C++在几乎所有的计算环境中都非常普及,而且可以用于几乎所有的应用程序。C++从C中继承了过程化编程的高效性,并集成了面向对象编程的功能。C++在其标准库中提供了大量的功能。有许多商业C++库支持数量众多的操作系统环境和专业应用程序。但因为它的内容太多了,所以掌握C++并不十分容易。本书详述了C++语言的各个方面,包括数据类型、程序控制、函数、指针、调试、类、重载、继承、多态性、模板、异常和输入输出等内容。每一章都以前述内容为基础,每个关键点都用具体的示例进行详细的讲解。本书基本不需要读者具备任何C++知识,书中包含了理解C++的所有必要知识,读者可以从头开始编写自己的C++程序。本书也适合于具备另一种语言编程经验但希望全面掌握C++语言的读者。 I created all the files under Microsoft Windows so lines are terminated by CR/LF. In addition to this "ReadMe" file you will find three zip archives in the primary archive, so you need to UNZIP each of these to get at the code. 为PDG格式,这有pdg阅读器下载|pdg文件阅读器下载
标签: 源代码
上传时间: 2013-11-18
ZBT SRAM控制器参考设计,xilinx提供VHDL代码 Description: Contains the following files readme.txt appnote_zbtp.vhd appnote_zbtf.vhd appnote_zbt.ucf Platform: All Installation/Use: Use 'UNZIP' on the .zip file and 'gUNZIP' followed by 'tar -xvf' on the .tar.gz file.
上传时间: 2013-10-25
AFD - Advanced Filter Design using MATLABMiroslav D. Lutovac, Dejan V. Tosicversion 1.00 released 15 October 1999This program is freeware.Unpack with path names, for exampleDOS: pkUNZIP -d afdunix: UNZIP -L afdAfter unpacking afd.zip, and run MATLAB,change directory to afdfrom the MATLAB command window.Execute demoafd to quickly scan the AFD operation.
标签: D. V. MATLABMiroslav Tosicversion
上传时间: 2015-03-21
uc/os-ii for 8051 This package provides the sources required to use the uC/OS-II v2.00 real time kernel on the 8051 processor. To use this package you will need the TASKING C Compiler toolset v6.0r1 or higher. For info on TASKING products you can contact our Web-site at: http://www.tasking.com UNZIP the zipfile in the root of the drive where you also installed the uC/OS-II general sources. The following directories will be added: \SOFTWARE\UCOS-II\8051 This directory contains the microprocessor specific source code \SOFTWARE\UCOS-II\ex1_8051r This directory contains the project files for the first example \SOFTWARE\UCOS-II\ex2_8051r This directory contains the project files for the second example
标签: the provides required package
上传时间: 2015-05-21
maven 2.0 The following instructions show how to install Maven 2: 1) Unpack the archive where you would like to store the binaries, eg: tar zxvf maven-2.0.tar.gz or UNZIP maven-2.0.zip 2) A directory called "maven-2.0" will be created. 3) Add the bin directory to your PATH, eg: export PATH=/usr/local/maven-2.0/bin:$PATH or set PATH="c:\program files\maven-2.0\bin" %PATH% 4) Make sure JAVA_HOME is set to the location of your JDK 5) Run "mvn --version" to verify that it is correctly installed.
标签: instructions following archive install
上传时间: 2014-01-19
一个在MFC环境中使用的 InfoZip打包类,InfoZip是一个功能强大的免费ZIP/UNZIP库。为了方便它的使用,在此介绍一个InfoZip的打包类CInfoZip,这个类本身并不实现压缩功能,只是提供一个易于使用的InfoZip DLLs接口(包含在CInfoZip中)。CInfoZip类的使用方法请参见相关文章
上传时间: 2015-09-08
IrCOMM2k - Virtual Infrared COM Port for Windows 2000/XP。 2. FILES IN THIS ARCHIVE: - Setup.exe (setup and uninstall program) - ircomm2k.exe (service program) - ircomm2k.sys (device driver) - ircomm2k.dll (device property page) - ircomm2k.hlp (property page context help) - ircomm2k.inf (setup script for windows) - Readme.txt (this file) - License.txt (terms of license) 3. INSTALLATION 1. UNZIP IrCOMM2k-1.2.0.zip in a new folder 2. run the setup program 3. disable the image transfer under wireless link
标签: IrCOMM2k Infrared ARCHIVE Virtual
上传时间: 2015-09-15
mobile java code,support MIDP2.0。UNZIP after you downloaded
上传时间: 2013-12-20
This package consists of the executable (UCW), a default script file, this file, and the library files. It is important that the header files end up in a include subdirectory of the directory where UCW is found. If you UNZIP this file using its path information ( use folder names ) this will automatically happen. You can optionally specify the UnderC directory with the environment variable UC_HOME note that this points to the directory containing ucw.exe. If you do this, then you can copy the executable anywhere and it will still be able to find the header files.
标签: file executable the consists
上传时间: 2013-12-17
Welcome to UnderC version 1.2.9w This package consists of the executable (UCW), a default script file, this file, and the library files. It is important that the header files end up in a include subdirectory of the directory where UCW is found. If you UNZIP this file using its path information ( use folder names ) this will automatically happen. You can optionally specify the UnderC directory with the environment variable UC_HOME note that this points to the directory containing ucw.exe. If you do this, then you can copy the executable anywhere and it will still be able to find the header files.
标签: executable consists Welcome package
上传时间: 2015-12-18