标签: arm7
上传时间: 2016-03-30
上传时间: 2013-12-23
DirectFB is a thin library that provides hardware graphics acceleration, input device handling and abstraction, integrated windowing system with support for translucent windows and multiple display layers on top of the Linux Framebuffer Device.
标签: acceleration DirectFB hardware graphics
上传时间: 2014-06-30
上传时间: 2014-11-30
北京大学ACM比赛题目 Consider an infinite full binary search tree (see the figure below), the numbers in the nodes are 1, 2, 3, .... In a subtree whose root node is X, we can get the minimum number in this subtree by repeating going down the left node until the last level, and we can also find the maximum number by going down the right node. Now you are given some queries as "What are the minimum and maximum numbers in the subtree whose root node is X?" Please try to find answers for there queries.
标签: the Consider infinite numbers
上传时间: 2013-12-16
This program uses the HF flag of a FIFO to trigger reads, guaranteeing that the FIFO is never blocked for the writer, giving high throughput for the reader (bursts of D/2 = 128) and guaranteeing that the the reader will not be stuck in the top half of the FIFO.
标签: FIFO guaranteeing the program
上传时间: 2016-05-05
命令 说明 USER 向pop3服务器器传递用户名 PASS 向pop3服务器器传递用户密码 STAT 获取当前用户的邮件数 LIST 获取邮件标号和大小 BETR 获取邮件的全部信息,包括邮件头和邮件内容 TOP 获取邮件头 DELE 删除指定的邮件 NOOP 空操作 QUIT 退出主机对话
上传时间: 2014-01-07
这是一个自制的实用的文件格式转化工具,因常用的AVR单片机编译器AVRASM32.EXE编译的OBJ文件不能使用通 用编程器烧录(例TOM2000编程器),因文件中含有握手码,不全是机器码。 因此用VB6.0制做一个 AVRTOM.EXE文件,用以文件格式转化,转换后既可用TOM2000等用通用编程器烧录 AVRTOM.EXE使用方法:准备好avr.asm文件(文件名一定要用这个名),点击avrtom.exe既可生成通用的top.obj AVRTOM.EXE的制做(源码):安装VB6.0后,点击PROJECT1.VBP进入VB6.0编译环境,编译既可。
上传时间: 2016-05-26
在无符号数的字节数组中,计算大于、等于、小于search的元素个数,分别存放在字节单元up、equal、down中。 程序显示up、equal、down的值
上传时间: 2016-06-18
ACM Programming contest activity at Stony Brook is sponsored by a grant from Salomon Smith Barney. In the 2002 Greater New York Regional, Stony Brook s teams finished 2nd and 5th with 54 teams competing! In the 2003 Greater New York Regional, Stony Brook finished 4th of 60 teams. In the 2004 Greater New York Regional, three of Stony Brook s teams finished in the top 15 positions!
标签: Programming sponsored activity contest
上传时间: 2013-12-13