nRF24E1编程下载板是我们自行开发的简易无线通信模块nRF24E1的在线下载板,使用方便。 nRF24E1编程下载板源程序包括上位机程序、单片机固件程序和nRF24E1内51核控制程序, 分别存放在“上位机程序”、“AT89S52”和“nRF24E1”三个文件夹内。 “上位机程序”内有应用软件download.exe。 “AT89S52”内有单片机固件源程序download.c,可以直接编译连接生成下载文件,下载到目标单片机AT89S52中。 “nRF24E1”内有控制nRF24E1工作的源程序,分别是: 24E1.c:典型控制应用; putchar.c:nRF24E1串行通信源程序; transmit.c:nRF24E1无线发送源程序; receive.c:nRF24E1无线接收源程序; “TemperATure”:nRF24E1控制DS18B20温度采集并无线发送源程序。
上传时间: 2013-12-02
本系统由applet和服务端组成。由客户端录入温度,服务器接收到温度后向每个客户端转发,客户端根据接收到的温度形成实时动态图表运行本程序要配置java环境或安装jre 将TemperATure目录放在web目录下,先运行服务端(点击server_start.bat),然后用浏览器打开客户端即可
上传时间: 2013-12-17
Implement the following integer methods: a) Method celsius returns the Celsius equivalent of a Fahrenheit calculation celsius = 5.0 / 9.0 * ( fahrenheit - 32 ) b) Method fahrenheit returns the Fahrenheit equivalent of a Celsius the calculation fahrenheit = 9.0 / 5.0 * celsius + 32 c) Use the methods from parts (a) and (b) to write an application either to enter a Fahrenheit TemperATure and display the Celsius or to enter a Celsius TemperATure and display the Fahrenheit equivalent.
标签: equivalent Implement the following
上传时间: 2014-01-19
X10 Protocol.pdf X10 Home Automation.pdf Microchip - AN236 - Home automation using X10.pdf MANDO UNIVERSAL X10 WIRELESS MOUSE REMOTE SYSTEM.pdf Manual ipcontrol x10.pdf x10_camera_control_system.doc domotica d-6006 - X10.pdf X10 TemperATure Sensing Device.pdf DOMOTICA X10.pdf Switching Lights With X10 Controllers.pdf X10 iwitness.pdf protocol X10.pdf codelist mando universal x10.pdf x10.rtf
标签: Home Automation automation
上传时间: 2013-12-06
//通过18B20检测的数字温度可在电脑上显示当前温度值 #include <reg52.h> #define uchar unsigned char #define uint unsigned int sbit DS=P2^2 //define interface uint temp // variable of TemperATure uchar flag1 // sign of the result positive or negative sbit dula=P2^6 sbit wela=P2^7
标签: define unsigned include 18B20
上传时间: 2014-01-19
Thermostat Project using DS18B20 and P89V51RD2 Microcontroller. Compiler used is SDCC. Schematic Included. Main file is "09.C". The code is written for turning the relay on and off at particular TemperATure thresholds.
标签: Microcontroller Thermostat Schematic Compiler
上传时间: 2014-01-18
The LM35 of National Semiconductors that is used in this project is a precision centigrade TemperATure sensor, which has an analog output voltage. It has a range of -55潞C to +150潞C and a accuracy of 卤0.5潞C . The output voltage is 10mV/潞C . The output voltage is converted by the AD convertor of the AT Mega8. The TemperATure is displayed on an LCD module. In this example the thermometer has a range of 0潞C to 40潞C and a resolution of 0.5潞C. If you want to have a readout in Fahrenheit you can use the LM34.
标签: Semiconductors centigrade precision temperatu
上传时间: 2017-04-16
This software allows users to see how a serial async com port can be used to comunicate with a sync device (SPI). In this case, the software reads a low cost digital TemperATure sensor IC.
标签: comunicate software allows serial
上传时间: 2014-01-16
The 2D CFD Program NaSt2D The program is a 2D solver for the incompressible, transient Navier-Stokes equations including the TemperATure equation and free boundary problems. It uses finite differences for discretization on a structured equidistant staggered grid, central and upwind (donor-cell) discretization of the convective parts and an explicit time stepping scheme. The free boundary value problems are treated with the MAC technique.
标签: incompressible Navier-Sto The transient
上传时间: 2013-11-30
nRF24E1编程下载板是我们自行开发的简易无线通信模块nRF24E1的在线下载板,使用方便。 nRF24E1编程下载板源程序包括上位机程序、单片机固件程序和nRF24E1内51核控制程序, 分别存放在“上位机程序”、“AT89S52”和“nRF24E1”三个文件夹内。 “上位机程序”内有应用软件download.exe。 “AT89S52”内有单片机固件源程序download.c,可以直接编译连接生成下载文件,下载到目标单片机AT89S52中。 “nRF24E1”内有控制nRF24E1工作的源程序,分别是: 24E1.c:典型控制应用; putchar.c:nRF24E1串行通信源程序; transmit.c:nRF24E1无线发送源程序; receive.c:nRF24E1无线接收源程序; “TemperATure”:nRF24E1控制DS18B20温度采集并无线发送源程序。
上传时间: 2014-01-08