This is a program that will let you calculate roots with the Quadratic formula (including complex roots), Factorial of a number, Fibonacci series (and Pascals Triangle still under construction).
标签: Quadratic calculate including formula
上传时间: 2014-01-25
环境配置:系统装有jre运行环境。 使用说明: 1.双击drawer.jar文件,应用程序即可运行。 2.单击“Oval”按钮,拖动鼠标,可以在画图板上画圆。 3.单击“Triangle”按钮,拖动鼠标,可以在画图板上画等边三角形。 4.单击“Clear”按钮,画图板清屏。 5.单击“Exitl”按钮,程序退出。
上传时间: 2015-06-15
XMathLib是一个通用的3D图形数学库。 其中包含两个部分: XMathLib和XGeomLib。分别处理数学和几何运算。 数学部分包含向量、矩阵、四元数的运算。以及其它的运算。 几何部分包含Box Frustum AABB OBB Ray Line Line-Segment Plan Triangle等的运算。
上传时间: 2013-12-14
南航一博士论文:任意拓扑结构三角网格模型优化调整技术研究 Research on Optimized Modulation Technology of Arbitrary Topological Triangle Meshes
标签: Topological Modulation Technology Optimized
上传时间: 2014-01-06
We propose a simple and effective method for detecting view- and scale-independent ridge-valley lines defined via first- and secondorder curvature derivatives on shapes approximated by dense Triangle meshes.
标签: scale-independent ridge-valley and effective
上传时间: 2014-01-08
楼天城大牛的冬令营论文. 浅谈部分搜索+高效算法在搜索问题中的应用 浙江省杭州第十四中学 楼天城 摘要: 本文从有位置限制的匹配问题的搜索谈起,通过对题目Milk Bottle Data的分析,提出了深度优先搜索的一种非常规搜索——部分搜索+高效算法。然后通过部分搜索在Triangle Construction和智破连环阵两题中的应用,探讨了部分搜索方法通用的主要优化方法,并从此方法本质分析其高效的原因所在和应用需要满足的要求和限制。
上传时间: 2013-12-24
改进的k均值算法,可以加速运行时间,详见Using the Triangle Inequality to Accelerate k-Means
标签: 均值算法
上传时间: 2016-05-07
FFT算法进行FFT 、IFFT、功率谱计算,包括Hamming 窗、Hanning 窗、Triangle 窗、Blackman 窗、4 term Blackman-Harris 窗几种窗函数的功率谱计算功能。
上传时间: 2013-12-18
M3GExport enables developers to export complex 3D animated scenes from Maya® directly to Mobile 3D Graphics file format (M3G), the emerging 3D file format for mobile 3D games. Created by the developers of JBenchmark3D - the leading performance measurement tool for mobile 3D graphics, M3GExport lets use sophisticated features of M3G format like skeletal animation, morphing meshes, Triangle stripping and other useful optimisations. M3GExport for Maya is available in two editions, Limited and Standard. The Standard version contains sophisticated optimisation options used mostly by commercial game developers.
标签: developers M3GExport animated directly
上传时间: 2014-08-11
a MATLAB program which tries to correct situations in which a triangulation includes corner Triangles, that is, Triangles which have two sides on boundary
标签: which triangulation situations includes
上传时间: 2014-01-23