This code ports the uC/OS operating system by Jean LaBrosse to the TI TMS320C2xx family of DSP s.
上传时间: 2014-11-27
Symbian mobile code手机应用开相关,主要是UIQ,用于爱立信手机开发
上传时间: 2014-01-10
Symbain mobile code 用于Symbain手机应用开发,例子代码
上传时间: 2015-05-12
Symbain mobile code 手机应用程序源代码--引
上传时间: 2014-10-10
Symbain mobile code 手机应用程序源代码--程序结构方面
上传时间: 2014-01-11
Symbain mobile code 手机应用程序源代码--创建server
标签: Symbain mobile server code
上传时间: 2014-01-31
Symbain mobile code 手机应用程序源代码--基本结构方面
上传时间: 2015-05-13
VHDL 关于2DFFT设计程序 u scinode1 ∼ scinode9.vhd: Every SCI node RTL vhdl code. The details can be seen in the following section. u 2dfft.vhd: The top module includes these scinodes and form a 3x3 SCI Torus network, and it support these sub-modules scinode1∼ scinode9 reset and clk and global_cnt signals to synchronous the sub-modules to simplify the overall design. u proj2.wfc: VSS simulation result that is the same as the ModelSim simulation result. u Pro2_2.wfc: VSS simulation result of another test pattern can’t cause overflow situation.
标签: scinode1 scinode details 2DFFT
上传时间: 2014-12-02
turbo pascal 6 的完整源代码,可以为编译器的爱好者提供
上传时间: 2015-05-14
The tar file contains the following files: ptfsf.c: heart of the perfect TFSF code ptfsf.h: header file for same ptfsf-demo.c: FDTD code which demonstrates use of perfect TFSF code. Essentially this program used to generate results shown in the paper ptfsf-file-maker.c: code to generate an incident-field file using the "perfect" incident fields ptfsf-demo-file.c: FDTD code which uses the perfect incident fields stored in a file fdtdgen.h: defines macros used in much of my code Makefile: simple make-file to compile programs Also include are some simple script files to run the programs with reasonable values. The code assumes a two-dimensional computational domain with TMz polarization (i.e., non-zero field Ez, Hx, and Hy). The program is currently written so that the incident field always strikes the lower-left corner of the total-field region first. (If you want a different corner, that should be a fairly simple tweak to the code, but for now you ll have to make that tweak yourself.)
标签: ptfsf following the contains
上传时间: 2013-11-28