测试人反映时间,test one 测试10组反映时间,如果test one 的成绩在0.5s以下 就可打中test two中的测试载体。
上传时间: 2017-09-02
Matlab code for FFT with two cos functions
标签: functions Matlab code with
上传时间: 2017-09-04
The Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 5 (Java EE 5) has two different but complementary technologies for producing dynamic web content in the presentation tier—namely Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages (JSP). Java Servlet, the first of these technologies to appear, was initially described as extensions to a web server for producing dynamic web content. JSP, on the other hand, is a newer technology but is equally capable of generating the same dynamic content. However, the way in which a servlet and a JSP page produce their content is fundamentally different servlets embed content into logic, whereas JSP pages embed logic into content.
标签: Java complementary technologie Enterprise
上传时间: 2017-09-04
This script simulate DS-CDMA for two or more users.
标签: simulate DS-CDMA script users
上传时间: 2017-09-10
Genetic Algorithm for two variable
标签: Algorithm variable Genetic for
上传时间: 2014-01-08
Smart Antenna system receiving three white input multipath signals from two sources (3 each) and distinguishing each multipath.
标签: receiving multipath Antenna signals
上传时间: 2017-09-13
transmission delay between two station in wireless network
标签: transmission wireless between station
上传时间: 2017-09-13
summing two vectors with operator overloading
标签: overloading operator summing vectors
上传时间: 2017-09-15
two dimentional gabor filter
标签: dimentional filter gabor two
上传时间: 2017-09-17
Performance Evaluation in a two lane and four lane traffic environment in case of a highway, urban congested traffic scenario and in a traffic jam
标签: lane Performance environment Evaluation
上传时间: 2017-09-21