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  • The evaluation software will be operational for a limited time only. Please contact your nearest IAR

    The evaluation software will be operational for a limited time only. Please contact your nearest IAR Systems office or IAR Systems distributor if you want to purchase the full version of the product (contact link found below).

    标签: operational evaluation software contact

    上传时间: 2014-01-01


  • MBUS协议 The bus communication system of EN1434-3 is commonly called M-Bus. Its application layer des

    MBUS协议 The bus communication system of EN1434-3 is commonly called M-Bus. Its application layer describes a standard especially for meter readout. It can be used with various physical layers and with link layers and network layers which support the transmission of variable length binary transparent telegrams.

    标签: communication application commonly called

    上传时间: 2017-08-10


  • Professional MFC. Chapter 1: The Microsoft Developer Studio Chapter 2: The Wizards and The Gallery

    Professional MFC. Chapter 1: The Microsoft Developer Studio Chapter 2: The Wizards and The Gallery Chapter 3: The Application Architecture Hierarchy Chapter 4: The Document/View Architecture Chapter 5: Using Dialogs and Controls in MFC Chapter 6: User Interface Issues Chapter 7: Advanced User Interface Programming Chapter 8: Using the Windows Common Controls Chapter 9: Writing Programs for the Windows Shell Chapter 10: Utility and Exception Classes Chapter 11: Writing Multithreaded Applications with MFC Chapter 12: Creating Dynamic-link Libraries Chapter 13: Writing Database Applications Chapter 14: Writing OLE Containers Chapter 15: Writing OLE Servers Chapter 16: ActiveX Controls Chapter 17: ActiveX Control Containers Chapter 18: Internet Client Programming Chapter 19: Internet Server Programming Appendix A: Installing Visual C++

    标签: Chapter The Professional Developer

    上传时间: 2017-08-20


  • Why C++ is the emerging standard in software development. The steps to develop a C++ program. How

    Why C++ is the emerging standard in software development. The steps to develop a C++ program. How to enter, compile, and link your first working C++ program.

    标签: development emerging standard software

    上传时间: 2013-12-26


  • ------ DebugAsm Editor使用说明 ------ 本软件是采用DEUBG作ASM程式设计的工具,采用本人 自创的工程方案,令你的ASM程式设计更方便.

    ------ DebugAsm Editor使用说明 ------ 本软件是采用DEUBG作ASM程式设计的工具,采用本人 自创的工程方案,令你的ASM程式设计更方便. 对本软件说明如下: .dap -------- DEBUG ASM工程文件 .asm -------- 生成的纯文本ASM文件 .txt -------- 生成的纯文本DEBUG导入文件 .tmp -------- Link过程中产生的临时文件 .com -------- 生成的可执行文件 以上之文件均为同名称,不同的扩展名. zhb - 07/10/2007

    标签: ASM DebugAsm Editor DEUBG

    上传时间: 2014-01-30


  • MFA控制


    标签: matlab

    上传时间: 2015-03-16


  • ST LINK V2使用说明


    标签: ST LINK V2使用说明

    上传时间: 2015-04-28


  • 双向可控硅实用电路500例

    一种以硅单晶为基本材料的P1N1P2N2四层三端器件,创制于1957年,由于它特性类似 双向可控硅 于真空闸流管,所以国际上通称为硅晶体闸流管,简称可控硅T。又由于可控硅最初应用于可控整流方面所以又称为硅可控整流元件,简称为可控硅SCR。 在性能上,可控硅不仅具有单向导电性,而且还具有比硅整流元件(俗称“死硅 ”)更为可贵的可控性。它只有导通和关断两种状态。 可控硅能以毫安级电流控制大功率的机电设备,如果超过此频率,因元件开关损耗显著增加,允许通过的平均电流相降低,此时,标称电流应降级使用。 可控硅的优点很多,例如:以小功率控制大功率,功率放大倍数高达几十万倍;反应极快,在微秒级内开通、关断;无触点运行,无火花、无噪音;效率高,成本低等等。 可控硅的弱点:静态及动态的过载能力较差;容易受干扰而误导通。

    标签: 双向可控硅实用电路500例

    上传时间: 2015-05-07


  • 数字式电容测量仪


    标签: 课程设计

    上传时间: 2015-05-07


  • 文件Java排课系统的报告

    My JSP 'TeacherMain.jsp' starting page var $=function(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } function show_menu(num){ for(i=0;i

    标签: C++

    上传时间: 2015-07-03
