本书共8章, 主要内容包括模拟通信系统和数字通信系统的基本概念, 信道与噪声的特征, 模拟调制传输, 模拟信号的数字传输, 数字信号的基带传输, 数字信号的频带传输, 同步原理等。
标签: MATLABSimulink 通信原理 仿真
上传时间: 2017-09-21
Fire and Fury。 This article is about the 2018 book. For other uses, see Fire and Fury (disambiguation). The title refers to a quote by Trump about the conflict with North Korea. The book became a New York Times number one bestseller.Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House is a 2018 book by Michael Wolff which details the behavior of U.S. President Donald Trump and the staff of his 2016 presidential campaign and White House. The book highlights descriptions of Trump's behavior, chaotic interactions among senior White House staff, and derogatory comments about the Trump family by former White House Chief StrategistSteve Bannon. Trump is depicted as being held in low regard by his White House staff, leading Wolff to state that "100% of the people around him" believe Trump is unfit for office.[1] Reviewers generally accepted Wolff's portrait of a dysfunctional Trump administration, but were skeptical of many of the book's most controversial claims.
上传时间: 2018-02-26
This article is about the 2018 book. For other uses, see Fire and Fury (disambiguation). The title refers to a quote by Trump abot the conflict with North Korea. The book became a New York Times number one bestseller.Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House is a 2018 book by Michael Wolff which details the behavior of U.S. President Donald Trump and the staff of his 2016 presidential campaign and White House. The book highlights descriptions of Trump's behavior, chaotic interactions among senior White House staff, and derogatory comments about the Trump family by former White House Chief StrategistSteve Bannon. Trump is depicted as being held in low regard by his White House staff, leading Wolff to state that "100% of the people around him" believe Trump is unfit for office.[1] Reviewers generally accepted Wolff's portrait of a dysfunctional Trump administration, but were skeptical of many of the book's most controversial claims.
上传时间: 2018-02-26
测试机 TR6850S 台湾德律,完整功能性测试向量及直流参数测试及类比信号参数 测试。
上传时间: 2018-05-04
彩色实验 文件:demo_color.m 1. 提取RGB图像的三个分量,并分别显示。 2. 合成伪彩色图像。 3. 将RGB图像转换到HSI空间,并显示三个分量。 4. 对原图像的RGB三个分量分别进行平滑操作,将原图像转换到HSI空间对亮度分量进行平滑操作,计算两种平滑操作方法的图像差值。 5. 在RGB和HSI空间中用ice函数进行色彩调节。 压缩实验 文件:demo_huff.m 1. 计算矩阵f=[119 123 168 119;107 119 168 168;119 119 107 119;168 107 119 119]一阶熵估计,并进行霍夫曼编码。 2. 对Lena图像进行霍夫曼编码,并对编码后图像解码。
上传时间: 2019-01-19
C#远控源代码 * TCP network stream (IPv4 & IPv6 support) * Fast network serialization (NetSerializer) * Compressed (QuickLZ) & Encrypted (AES-128) communication * Multi-Threaded * UPnP Support * No-Ip.com Support * Visit Website (hidden & visible) * Show Messagebox * Task Manager * File Manager * Startup Manager * Remote Desktop * Remote Webcam * Remote Shell * Download & Execute * Upload & Execute * System Information * Computer Commands (Restart, Shutdown, Standby) * Keylogger (UNIcode Support) * Reverse Proxy (SOCKS5) * Password Recovery (Common Browsers and FTP Clients) * Registry Editor
标签: QuasarRAT
上传时间: 2019-04-21
设计虚拟存储区和内存工作区,编程序演示下述算法的具体实现过程,并计算访问命中率: 要求设计主界面以灵活选择某算法,以下算法任选两种实现: 1) 先进先出算法(FIFO) 2) 最近最久未使用算法(LRU) 3) 最佳置换算法(OPT)
标签: 操作系统
上传时间: 2019-06-24
编写一个Linux的外壳——Shell,即命令解释程序。基本实现功能: •命令解释执行 •文件名替换 •I/O重定向 •通信管道建立
上传时间: 2019-07-05
⒈ Altium Designer 10原理图编辑器的使用,创建原理图文件并设置绘图环境 ⒉ 加载需要的元器件库 ⒊ 在原理图中放置图形与电气对象(主要是元器件) ⒋ 将原理图中的元器件合理布局并进行电气连接 ⒌ 检查并修改原理图中的错误 ⒍ 保存设计文档并形成相关报表
上传时间: 2019-09-08
⒈ Altium Designer 10原理图编辑器的使用,创建原理图文件并设置绘图环境
上传时间: 2019-09-08