(2) 主要算法的基本思想: 从题目上来分析我认为这是一个图的最短路径问题。因此决定用Dijkstra算法按路径长度递增的顺序逐步产生最短路径的方法:设置两个顶点的集合T和S,集合S中存放已找到的最短路径的顶点,集合T中存放当前还未找到的最短路径的顶点。初始状态时,集合S中只包含源点V0,然后不断从集合T中选取到顶点V0路径长度最短的顶点加入到集合S中,集合S中每加入一个新的顶点U,都要修改顶点V0到集合T中剩余顶点的最短路径长度值,集合T中各顶点新的最短路径长度值为原来的最短路径长度值与顶点U的最短路径长度只值中的较小的。此过程不断重复,直到集合T的顶点全部加入到集合S为止。
上传时间: 2015-05-01
s3c44b0开发资料 44b0.s的bootloader的中文注释
标签: bootloader s3c44b0 44 开发资料
上传时间: 2015-05-02
arm7tdmi内核的技术参考资料 关于 ARM7TDMI-S 处理器 ARM7TDMI-S 结构 ARM7TDMI-S 模块 内核和 ARM7TDMI-S 指令集汇总 Rev 3a和 Rev 4 之间的差异
上传时间: 2015-05-02
这个游戏不用多介绍了吧 不过适用机型只有SE 的K系列和S系列.W系列没测试过 经过本人K500C测试没问题 下载后直接将后缀名.zip改为.jar即可
上传时间: 2015-05-02
上传时间: 2014-12-21
This little program shows how to use COM technology in Win32Asm. When it s run it lets the user freely decide about the presence of the program with the WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW style on the taskbar. The main goal is to show the easiest possible example instead of killing people with the details about virtual tables, polymorphism, inheritance and using nested macros etc., etc.
标签: technology program little shows
上传时间: 2015-05-03
This a simple compressor based on aplib, yoda s Kernel code, and my own stuffing around. It only has one function with MANY limitations at the moment, but it is desinged for demo purposes only so it don t matter.
标签: compressor stuffing Kernel simple
上传时间: 2013-12-24
上传时间: 2013-12-16
SelectionDemo also has code (not included in the preceding snippet) that changes the table s selection orientation. By changing a couple of boolean values, you can make the table allow either column selections or individual cell selections, instead of row selections.
标签: SelectionDemo the preceding included
上传时间: 2015-05-04
Shows how to use all list selection modes, using a list selection listener that s shared between a table and list.
标签: selection list listener between
上传时间: 2015-05-04