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  • PCA9517 Level translating I2C-

    The PCA9517 is a CMOS integrated circuit that provides level shifting between lowvoltage (down to 0.9 V) and higher voltage (2.7 V to 5.5 V) I2C-bus or SMBus applications.While retaining all the operating modes and features of the I2C-bus system during thelevel shifts, it also permits extension of the I2C-bus by providing bidirectional buffering forboth the data (SDA) and the clock (SCL) lines, thus enabling two buses of 400 pF. Usingthe PCA9517 enables the system designer to isolate two halves of a bus for both voltageand capacitance. The SDA and SCL pins are over voltage tolerant and arehigh-impedance when the PCA9517 is unpowered.

    标签: translating Level 9517 PCA

    上传时间: 2013-12-25



    The TL2575 and TL2575HV represent superior alternatives to popular three-terminal linear regulators. Due totheir high efficiency, the devices significantly reduce the size of the heatsink and, in many cases, no heatsink isrequired. Optimized for use with standard series of inductors available from several different manufacturers, theTL2575 and TL2575HV greatly simplify the design of switch-mode power supplies by requiring a minimaladdition of only four to six external components for operation.


    上传时间: 2013-11-20



    The MAX3243E device consists of three line drivers, five line receivers, and a dual charge-pump circuit with±15-kV ESD (HBM and IEC61000-4-2, Air-Gap Discharge) and ±8-kV ESD (IEC61000-4-2, Contact Discharge)protection on serial-port connection pins. The device meets the requirements of TIA/EIA-232-F and provides theelectrical interface between an asynchronous communication controller and the serial-port connector. Thiscombination of drivers and receivers matches that needed for the typical serial port used in an IBM PC/AT, orcompatible. The charge pump and four small external capacitors allow operation from a single 3-V to 5.5-Vsupply. In addition, the device includes an always-active noninverting output (ROUT2B), which allowsapplications using the ring indicator to transmit data while the device is powered down. The device operates atdata signaling rates up to 250 kbit/s and a maximum of 30-V/ms driver output slew rate.


    上传时间: 2013-10-19


  • 68HC05K0 Infra-red Remote Cont

    The MC68HC05K0 is a low cost, low pin countsingle chip microcomputer with 504 bytes of userROM and 32 bytes of RAM. The MC68HC05K0 isa member of the 68HC05K series of devices whichare available in 16-pin DIL or SOIC packages.It uses the same CPU as the other devices in the68HC05 family and has the same instructions andregisters. Additionally, the device has a 15-stagemulti-function timer and 10 general purposebi-directional I/0 lines. A mask option is availablefor software programmable pull-downs on all ofthe I/O pins and four of the pins are capable ofgenerating interrupts.The device is ideally suited for remote-controlkeyboard applications because the pull-downs andthe interrupt drivers on the port pins allowkeyboards to be built without any externalcomponents except the keys themselves. There isno need for external pull-up or pull-down resistors,or diodes for wired-OR interrupts, as these featuresare already designed into the device.

    标签: Infra-red Remote Cont 05K

    上传时间: 2014-01-24


  • 3.3v看门狗芯片

    The STWD100 watchdog timer circuits are self-contained devices which prevent systemfailures that are caused by certain types of hardware errors (non-responding peripherals,bus contention, etc.) or software errors (bad code jump, code stuck in loop, etc.).The STWD100 watchdog timer has an input, WDI, and an output, WDO (see Figure 2). Theinput is used to clear the internal watchdog timer periodically within the specified timeoutperiod, twd (see Section 3: Watchdog timing). While the system is operating correctly, itperiodically toggles the watchdog input, WDI. If the system fails, the watchdog timer is notreset, a system alert is generated and the watchdog output, WDO, is asserted (seeSection 3: Watchdog timing).The STWD100 circuit also has an enable pin, EN (see Figure 2), which can enable ordisable the watchdog functionality. The EN pin is connected to the internal pull-downresistor. The device is enabled if the EN pin is left floating.

    标签: 3.3 看门狗 芯片

    上传时间: 2013-10-22


  • LED显示屏动态显示及程序

    实现动态显示效果的方法和以上几种基本类似,这里以滚动显示为例作一说明。对于需要滚动的文字,可以将其设置为位图格式,暂存于内存中,然后利用VC 提供的位图拷贝函数BitBlt将位图复制到显示位置。对于特殊字符或图形,则可以直接利用BitBlt函数调用到显示位置。然后在类CLEDDlg的 OnTimer函数中调用该函数,以实现文字的滚动显示。另外,也可以通过设定不同的响应时间间隔来改变文字的滚动速度。 程序清单: ORG  00H LOOP: MOV A,#0FFH ;开机初始化,清除画面 MOV P0,A    ;清除P0口        ANL P2,#00   ;清除P2口 MOV R2,#200   D100MS: MOV R3,#250 ;延时100毫秒        DJNZ R3,$        DJNZ R2,D100MS        MOV 20H,#00H ;取码指针的初值 l100:    MOV R1,#100 ;每个字的停留时间 L16:    MOV R6,#16 ;每个字16个码

    标签: LED 显示屏 动态显示 程序

    上传时间: 2013-11-06


  • tft-lcd驱动电路设计

    薄膜晶体管液晶显示器(TFT-LCD)具有重量轻、平板化、低功耗、无辐射、显示品质优良等特点,其应用领域正在逐步扩大,已经从音像制品、笔记本电脑等显示器发展到台式计算机、工程工作站(EWS)用监视器。对液晶显示器的要求也正在向高分辨率、高彩色化发展。 由于CRT显示器和液晶屏具有不同的显示特性,两者的显示信号参数也不同,因此在计算机(或MCU)和液晶屏之间设计液晶显示器的驱动电路是必需的,其主要功能是通过调制输出到LCD电极上的电位信号、峰值、频率等参数来建立交流驱动电场。 本文实现了将VGA接口信号转换到模拟液晶屏上显示的驱动电路,采用ADI公司的高性能DSP芯片ADSP-21160来实现驱动电路的主要功能。

    标签: tft-lcd 驱动 电路设计

    上传时间: 2013-10-30


  • 单片机ISP接口电路 ISP下载电路

    单片机ISP接口电路 ISP下载电路

    标签: ISP 单片机 接口电路

    上传时间: 2013-11-04


  • 8098单片机应用系统设计


    标签: 8098 单片机应用 系统设计

    上传时间: 2013-11-16


  • 2003年第5期《简易串行存储器拷贝器》源程序


    标签: 2003 串行存储器 拷贝器 源程序

    上传时间: 2014-04-16
