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  • fundamental of automation. A good book for automatic engineer. the book introduces the materials fro

    fundamental of automation. A good book for automatic engineer. the book introduces the materials from easy to higher level.

    标签: book fundamental automation introduces

    上传时间: 2013-12-24


  • Features a unique program to estimate the power spectral density. The spectrum containing all signif

    Features a unique program to estimate the power spectral density. The spectrum containing all significant details is calculated from a time series model. Model type as well as model order are determined automatically from the data, using statistical criteria. Robust estimation algorithms and order selection criteria are used to obtain reliable results. Unlike in FFT analysis, where the experimenter has to set the amount of smoothing of the raw FFT, the right level of detail is assessed using the data only.

    标签: containing Features estimate spectral

    上传时间: 2014-02-09


  • The STi7141 is a highly integrated SoC (systemon- chip) designed to meet the demanding needs of th

    The STi7141 is a highly integrated SoC (systemon- chip) designed to meet the demanding needs of the interactive cable set top box market place. The STi7141 integrates all the major system functions into a single device, and provides world leading, multi-layer, advanced security technologies to protect valuable video and audio assets.

    标签: integrated demanding designed systemon

    上传时间: 2014-01-14


  • A large body of computer-aided techniques has been developed in recent years to assist in the proce

    A large body of computer-aided techniques has been developed in recent years to assist in the process of modeling, analyzing, and designing communication systems . These computer-aided techniques fall into two categories: formula-based approaches, where the computer is used to evaluate complex formulas, and simulation-based approaches, where the computer is used to simulate the waveforms or signals that flow through the system. The second approach, which involves “waveform”-level simulation (and often incorporates analytical techniques), is the subject of this book. Since performance evaluation and trade off studies are the central issues in the analysis and design of communication systems, we will focus on the use of simulation for evaluating the performance of analog and digital communication systems with the emphasis on digitalcommunication systems.

    标签: computer-aided techniques developed assist

    上传时间: 2014-01-01


  • 科研管理信息系统

    科研管理系统源码 功能介绍:     登录模块:用户通过用户名、密码,经过验证如果输入正确,则进入系统;否则提示用户输入“用户输入用户名或密码错误,请重新输入”,不能进入系统。     系统管理:包括参数设置,项目类别设置,学院设置,学历学位设置,著作类别设置。     用户管理模块:管理员可以增加用户(用户名,密码以及权限授予),修改用户信息,删除用户信息。     科研管理模块:包括横向项目管理、纵向项目管理、论文管理、著作管理、专利管理这几个方面的管理,可以实现对科研项目的增加,修改,删除,快速查询,保存等操作。     系统维护模块:实现数据备份和还原。     科研查询模块:选择查询信息类型,查询条件,输入关键字,然后选择重新检索和在结果中检索,以进一步缩小查询范围。如果您先查看所有数据,只需选择查询信息类型,然后单击查看所有即可。您可以选择按不同的条件升序或降序排列。同时,本系统还实现了双击数据库表格,显示此条记录的完整信息。

    标签: 科研管理

    上传时间: 2015-03-13


  • 全景图像和多光谱图像融合

    PixelFusion.dsp     This file (the project file) contains information at the project level and     is used to build a single project or subproject. Other users can share the     project (.dsp) file, but they should export the makefiles locally. PixelFusion.h     This is the main header file for the application.  It includes other     project specific headers (including Resource.h) and declares the     CPixelFusionApp application class. PixelFusion.cpp     This is the main application source file that contains the application     class CPixelFusionApp. PixelFusion.rc     This is a listing of all of the Microsoft Windows resources that the     program uses.  It includes the icons, bitmaps, and cursors that are stored     in the RES subdirectory.  This file can be directly edited in Microsoft Visual C++. PixelFusion.clw     This file contains information used by ClassWizard to edit existing     classes or add new classes.  ClassWizard also uses this file to store     information needed to create and edit message maps and dialog data     maps and to create prototype member functions.

    标签: his brovey

    上传时间: 2015-03-16


  • 水平集代码

    水平集代码及文章(李春明):Level Set Evolution Without Re-initialization: A New Variational Formulation

    标签: 水平集代码及文章(李春明)

    上传时间: 2015-03-16


  • springmvc权限管理模块

    sqpingmvc实现的权限管理模块,功能包括用户管理,角色管理,模块管理,前端采用j-ui框架实现,支持html5标准 用户管理,用户新增,编辑,删除 角色管理,新建、编辑,删除,赋予权限 模块管理,新增,编辑,删除

    标签: springmvc 权限管理 用户管理 角色管理

    上传时间: 2015-03-17


  • ARINC429总线

    •ARINC429总线协议是美国航空电子工程委员会(Airlines Engineering Committee)于1977年7月提出的,并于同年发表并获得批准使用,它的全称是数字式信息传输系统(Digital Information Transmission System ) 。协议标准规定了航空电子设备及有关系统间的数字信息传输要求。ARINC429广泛应用在先进的民航客机中,如B-737、B-757、B-767,俄制军用飞机也选用了类似的技术。

    标签: ARINC429 总线

    上传时间: 2015-03-25


  • 指纹仪URU4000B

    Biokey200/URU4000B指纹仪驱动与SDK 升级到4000B注意事项 原使用Biokey SDK的客户,需要升级SDK开发包并安装4000B的驱动。 注意:安装4000B驱动前需卸载4000的驱动。 其步骤如下: 1、备份注册表:在开始菜单中的‘运行’中运行‘Regedit’,打开注册表,然后选中注册表中的 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\DigitalPersona]项,单击菜单上的注册表->导出注册表文件,将该项导出到文件中。 2、卸载4000的驱动程序(Biokey200/URU4000驱动)。 卸载步骤如下: 1)运行控制面板中的“添加/删除'程序”,卸载指纹采集设备的驱动程序; 2)在开始菜单中的‘运行’中运行‘Regedit’,查看 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\DigitalPersona键值,如果有则删除; 3)查看系统安装目录下system32 目录(win98为windows\system)下的DP*.dll ,如果有则全部删除; 4)察看Program files\zksoftware\biokey200目录,如果有则整个删除。 3、重新启动计算机,安装4000B驱动程序, 4、将Biokey SDK升级,用新的Biokey.ocx替换旧的控件,一般情况下,VB程序可以直接使用,Delphi程序则需要重新编译。 5、用4000B的驱动,必须使用新的控件,目前只完成了1:N的控件升级,1:1的控件,暂时使用原来3.5版本的控件。 6、测试原来登记的指纹模板,看是否能正常比对,如果不能,双击原来备份的注册表文件,添加到注册表中,就可以了。 原来使用U.R.U SDK的客户,需要更新驱动程序,同时由于U.R.U的模板有一些变化,所以需要一些改动,我们提供一份升级须知,请查看ReleaseNotes.txt.升级过程前三个步骤同上,只是需要注意,卸载的时候,查看Program files\DigitalPersona目录,如果有则整个删除。

    标签: 指纹仪URU4000B

    上传时间: 2015-03-30
