annie is an ANN, ie, Artificial Neural Network library developed in C++. It can be used to implement various kinds of neural networks like Multi-Layer Perceptron, Radial basis function networks, Hopfield networks etc.
标签: Artificial developed implement Network
上传时间: 2014-08-17
The EM algorithm is short for Expectation-Maximization algorithm. It is based on an iterative optimization of the centers and widths of the kernels. The aim is to optimize the likelihood that the given data points are generated by a mixture of Gaussians. The numbers next to the Gaussians give the relative importance (amplitude) of each component.
标签: algorithm Expectation-Maximization iterative optimi
上传时间: 2015-06-17
use vc++ write like lunix file systerm,it is a computer os course experiment.
标签: experiment computer systerm course
上传时间: 2015-06-18
I know we can t forget the past you can t forget love and pride because of that,it s kill in my inside
上传时间: 2015-06-19
this game is programmed by visual basic language,please check it,thank you very much!
标签: programmed language please visual
上传时间: 2013-12-14
shuijinglian 1.1.rar.this is a good game.I wish all like it
标签: shuijinglian good game like
上传时间: 2013-12-30
This is my assignment for my tutor s Class. and many problems exist,so you should comprhend it and improve it to perfect.
标签: assignment and comprhend problems
上传时间: 2015-06-22
JPG Graph API Win 32 JPG API is a 32bit JPEG api dll. You can call it to show a JPG file in your program by only one sentence. The only thing that you have to know is how to load a dll libary and how to call ist functions. A example of Visual FoxPro is supplied in package.
上传时间: 2015-06-23
Rotating shafts experience a an elliptical motion called whirl. It is important to decompose this motion into a forward and backward whil orbits. The current function makes use of two sensors to generate a bi-directional spectrogram. The method can be extended to any time-frequency distribution % % compute the forward/backward Campbell/specgtrogram % % INPUT: % y (n x 2) each column is measured from a different sensor % /////// % __ % |s1| y(:,1) % |__| % __ % / \ ________|/ % | | | s2 |/ y(:,2) % \____/ --------|/ % % Fs Sampling frequnecy % % OUTPUT: % B spectrogram/Campbel diagram % x x-axis coordinate vector (time or Speed) % y y-axis coordinate vector (frequency [Hz])
标签: experience elliptical decompose important
上传时间: 2015-06-23
SDL Library Documentation. The SDL library is designed to make it easy to write games that run on Linux, *BSD, MacOS, Win32 and BeOS using the various native high-performance media interfaces, (for video, audio, etc) and presenting a single source-code level API to your application. SDL is a fairly low level API, but using it, completely portable applications can be written with a great deal of flexibility.
标签: Documentation SDL designed Library
上传时间: 2015-06-23