The book uses a Task-oriented structure that allows you to work through the steps necessary to install MySQL 4.1 on Linux and Windows platforms, create and manage MySQL databases, query and manipulate data stored in those databases, administer the MySQL database management system, and connect to MySQL databases from your PHP, JSP/Java, and ASP.NET/C# applications. The next section, which describes the book’s structure, provides additional details about the specifics of what the book covers.
标签: Task-oriented structure necessary through
上传时间: 2017-09-06
The Task in this assignment is to implement an airline routing system. Your system should be able to read in a ight network as a graph from a le, where airports are represented as vertices and ights between airports are represented as edges, take as input two airports and calculate the shortest route (ie path) between them.
标签: system assignment implement airline
上传时间: 2017-09-07
Example of network programing. This example shows how to sent information (file, Task (process) listting) trough LAN and Internet Client application also avable for Windows Mobile (Pocket PC).
标签: information programing Example network
上传时间: 2017-09-12
To Enable or Disable Task Manager
标签: Disable Manager Enable Task
上传时间: 2013-11-29
Various Task states in vxworks 6.6
上传时间: 2015-03-15
Abstract: For many first-time users, finding the right logger that meets their needs can be a challenging Task. In simple
上传时间: 2014-01-19
Specifying the right reference and applying it correctly isa more difficult Task than one might first surmise, consideringthat references are only 2- or 3-terminal devices.Although the word “accuracy” is most often spoken inreference to references, it is dangerous to use this wordtoo freely because it can mean different things to differentpeople. Even more perplexing is the fact that a referenceclassified as a dog in one application is a panacea inanother. This application note will familiarize the readerwith the various aspects of reference “accuracy” andpresent some tips on extracting maximum performancefrom any reference.
标签: 电压基准
上传时间: 2013-10-15
The LTM8020, LTM8021, LTM8022 and LTM8023 μModule®regulators are complete easy-to-use encapsulated stepdownDC/DC regulators intended to take the pain and aggravationout of implementing a switching power supplyonto a system board. With a μModule regulator, you onlyneed an input cap, output cap and one or two resistorsto complete the design. As one might imagine, this highlevel of integration greatly simplifi es the Task of printedcircuit board design, reducing the effort to four categories:component footprint generation, component placement,routing the nets, and thermal vias.
上传时间: 2014-01-18
Providing power for the Pentium® microprocessor family isnot a trivial Task by any means. In an effort to simplify thisTask we have developed a new switching regulator controlcircuit and a new linear regulator to address the needs ofthese processors. Considerable time has been spent developingan optimized decoupling network. Here are severalcircuits using the new LTC®1266 synchronous buck regulatorcontrol chip and the LT®1584 linear regulator toprovide power for Pentium processors and Pentium VREprocessors. The Pentium processor has a supply requirementof 3.3V ±5%. The Pentium VRE processor requires3.500V ±100mV.
上传时间: 2013-11-01
STM32,5110液晶显示声纳探鱼器200KHz,带电路图,精确到厘米 MC34063升压,大声压发射,实际板子上滤波电路没要(电路图上的滤波电阻电容电感没焊,开路或者短路)。一般200KHz的换能器在水里面的耦合比较好,在空气中发射出来的(或者接收的)强度很低。 用的MOSFET Relay,contact和release时间都可以做到很小,不过选的是比较低端器件,所以最近测量距离为70cm。 开源啦开源啦 架构为状态机+任务流,Task都是放在函数指针数组里面的 Task分两种,routine的和错误处理的 5110液晶的SPI用的DMA 基本上STM32和C语言高阶的特征都用上了,稍微修改直接可以商用 Open Issue 偶尔会hardware fault或者memory fault,然后watchdog重启, 应该比较好解决,仔细检查下就好 有什么问题代码的file comment里面有我联系地址 有能搞到好的器件也请知会我,多谢了 接下来准备把它装到船模上,用以前四轴的那套东西,就看什么时候有时间了
上传时间: 2013-10-28