palm编成,这种书很少,有兴趣看看 Title: Palm Programming: The Developer s Guide URL: ISBN: 1-56592-525-4 Author: Julie McKeehan/ Neil Rhodes Publisher: O Reilly Page: 478 Edition: 1st edition (December 1998) Catalog: PDA programming / Palm Format: pdf Size: 2.06M Supplier: Summary: Emerging as the bestselling hand-held computers of all time, PalmPilots have spawned intense developer activity and a fanatical following. Used by Palm in their developer training, this tutorial-style book shows intermediate to experienced C programmers how to build a Palm application from the ground up. Includes a CD-ROM with source code and third-party developer tools
标签: Programming Developer oreilly safari
上传时间: 2013-12-10
Make sure your GPS hardware is setup correctly using the GPS control panel in Settings. Once you have your GPS set up, you need to Build and Run the GpsSample to see it work.
标签: GPS correctly hardware Settings
上传时间: 2014-03-01
Verilog HDL: Magnitude For a vector (a,b), the magnitude representation is the following: A common approach to implementing these arithmetic functions is to use the Coordinate Rotation Digital Computer (CORDIC) algorithm. The CORDIC algorithm calculates the trigonometric functions of sine, cosine, magnitude, and phase using an iterative process. It is made up of a series of micro-rotations of the vector by a set of predetermined constants, which are powers of two. Using binary arithmetic, this algorithm essentially replaces multipliers with shift and add operations. In a Stratix™ device, it is possible to calculate some of these arithmetic functions directly, without having to implement the CORDIC algorithm.
标签: representation Magnitude the magnitude
上传时间: 2013-12-24
When the P89LPC90x is in programming mode all pins that are not used for programming are tri-stated. During programming mode the reset pin has a weak pull-up resistor.
标签: programming tri-stated are When
上传时间: 2015-11-03
《多传感器数据融合手册》 《Handbook of Multisensor Data Fusion》 作者: David L. Hall 定价: USD 199.95 出版社: CRC 出版年: 2001-06-20 简介 · · · · · · Multisensor data fusion is an emerging technology with important applications in both the military and civilian sectors, such as target recognition, robotics, medical diagnostics, and "smart" buildings. It draws on techniques from wide-ranging disciplines, including artificial intelligence, pattern recognition, and statistical estimation. This handbook is an up-to-date, comprehensive resource for data fusion system designers and researchers. Top experts in the field lead readers from a basic introduction and survey of data fusion technology to advanced mathematics and theory and to some very practical advice for systems implementers.
标签: L. Multisensor Handbook 199.95
上传时间: 2014-02-06
上传时间: 2014-01-24
上传时间: 2013-12-01
The ability to write efficient, high-speed arithmetic routines ultimately depends upon your knowledge of the elements of arithmetic as they exist on a computer. That conclusion and this book are the result of a long and frustrating search for information on writing arithmetic routines for real-time embedded systems. With instruction cycle times coming down and clock rates going up, it would seem that speed is not a problem in writing fast routines. In addition, math coprocessors are becoming more popular and less expensive than ever before and are readily available. These factors make arithmetic easier and faster to use and implement. However, for many of you the systems that you are working on do not include the latest chips or the faster processors. Some of the most widely used microcontrollers used today are not Digital Signal Processors (DSP), but simple eight-bit controllers such as the Intel 8051 or 8048 microprocessors.
标签: arithmetic high-speed ultimately efficient
上传时间: 2014-11-30
This leon3 design is tailored to the Altera NiosII Startix2 Development board, with 16-bit DDR SDRAM and 2 Mbyte of SSRAM. As of this time, the DDR interface only works up to 120 MHz. At 130, DDR data can be read but not written. NOTE: the test bench cannot be simulated with DDR enabled because the Altera pads do not have the correct delay models. * How to program the flash prom with a FPGA programming file 1. Create a hex file of the programming file with Quartus. 2. Convert it to srecord and adjust the load address: objcopy --adjust-vma=0x800000 output_file.hexout -O srec fpga.srec 3. Program the flash memory using grmon: flash erase 0x800000 0xb00000 flash load fpga.srec
标签: Development Startix2 tailored Altera
上传时间: 2014-01-19
Spartan 3 Digilent Demo:This demo drives the perphrials on the Spartan 3 board. This drives a simple pattern to the VGA port, connects the switches to the LEDs, buttons to each anode of the seven segment decoder. The seven segment decoder has a simple counter running on it, and when SW0 is in the up position the seven segment decoder will display scan codes from the PS2 port. This demo how ever does not drive the RS-232 port or the memory. This is a simple design done entirely VHDL not microblaze.
标签: Spartan drives This perphrials
上传时间: 2014-05-29