library for SVMclassification and regression. It solves C-SVM classification, nu-SVM classification, one-class-SVM, epsilon-SVM regression, and nu-SVM regression. It also provides an automatic model selection TOOL for C-SVM classification.
标签: classification SVMclassification regression library
上传时间: 2013-12-21
usb 报告描述符工具
标签: usb 报告描述符工具
上传时间: 2015-05-18
《分析性写作》,介绍言简意赅: The popular, brief rhetoric that treats writing as thinking, WRITING ANALYTICALLY, Sixth Edition, offers a series of prompts that lead you through the process of analysis and synthesis and help you to generate original and well-developed ideas. The book's overall point is that learning to write well means learning to use writing as a way of thinking well. To that end, the strategies of this book describe thinking skills that employ writing. As you will see, this book treats writing as a TOOL of thought--a means of undertaking sustained acts of inquiry and reflection.
上传时间: 2015-08-22
标签: ROST
上传时间: 2016-01-31
map editor source for darkeden
上传时间: 2016-03-30
Fiddler is a free web debugging TOOL which logs all HTTP(S) traffic between your computer and the Internet. Inspect traffic, set breakpoints
上传时间: 2016-06-03
Libsvm is a simple, easy-to-use, and efficient software for SVM classification and regression. It solves C-SVM classification, nu-SVM classification, one-class-SVM, epsilon-SVM regression, and nu-SVM regression. It also provides an automatic model selection TOOL for C-SVM classification.
标签: LibSVM
上传时间: 2019-06-09
This book is intended for RF planners, to serve as a practical TOOL in their daily work designing indoor radio distribution systems. Based on feedback from readers of the first edition it was clear to me that I needed to add more material and in depth description of the basics of indoor systems based on using repeaters; this has grown into a new Section 4.7. There was also a strong demand to add more detail and dedicate a full chapter to radio planning in tunnels, for both rail and road tunnels; and redundancy principles in the design focus for solving the challenge of handover zones. An entire Chapter 11 is now dedicated to tunnel radio planning.
上传时间: 2020-05-27
This book is intended for the RF planners, to serve as a practical TOOL in their daily work designing indoor radio distribution systems. It is not a complete book about all the deep aspects and corners of GSM, DCS, UMTS and HSPA networks, or all the core network systems. It is dedicated to the last 10–70 m of the network, the indoor air interface between the mobile user and the indoor mobile network.
标签: Practical Planning Indoor Guide Radio GSM for
上传时间: 2020-05-27
When digital media is perceived only as a TOOL to deliver content the potential for using its affordances to explore meaning is lost. Rather than seeing media only as an access point, we can view it as a way to enhance the expressiveness of content. Today blogs, wikis, messaging, mash-ups, and social media (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and others) offer authors ways to create narrative meaning that refl ects our new media culture. We can look to the past for similarities and parallels to better understand how to use social media as a creative TOOL with which to dialogue, collaborate, and create interactive narratives.
标签: Interactivity Social Media in
上传时间: 2020-05-27