) and providingtrue 4G broadband mobile access, starting from the first version in release 8 and through the continuingevolution to release 10, the latest version of LTE. Release 10, also known as LTE-Advanced,is of particular interest as it is the major technology approved by the ITU as fulfilling the IMTAdvancedrequirements. The description in this book is based on LTE release 10 and thus provides acomplete description of the LTE-Advanced radio access from the bottom up.Chapter 1 gives the background to LTE and its evolution, looking also at the different standardsbodies and organizations involved in the process of defining 4G. It also gives a discussion of the reasonsand driving forces behind the evolution.Chapters 2–6 provide a deeper insight into some of the technologies that are part of LTE and itsevolution. Because of its generic nature, these chapters can be used as a background not only for LTEas described in this book, but also for readers who want to understand the technology behind othersystems, such as WCDMA/HSPA, WiMAX, and CDMA2000.Chapters 7–17 constitute the main part of the book. As a start, an introductory technical overviewof LTE is given, where the most important technology components are introduced based onthe generic technologies described in previous chapters. The following chapters provide a detaileddescription of the protocol structure, the downlink and uplink transmission schemes, and the associatedmechanisms for scheduling, retransmission and interference handling. Broadcast operation andrelaying are also described. This is followed by a discussion of the spectrum flexibility and the associated

    标签: 4g 移动通信

    上传时间: 2022-07-08


  • CodeWarrior基础入门

    CodeWarrior Development Studio(开发工作室)是完整的用于编程应用中硬件bring-up的集成开发环境。 采用CodeWarrior IDE,开发人员可以得益于采用各种处理器和平台(从Motorola到TI到Intel)间的通用功能性。根据Gartner Dataquest的报告,CodeWarrior编译器和调试器在商用嵌入式软件开发工具的使用率方面排名第一。

    标签: codewarrior

    上传时间: 2022-07-08


  • protel 99SE实用增强工具,用作LOGO很方便。

    软件说明:   使用方法:(同BMP2PCB,只能导入黑白BMP文件.)关于比例:方法1) 对于经过图像处理软件处理过的BMP文件,由于比例已改变,可以先在PROTEL99SE的PCB里       按PCB实物大小画好KEEP层的外框,以便确定板大小,       Place Graphics Options选项中,Placement Mode设置为Placement Rectang;       导入BMP时,图片的起点定位KEEP外框的左下角,终点定位在KEEP外框的右上角即可.方法2) 对于1:1扫描BMP文件,设置选项里,Place Graphics Options选项中,       Placement Mode设置为Cursor;Scale设置为3.35;怎样在中文汉化版里编辑菜单:1. 打开PROTEL99SE,在PCB环境里,点左上角下键头,选择第二项;2. 点菜单右上角的MENU按钮,选EDIT;3. 点击菜单右上角的MENU按钮,选Expand ALL;4. 在菜单中找到选择向导 这一项,在其下面点击右键,选ADD(添加);5. 在下面TEXT栏目里修改名成为:Klipper (Y for pop up){Y};6. 在Klipper下面点击右键,选ADD(添加);7. 在下面TEXT栏目里修改成为&Copy to Windows Clipboard,并在PROCES栏目后面   点BROWSE指向Klipper99se:copyToWindowsclipboaed, PARAM栏目里点后面的INFO指向$Description=copy to zhe windows clipboard;8. 重复6,7步骤:依次建立下:     键名称(TEXT):  Klipper          以下为子菜单:        &Copy to Windows Clipboard ;         BROWSE : Klipper99se:copyToWindows clipboaed,       PARAM: $Description=copy to zhe windows           (复制到WINDOWS剪贴板)         &Paste From Windows Clipboard;       PROCES: Klipper99se:PasteFromWindowsClipoard;       PARAM: $Description=Paste From the Windows Clipoard;           (WINDOWS剪贴板粘帖)        Place &Graphic;                      PROCES: Klipper99se:PlaceGraphic;                   PARAM: $Description=Place Graphic using Klipper;           (放置BMP图片)        &Klipper Preferences                 PROCES: Klipper99se:KlipperPreferences;             PARAM: $Description=Klipper Sst up;           (设置参数)

    标签: protel99SE

    上传时间: 2022-07-12
