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  • example of programming in structured text to use need the rslogix 5k software

    example of programming in structured text to use need the rslogix 5k software

    标签: programming structured software example

    上传时间: 2017-04-02


  • 关于tts语音引擎的使用方法!很多软件具有英文发音和朗读功能

    关于tts语音引擎的使用方法!很多软件具有英文发音和朗读功能,它们都使用了MSTTS(Microsoft Text To Speech)技术。微软遵照COM的标准,提供了一套Speech API来对MSTTS进行编程。要在程序中使用这套API,必须确保系统已经安装了MSTTS和Spchapi软件包。   Speech API可以作为类型库引用到Delphi中,方法是:打开Project选单下的Import Type Litrary,点击“Add”加入Windows\Speech目录下的Vtxauto.tlb文件,在Delphi的Import目录中就会生成VTxtAuto—TLB.pas文件,其中定义了VTxtAuto—TLB单元,把它加到Uses成员中来。设计如图2所示的窗口,定义全局变量: var VoTxt:IVTxtAuto   然后在Form的OnCreate事件中加入:   VoTxt:=CoVTxtAuto_.Create   VoTxt.Register(′′,′Speech Test′) {注册}   “Read”按钮代码为:   VoTxt.Speak(Memo1.Lines.Text,10) {朗读}   “Stop”按钮代码为:   VoTxt.StopSpeaking {停止朗读}   至此,应用程序已具有朗读功能,10表示使用普通语气。借住VoTxt的属性和方法,我们还可以控制阅读速度和语气,实现暂停、跳句等功能,Speech API编程就这么简单。

    标签: tts 语音 引擎 多软件

    上传时间: 2014-01-21


  • 1

    1,如果没有出现精灵,请安装资源文件夹里的MSAgent核心库。 如果精灵说话时在确定已经选择了发音选项的情况下,没有语音,则请安装资源文件夹中的TEXT-To-Speech语音库。 2,在精灵上单击右键可以弹出菜单,同样的在任务栏的主程序上也有一样的效果。 双击精灵可以弹出发言对话框,在对话框中的发言快捷键是Alt+A。 3,一台机器只可以运行一个聊天精灵,如果想进行测试,可以在参数设置里把IP地址设置成本机地址。这样可以自己给自己发送信息。 4,目前聊天精灵只有英文的TEXT-To-Speech语音库,所以请通过英文来测试语音输出。 5,想不同的电脑之间正常的互相传递信息,请在参数设置里更改地址。


    上传时间: 2013-12-21


  • TTS

    TTS,TTS To Speech,Read the text using the microsoft TTS engine,and ACE libraly

    标签: TTS

    上传时间: 2015-12-11


  • AJAX Book Reader is a complete AJAX client-server application that may be used with a Web browser to

    AJAX Book Reader is a complete AJAX client-server application that may be used with a Web browser to display a sequence of text files one page at a time. The display style is completely controlled by a configuration file. The first application of this is as a book viewer where each chapter resides in a seperate text file. It is also suitable for any case where it is not practical to show all of the text to be displayed at once in the browser window.

    标签: AJAX client-server application complete

    上传时间: 2014-01-02


  • C8051程序

    C8051程序, writes text to the serial port of the 8052,用keil编译

    标签: C8051 程序

    上传时间: 2016-04-15


  • Actel Fusion System Management Development Kit UART Example. Contains Libero design using CoreABC. P

    Actel Fusion System Management Development Kit UART Example. Contains Libero design using CoreABC. Program prints text to UART.

    标签: Development Management Contains CoreABC

    上传时间: 2017-08-20


  • Linear Control System Analysis and Design Fifth

    The countless technological advances of the twentieth century require that futureengineering educationemphasizebridging thegapbetweentheoryand the real world.Thisedition hasbeenprepared withparticular attentiontothe needs of undergraduates, especially those who seek a solid foundation in control theory aswellas an ability tobridgethe gapbetween control theory and itsreal- world applications.To help the reader achieve this goal, computer-aided design accuracy checks (CADAC) are used throughout the text to encourage good habits of computerliteracy.Each CADAC uses fundamentalconcepts to ensure the viability of a computer solution.

    标签: Analysis Control Linear Design System Fifth and

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • Embedded Windows CE SAPI 5.0 Developers Kit is an embedded speech recognition, or speech-to-text cir

    Embedded Windows CE SAPI 5.0 Developers Kit is an embedded speech recognition, or speech-to-text circuit solution, for development of speech recognition system at the electronics level. 一款很好的英文嵌入式语音识别系统,基于winCE的,欢迎试用!

    标签: speech-to-text recognition Developers Embedded

    上传时间: 2016-07-28


  • Training embedded apps to process speech may be as easy as finding the right 8-bit micro. Don t let

    Training embedded apps to process speech may be as easy as finding the right 8-bit micro. Don t let what Rodger has to say about using an ADPCM algorithm and PWM output to generate speech to go in one ear and out the other

    标签: Training embedded process finding

    上传时间: 2014-01-26
