Imagine that you are a web developer (which is probably not a stretch if you are reading this book) and you are being encouraged to add some Ajax features to a site you’re working on. Maybe the originator of this request is your boss or your boss’s boss, who is not even sure what Ajax is, let alone what kinds of features might be useful.And maybe you’re not sure yourself. Imagine that your prior experience has mostly been on the server-side, developing in Java or some other server-side technology, and your experience with HTML and JavaScript has been fairly limited.This is the scenario we will explore over the next several chapters as you are introduced to the Dojo Toolkit.
标签: are developer you probably
上传时间: 2013-11-27
J2EE的无线手机通讯运用软件,在J2ME Wireless Toolkit installer,wersion 1.0.1工具中运行。
上传时间: 2017-08-24
openssl源码 The OpenSSL Project is a collaborative effort to develop a robust, commercial-grade, full-featured, and Open Source Toolkit implementing the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL v2/v3) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols as well as a full-strength general purpose cryptography library. The project is managed by a worldwide community of volunteers that use the Internet to communicate, plan, and develop the OpenSSL Toolkit and its related documentation.
上传时间: 2015-02-26
Computational models are commonly used in engineering design and scientific discovery activities for simulating complex physical systems in disciplines such as fluid mechanics, structural dynamics, heat transfer, nonlinear structural mechanics, shock physics, and many others. These simulators can be an enormous aid to engineers who want to develop an understanding and/or predictive capability for complex behaviors typically observed in the corresponding physical systems. Simulators often serve as virtual prototypes, where a set of predefined system parameters, such as size or location dimensions and material properties, are adjusted to improve the performance of a system, as defined by one or more system performance objectives. Such optimization or tuning of the virtual prototype requires executing the simulator, evaluating performance objective(s), and adjusting the system parameters in an iterative, automated, and directed way. System performance objectives can be formulated, for example, to minimize weight, cost, or defects; to limit a critical temperature, stress, or vibration response; or to maximize performance, reliability, throughput, agility, or design robustness. In addition, one would often like to design computer experiments, run parameter studies, or perform uncertainty quantification (UQ). These approaches reveal how system performance changes as a design or uncertain input variable changes. Sampling methods are often used in uncertainty quantification to calculate a distribution on system performance measures, and to understand which uncertain inputs contribute most to the variance of the outputs. A primary goal for Dakota development is to provide engineers and other disciplinary scientists with a systematic and rapid means to obtain improved or optimal designs or understand sensitivity or uncertainty using simulationbased models. These capabilities generally lead to improved designs and system performance in earlier design stages, alleviating dependence on physical prototypes and testing, shortening design cycles, and reducing product development costs. In addition to providing this practical environment for answering system performance questions, the Dakota Toolkit provides an extensible platform for the research and rapid prototyping of customized methods and meta-algorithms
标签: Optimization and Uncertainty Quantification
上传时间: 2016-04-08
Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Security mechanisms for SIM application Toolkit; Stage 2 (3GPP TS 03.48 version 8.8.0 Release 1999)
标签: GSM
上传时间: 2019-06-14
在UEFI开源社区中,存在四个与UEFI BIOS相关的开源项目,分别为EDK(EFI Dev Kit),EDKII,EFI Shell和EFI Toolkit.其中,EDKII(EFI Development Kit)是一个开源的EFI BIOS的发布框架,其中包含一系列的开发示例和大量基本的底层库函数,因此,对于其MDE(Module Development Environment)模块开发环境的分析与测试能够在最大程度上保证开发的稳定性和质量。因而选题具有一定的实用性和先进性,此外,整个分析和测试设计的过程中,能够充分体现出在UEFI从事程序设计相对于传统BIOS环境下的优势。本论文计划从以下几个方面进行研究:1、学习研究UEFI(统一可拓展固件接口)技术;2、学习研究EDKII框架和相应的MDE(模块开发环境);3、搭建MDE库的测试框架MdeTestPkg:4、编写MdeTestPkg下的测试实例,实现对MDE库的分析与测试。通过对现有的UEFT(统一可扩展固件按口)技术的学习,深入了解UEFI BIOS的背景知识。在此基础上,学习研究EDK II的整体架构和模块单元开发设计的规范和方法,并用基于EDK 11搭建MDE(模块开发环境)的测试框架,编写类库的测试实例。最终的结果是完成MDE,即模块开发环境框架中的44个库类在DXE阶段的功能分析与测试,并且由于类际的4通性,使得测试的类际能够在不同的平台架构(如:IA32,X64和IPF等)上成功运行,具有很好的稳定性和健壮性。在本论文中,我只以NT32平台架构为例,来说明MDE库在NT32平台下的测试框架的搭建以及对于MDE库类的测试实例的设计,编写和测试。
上传时间: 2022-06-26
最新版本的LabVIEW 2019包括以下主要功能:简单的包构建,便于代码分发-Backward兼容的运行引擎,简化了现有二进制文件的使用-Native Python Node用于在LabVIEW中调用Python脚本-64位版本的LabVIEW FPGA模块- 支持Vivado 2017.2 FPGA编译工具-LabVIEW Cloud Toolkit for Azure- 与所有NI硬件兼容文件较大,存在百度网盘,下载文件中提供了链接和提取码。打开即可下载。
标签: labview
上传时间: 2022-07-10
最新版本的LabVIEW 2019包括以下主要功能:简单的包构建,便于代码分发-Backward兼容的运行引擎,简化了现有二进制文件的使用-Native Python Node用于在LabVIEW中调用Python脚本-64位版本的LabVIEW FPGA模块- 支持Vivado 2017.2 FPGA编译工具-LabVIEW Cloud Toolkit for Azure- 与所有NI硬件兼容文件较大,存在百度网盘,下载文件中提供了链接和提取码。打开即可下载。
标签: labview
上传时间: 2022-07-10
VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(68)资源包含以下内容:1. 2.4G无线芯片NRF24L01的控制程序.2. nios32指令手册.3. SOPC学习板原理图,可以自己DIY一个开发板.4. 嵌入式处理器.5. Linux环境.6. Linux 系统中.7. irda-utils-0.9.18.tar.gz Linux系统中.8. pcmcia-cs- 红外通信工具 EVC下的Windows CE红外通信编程实例.10. 将NiosII程序下载到Flash的方法(Step_by_step).11. NIOS 设计从入门到精通 EM78P153源代码,含24C02,I2C,以及1418FM发射模块控制部分!.13. 摩托罗拉的脉冲信号输出的原代码.14. 摩托罗拉的时钟的原代码.15. 基于CH375的USB数据采集应用程序,上位机VB.16. 三星公司评估板2440的原理图,包含了所有的外围器件的原理图.比较详细.17. MSP430F169+LCD原理图.18. 各种器件的驱动程序.19. Protel原理图需要的Xilinx元件库.20. 本人收集的在protel99下运行的常用元器件的封装库.21. sch是原理图 7920的驱动程序 avr128.22. 是完成从00到99计数的汇编程序生成文件.23. 节点是网络系统的基本控制单元.24. 基于NIOSII的UART的原代码.25. Globus Toolkit 4编程指南 是关于网格计算中最通用的软件GLOBUS工具箱第4版的使用详解.26. CPLD 一个简单程序 希望大家喜欢.27. this a book about cpld fpga developmen,it is very useful for eda development.28. 一个电表的程序.29. 此电路为计时器电路设计原理图.30. 此电路为考勤机电路设计原理图.31. DSP抽样程序,TMS320VC5402,CCSga.32. 这是一个PCI9820CAN通信卡通信控制程序.33. IAR Embedded Workbench下编译的sst25lf080a操作的MSP430程序包括串口通讯.34. 周边报警的报警控制程序需要的爱好者来下载吧.35. Lakey这是一个免费的CW练习/收/发软件.36. HPI与PC相通信的源代码 喜欢DSP的爱好者快来看看吧.37. arm的地址结构fe分析。arm加载和运行空间地址分配详细指导。.38. arm7 lpc2103 的keil 程序开发包 非常有参考价值.39. vxworks下ppp的实现源码.40. vworks 下wlan的实现代码.
标签: 螺纹
上传时间: 2013-05-26
VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(101)资源包含以下内容:1. TMS320C54x interrupt.2. C54 instruction.3. 电闹钟的设计与制作 电闹钟的设计与制作电闹钟的设计与制作.4. STR71x的BSPI与M25P10-A串行闪存通信.5. DN503 -- SPI Access (Rev. A).6. 这个rt12864的驱动是我自己摸索了很久才做出来的,因为这块液晶的真正权威的能参考的绘图资料真的是太少了,所以我上传上来,算是做点贡献吧.7. GBK点阵字体的显示.8. PCI接口产品中桥芯片PLX6000、PLX8000、PLX9000、PLXsrv系列的驱动模块源代码.9. PCI接口产品中桥芯片PLX6000、PLX8000、PLX9000和PLXsrv驱动模块源码.10. 很好的资料,很好的芯片,做电机驱动用得到的.11. 红外成像跟踪处理器的研制.12. 51单片机上模拟i2c传输的程序.13. 一个类STL的多平台可移植的算法容器库,主要用于嵌入式系统编程时的内存管理等方面.14. 红外遥控键值解码1602液晶显示 红外遥控器键值如下: 10 03 01 06 09 1D 1F 0D 19 1B 11 15 17 12 16 4C 40 48 04 00 02.15. AT51单片机与蜂鸣器奏乐连接演奏(生日快乐).16. 一个用西门子200编的勾数计数程序.17. This guide describes Freescale’s BeeKit Wireless Connectivity Toolkit configuration tool used for Zi.18. This manual describes Freescale’s IEEE™ 802.15.4 Standard compliant MAC/PHY software. The Frees.19. 闻亭TDS560仿真器中的驱动TEST文件夹.20. plc文件.21. atmega8+vs1003+sd卡MP3.22. 康芯公司GWDBVP开发板的原理图.23. ESS3890+SL原代码(1*16内存).24. 嵌入式系统相关:周立功EasyArm2131开发板原理图的真正Protel版本(绝非无耻的PDF版本!).25. Nios II 处理器中文小册子(altera) NIOS开发板APEX20K版数据手册 niosii资料-软件开发文档 北航NIOS教程.26. C语言51单片机程序.27. 基于51单片机的控制的红外线通信.28. 基于51单片机控制电机或舵机等.29. 智能电加热温控系统的研制.kdh 整体说明与设计.30. 8255可编程并行扩展接口位控功能的应用.caj.31. 2401 接受程序.32. 基于ARM7 LPC2114学习板程序。学习板提供的是ADS源码.33. 提供收音模块的操作代码.可以操作各种收音模块.34. 嵌入式系统设计师大纲 很辛苦找到的东东.35. nucleus 2006 source code.36. 芯片测试讲义.37. i2c存储体系在arm9平台上实现的资料.38. 一种新型的独立CAN通信控制器MCP2515;给出其在CAN总线系统智能节点中的一个应用实例.39. 该书是网卡芯片AMD973的开发手册,专用于常用网卡芯片开始使用,驱动程序员需要..40. 嵌入式常用的字库工具,可以由BMP文件生成字库,也可根据TEXT生成字库,也可生成字模.总之功能强大,要不也不叫完美版了!.
标签: 天线
上传时间: 2013-07-04