Toy Universe网上玩具购物系统源代码
上传时间: 2013-12-17
Boss Coming 是帮朋友做的一个Toy似的东西,作用是当大家在办公室玩的时候,老板忽然出现,只要有一个人看到,按下热键后即可通知大家,并且在接到同伴的通知后,本程序可以马上为你做一些事情,比如把MSN藏起来,激活 office word , 不会被老板发现.
上传时间: 2015-01-14
j iu hh o hj gyuf l glbfivytr olui Toy niu tnoibut oniu tgliu tgiu. yhliuglutliu yliu yl yhl uyl iylo
标签: yhliuglutliu glbfivytr tnoibut tgliu
上传时间: 2017-05-02
'Physics Toy(物理玩具)是zh1110设计的一款2D物理模拟软件,仿制了真实环境物体的各种连接与碰撞效果 应用介绍: 少年智力开发,学校物理课程指导,各种机构运动的研究 基于冲量的刚体铰链与碰撞,销限制铰接计算出链、摆、小车等模型,通过与扭簧配合模拟出玩具木马模型 仿真真实世界物理状态,建立了可用户控制的功能,达成了如同儿童玩具房的环境
标签: Physics Toy 2D物理模拟 VB
上传时间: 2015-05-22
mastering dojo The book really rolls out the red carpet for Dojo to emerge with guns blazing! The authors show you how easy it is to use impressive widgets without installing a thing. I was amazed to discover that JavaScript is not just a Toy language, how Dojo is built on top of it, and how both are invaluable in any web development project. Buy this book. It’s the next best thing to having the authors working at your side.
标签: mastering blazing carpet emerge
上传时间: 2016-09-04
Schapire 所著的Boosting算法的教程。 对目前物体识别和机器学习领域中广泛应用的Boosting算法展开了深入浅出的描述,还有很多Toy Examples。
上传时间: 2017-06-06
In this paper we present a classifier called bi-density twin support vector machines (BDTWSVMs) for data classification. In the training stage, BDTWSVMs first compute the relative density degrees for all training points using the intra-class graph whose weights are determined by a local scaling heuristic strategy, then optimize a pair of nonparallel hyperplanes through two smaller sized support vector machine (SVM)-typed problems. In the prediction stage, BDTWSVMs assign to the class label depending on the kernel density degree-based distances from each test point to the two hyperplanes. BDTWSVMs not only inherit good properties from twin support vector machines (TWSVMs) but also give good description for data points. The experimental results on Toy as well as publicly available datasets indicate that BDTWSVMs compare favorably with classical SVMs and TWSVMs in terms of generalization
标签: recognition Bi-density machines support pattern vector twin for
上传时间: 2019-06-09
Have you ever looked at some gadget and wondered how it really worked? Maybe it was a remote control boat, the system that controls an elevator, a vending machine, or an electronic Toy? Or have you wanted to create your own robot or electronic signals for a model railroad, or per- haps you’d like to capture and analyze weather data over time? Where and how do you start?
标签: Introduction Workshop Hands-On Arduino
上传时间: 2020-06-09