上传时间: 2013-12-21
This title demonstrates how to develop computer programmes which solve specific engineering problems using the finite element method. It enables students, scientists and engineers to assemble their own computer programmes to produce numerical results to solve these problems. The first three editions of Programming the Finite Element Method established themselves as an authority in this area. This fully revised 4th edition includes completely rewritten programmes with a unique description and list of parallel versions of programmes in Fortran 90. The Fortran programmes and subroutines described in the TEXT will be made available on the Internet via anonymous ftp, further adding to the value of this title.
标签: demonstrates engineering programmes computer
上传时间: 2014-01-13
key.txt存放密钥,密钥只能为数字,TEXT存放明文。 只对明文中的“数字”、“英文大小写”加密,空格或其它中文字符等不予理睬。 加密方法: 明文分组与密钥对应字符相加取模,十个数字为一个循环,26个英文大小写也各为一个循环。 例: 密钥为: 012 明文为: Microsoft VC++ 6.0 密文则为:Mjerpuogv VD++ 8.0 加密结果: 将密文生成到result.txt中,手动删除最后的占位符""即可。
上传时间: 2013-12-22
PNG开放源接口 The interface has been designed to be as simple and intuitive as possible. It supports plotting and reading in the RGB (red, green, blue), HSV (hue, saturation, value/brightness) and CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) colour spaces, basic shapes, scaling, bilinear interpolation, full TrueType antialiased and rotated TEXT support, bezier curves, opening existing PNG images and more.
标签: interface intuitive designed possible
上传时间: 2013-12-23
TC35i新版西门子工业GSM模块是一个支持中文短信息的工业级GSM模块,工作在EGSM900和GSM1800双频段,电源范围为直流3.3~4.8V ,电流消耗——休眠状态为3.5mA,空闲状态为25mA,发射状态为300mA(平均),2.5A峰值;可传输语音和数据信号, 功耗在EGSM900(4类)和GSM1800(1类)分别为2W和1W ,通过接口连接器和天线连接器分别连接SIM卡读卡器和天线。SIM电压为3V/1.8V,TC35i的数据接口(CMOS电平)通过AT命令可双向传输指令和数据,可选波特率为300b/s~115kb/s , 自动波特率为1.2kb/s~115kb/s。它支持TEXT和PDU格式的SMS(Short Message Service,短消息),可通过AT命令或关断信号实现重启和故障恢复
上传时间: 2016-03-17
This project aim was to build wireless software modem for data communication between two computers using an acoustic interface in the voice frequency range (20Hz– 20,000Hz). The transmitting antenna is a speaker (frequency response of: 90Hz – 20,000Hz) and the receiving antenna is a microphone (frequency response of: 100Hz – 16,000Hz). The test files used as information files were TEXT files. This goal was attained both in an incoherent scheme and in a coherent scheme. Build under Matlab code, our modem uses OFDM (orthogonal frequency division multiplexing) modulation, synchronization by LMS sequence, channel estimation (no equalizer) via pilot tones. The symbols are either PSK or ASK for a constellation size of 2 or 4. To optimize the probability of error, these symbols were mapped using Gray mapping. Report
标签: communication computers software wireless
上传时间: 2014-05-29
AutoSummary uses Natural Language Processing to generate a conTEXTually-relevant synopsis of plain TEXT. It uses statistical and rule-based methods for part-of-speech tagging, word sense disambiguation, sentence deconstruction and semantic analysis.
标签: conTEXTually-relevant AutoSummary Processing Language
上传时间: 2014-01-08
A Java port of LDC s Champollion sentence aligner (http://champollion.sourceforge.net). Intended audience is Natural Language researchers wishing to sentence-align parallel TEXT. In the future, Akerblad will extend Champollion with such features as rule
标签: Champollion champollion sourceforge Intended
上传时间: 2016-03-19
Simple VaR Calculator provides: - Evaluation of return distribution of single asset or portfolio of assets - Volatility forecasts using moving average and exponential algorithm - Value at Risk of single asset or portfolio measurement using parametric and historical simulation. - Historical data can be obtained from simple TEXT file or MS Excel using Matlab Excel Links.
标签: distribution Calculator Evaluation portfolio
上传时间: 2013-12-21
本文从英文C–FAQ (2004 年7 月3 日修订版) 翻译而来。本文的中文版权为 朱群英和孙云所有。本文的内容可以自由用于个人目的,但是不可以未经许可出 版发行。英文版权为Steve Summit 所有,详情见下面的英文版权说明。 The English version of this FAQ list is Copyright 1990-2004 by Steve Summit. Content from the book 《C Programming FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions》is made available here by permission of the author and the publisher as a service to the community. It is intended to complement the use of the published TEXT and is protected by international copyright laws. The on-line content may be accessed freely for personal use but may not be republished without permission.
上传时间: 2013-12-19