All µ C/OS ports can easily be ported to µ C/OS-II.
上传时间: 2015-10-31
If you port µ C/OS-II to a processor not listed and want to include your port on this web site, please contact Micrium at Note that the ports are provided as is with the exeption of the Micrium ports which are supported by Micrium..
标签: port processor include listed
上传时间: 2015-10-31
上传时间: 2014-01-17
项目名µ C/OS-II在W78E58处理器上的移植
上传时间: 2016-01-20
本人于2005年初开始准备将µ C/OS-II嵌入式实时操作系统移植到8051单片机上,考虑移植的难度和本人从未从事过相关开发,以及相关知识的复杂程度,决定先从读懂移植范例开始,而后进行相关开发
上传时间: 2016-01-20
上传时间: 2014-12-21
本程序是完成一个函数计算器的功能,通过输入表达式,然输入表达的未知数,则可以计算出表达式的值来:如:a+b+c+sin(a+b),分别输入a ,b ,c 的值,就可以计算表达式的值
上传时间: 2016-02-05
嵌入式实时操作系统μC/OS-II(第2版)自带光盘源码 【原 书 名】 MicroC/OS-II The Real-Time Kernel,Second Edition 本书是MicroC/OSII The Real Time Kernel一书的第2版本,在第1版本(V2.0)基础上做了重大改进与升级。通过对μC/OSII源代码的分析与描述,讲述了多任务实时的基本概念、竞争与调度算法、任务间同步与通信、存储与定时的管理以及如何处理优先级反转问题;介绍如何将μC/OSII移植到不同CPU上,如何调试移植代码。在所附光盘中,给出已通过FAA安全认证的μC/OSII V2.52的全部源码以及可在PC机上运行的移植范例。
标签: MicroC OS-II Real-Time Edition
上传时间: 2016-02-10
μC/OS-II Goals Probably the most important goal of μC/OS-II was to make it backward compatible with μC/OS (at least from an application’s standpoint). A μC/OS port might need to be modified to work with μC/OS-II but at least, the application code should require only minor changes (if any). Also, because μC/OS-II is based on the same core as μC/OS, it is just as reliable. I added conditional compilation to allow you to further reduce the amount of RAM (i.e. data space) needed by μC/OS-II. This is especially useful when you have resource limited products. I also added the feature described in the previous section and cleaned up the code. Where the book is concerned, I wanted to clarify some of the concepts described in the first edition and provide additional explanations about how μC/OS-II works. I had numerous requests about doing a chapter on how to port μC/OS and thus, such a chapter has been included in this book for μC/OS-II.
标签: OS-II compatible important Probably
上传时间: 2013-12-02
μC/OS-II已经在世界范围内得到广泛使用,包括诸多领域,如手机、路由器、集线器、不间断电源、飞行器、医疗设备及工业控制等。实际上,μC/OS-II已经通过了非常严格的测试,并且得到了美国航空管理局(Federal Aviation Administration)的认证,可以用在飞行器上。这说明μC/OS-II是稳定可靠的,可用于与人性命攸关的安全紧要(safety critical)系统;当然,也可用于非安全紧要系统。
标签: OS-II
上传时间: 2014-01-06