本程序实现对二进制 十进制 十六进制的互相转换 1、 对进制进行判断 2、 数据的输入 3、 对数据做进制转换及输出 文件: TRAN.asm 源代码 设计思想.doc 简单介绍
上传时间: 2015-05-10
程序LOCKF为808语言编制,稍加修改,即可作为一个子模块(须转换为OBJ文件格式)同FOR2 TRAN编译DBASE等应用程序链接
上传时间: 2014-06-15
binDCT fron D.TRAN used in Image compression
标签: compression binDCT Image TRAN
上传时间: 2017-07-11
USB海量存储设备类规范包括四个独立的子类规范:(ATA command的那个没有) ①USB Mass Storgage Class Control/Bulk/Interrupt(CBI)TRANsport ②USB Mass Storage Class Bulk-Only TRANsport ③USB Mass Storage Class ATA Command Block ④USB Mass Stroage Class UFI Command Specification。 前两个子规范定义了数据/命令/状态在USB上的传输方法。 Bulk-Only传输规范仅仅使用Bulk端点传送数据/命令/状态, CBI传输规范则使用Control/Bulk/Interrupt三种类型的端点进行数据/命令/状态传送。 后两个子规范定义了对存储介质的操作命令。 ATA 命令规范用于硬盘。 UFI命令规范是针对USB移动存储而制定的,实际上UFI命令格式是基于SFF-8070i和SCSI-2规范,总共定义了19个12字节长度的操作命令。
标签: USB Interrupt Storgage Control
上传时间: 2015-08-29
A Routing Protocol for Utilizing Multiple Channels in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks with a Single TRANsceiver
标签: Multi-Hop Utilizing Protocol Multiple
上传时间: 2014-01-14
MD5变换动态链接库文件调用:(delphi例子) ========================================================================= function TRANsfer(TRAN:widestring):widestring stdcall external md5.dll name TRANsfer //edit1为输入字符,edit2为输出md5摘要 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject) begin edit2.text:=TRANsfer(edit1.Text) end
上传时间: 2016-07-04
This is the source for a C compiler that generates 386 or m68K code. Code generation is fairly good although the optimizer is a little naive... the code itself should be highly portable although there are some issues involved with porting from MSDOS that have to be resolved for example the size of LONG on unix machines is so big some of the code generated gets messed up. Code generation requires TASM to assemble the compiler output you can use the borland TLINK to produce executables, or the Watcom WLINK can also be used. PMODE systems written by TRAN are used for the DPMI interface.
标签: generation generates compiler fairly
上传时间: 2016-08-01
标签: sql脚本
上传时间: 2015-06-06