Output Feedback Active Suspension Control With Higher Order TERMINAL Sliding Mode
标签: 滑模
上传时间: 2019-07-24
This book gives a comprehensive overview of the technologies for the advances of mobile radio access networks. The topics covered include linear transmitters, superconducting filters and cryogenic radio frequency (RF) front head, radio over fiber, software radio base stations, mobile TERMINAL positioning, high speed downlink packet access (HSDPA), multiple antenna systems such as smart antennas and multiple input and multiple output (MIMO) systems, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems, IP-based radio access networks (RAN), autonomic networks, and ubiquitous networks.
标签: Advances Networks Access Mobile Radio in
上传时间: 2020-05-26
By definition, the term “mobile-radio communications” describes any radio communication link between two TERMINALs of which one or both are in motion or halted at unspecified locations and of which one may actually be a fixed TERMINAL such as a base station. This definition applies to both mobile-to-mobile and mobile-to-fixed radio communica- tion links. The mobile-to-mobile link could in fact consist of a mobile- to-fixed-to-mobile radio communication link.The term “mobile” applies to land vehicles, ships at sea, aircraft, and communications satellites. In tactical situations, mobile-radio systems may include any or all of these types of mobile TERMINALs.
标签: Communications Engineering Mobile
上传时间: 2020-05-30
The single-carrier frequency division multiple access (SC-FDMA) system is a well-known system that has recently become a preferred choice for mobile uplink channels. This is attributed to its advantages such as the low peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) and the use of frequency domain equalizers. Low PAPR allows the system to relax the specifications of linearity in the power amplifier of the mobile TERMINAL, which reduces cost and power consumption.
标签: Communications SC-FDMA Mobile for
上传时间: 2020-06-01
MICRO HDMI TF卡 USBTYPE-C USB-侧立式 摄像头FPC-24P OLED屏模块AD集成库(原理图库+3D封装库),).IntLib后缀文件,拆分后文件为PcbLib+SchLib格式,Altium Designer原理图库+PCB封装库,已验证使用,可以直接应用到你的项目开发。器件列表:ANT-Rainsun-AP5120AZ1045-04F BSN20BKR N-Channel 60 V 2.8 Ohm 310 mW 0.49 nC Surface Mount Trench MosFet - SOT-23ButtonTACT_3x4x2_180ButtonCP2102 USB转TTLESD-0402 ESDHDR2x4_2.54 HeaderLED_0402 LEDLM4871LP2992 LDOMIC Micro-HDMI Conn Micro HDMI RCP 19 POS 0.4mm Solder RA SMD 19 TERMINAL 1 Port Micro HDMI Embossed T/RNL27WZU04DF OLED-6432 显示屏OV2640 Header, 24-PinQuantum-Quark-Core RJ45座 RJ45座RT9011 TF卡座 8脚自弹USB-Type-C-TOP USB-WiFi-ANTUSB-侧立式 USB A Skt, Upright/Flag, R/A GF, W/kinked shell stake, tray电容-0402 Capacitor电容-0603 Capacitor电阻-0402 Resistor二极管-5B5817WS 40V晶振-4Pin-无源 2520无源选择跳线 Resistor
上传时间: 2022-01-09
设计了农业温湿度智能控制系统,该系统采用DHT11温湿度传感器作为温湿度采集模块,单片机选用AT89C52代替并调用Virtual TERMINAL模拟串口通信,LCD1604液晶显示器实时显示温湿度,实现了温湿度的测量、显示,可自动控制加热、降温、加湿、通风,实现温湿度控制以及超限报警处理,并利用Proteus与Keil进行实际电路的仿真。试验表明,该系统实现了可靠的温湿度监控。We described the design of an intelligent control system of agriculture temperature and humidity.The system uses DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor as the temperature and humidity acquisition module.The SCM adopts AT89C52 to replace and call the virtual TERMINAL for simulating serial communication.LCD1604 displays temperature and humidity in real time,which implements the measurement and display of temperature and humidity.The system is able to automatically control heating,cooling,humidification and ventilation,to achieve temperature and humidity control and over-limit alarm processing.The system also uses Proteus and Keil for actual circuit simulation.The experiment shows that the system is capable of reliable temperature and humidity monitoring.
上传时间: 2022-03-26
高通蓝牙芯片qcc5127详细规格书datasheet.pdf英文版,共97页 详细说明:1 Package information(pin allocations, pios TERMINAL functions)2 Bluetooth subsystem 3 Cystal oscillator4 System powerstates (Idel,Active,Sleep, Off)5 Host Interface subsystem6 Applications subsystem ( QSPI Flash controller)7 Audio subsystem(Dual core Kalimba, ROM, RAM and caches, Data, engine)8 Audio interfaces ( Analog, Digital, Simultaneous audio routing)9 Peripheral interfaces (PIOs, LED, USB, SPI, UART)10 Boot manager11 System manager12 example application schematic13 Electrical characteristics14 Audio performance15 Bluetooth performance16 Power consumption
上传时间: 2022-06-12
摘要:本系统以ICL8038集成块为核心器件,制作一种函数信号发生器,制作成本较低。适合学生学习电子技术测量使用。ICL8038是一种具有多种波形输出的精密振荡集成电路,只需要个别的外部元件就能产生从0.001Hz~30KlHz的低失真正弦波、三角波、矩形波等脉冲信号。输出波形的频率和占空比还可以由电流或电阻控制。另外由于该芯片具有调制信号输入端,所以可以用来对低频信号进行频率调制。关键词:函数信号发生器频率调制Abstract:The system ICL8038 integrated block as the core device,producing a kind of function signal generator,producing low cost.Suitable for students to learn the use of electronic technology measurement.ICL8038 is a kind of multi-precision oscillator waveform output integrated circuits,a separate external components only need to be able to generate from the 0.001Hz ~30KHz low-distortion sine wave,triangle wave,square wave pulse signal,etc..Output waveform of the frequency and duty cycle can also be controlled by a currentor resistance.In addition,as the chip has a modulated signal input TERMINAL,it can be used to low-frequency signal is frequency modulation.
上传时间: 2022-07-04
eeworm.com VIP专区 单片机源码系列 65资源包含以下内容:1. C8051F35X单片机内部Flash存储器的擦写方法.pdf2. 学51单片机之数码管部分.pdf3. 单片机在汽车驾驶模拟器中的应用.pdf4. 学51单片机之C51基础知识.pdf5. 学51单片机之单片机基础知识.pdf6. PIC单片机的C语言编程教材.pdf7. 学51单片机之LED部分.pdf8. NiosII培训教程与实验材料.rar9. Keil C51语言使用技巧及实战(周立功).pdf10. STM32F10xxx USB开发工具包.pdf11. 教你写Makefile.pdf12. 怎样写testbench-xilinx.pdf13. 学单片机之中断部分部分.pdf14. 代码优化的文档.pdf15. 学单片机之定时器部分.pdf16. Nios 的用户定义接口逻辑实例.rar17. 学单片机之串口通信.pdf18. Avlon总线规范参考手册.pdf19. AVR单片机与GCC编程.rar20. 数字信号处理.doc21. 为何选用SAMSUNG S3C44B0进行开发.doc22. 各类开发实用电路图.rar23. linux 中断和设备驱动.rar24. 基于C语言的MCS-51系列单片机软件开发系统.rar25. 基于单片机技术的光电检测研究.pdf26. 基于单片机的智能流量控制系统.pdf27. 基于AT89C51的腰椎牵引仪的设计.pdf28. 基于单片机的数字温度测控系统设计.pdf29. 基于MSP430单片机的二氧化碳测量系统.pdf30. usb调试助手.rar31. 基于PIC单片机的螺杆空压机控制器.pdf32. 基于PIC单片机的蓄电池检测及均衡系统.pdf33. AVR TERMINAL.EXE34. 闪速8 AD转换器TLC5510与单片微机的接口技术.pdf35. 基域C8051F020芯片的多功能计数器设计.pdf36. MCU51的串口调试工具.rar37. 基于单片机的楼宇供暖节能系统的设计.pdf38. 基于MSP430单片机的近红外水分分析仪设计.pdf39. 可编程计数器陈列PCA原理及应用设计.pdf40. 基于单片机控制多路PZT的驱动电路设计.pdf41. 基于MSP430单片机的深水监测装置.pdf42. 74系列选型参考资料.pdf43. 基于DS1820的无线温度采集系统的设计.pdf44. 基于单片机的热电偶测温系统的设计.pdf45. 基于单片机的车速控制技术的研究.pdf46. 基于C8051F410的精确信号模拟电路设计.pdf47. 简述单片机测控通用系统.doc48. 基于ATmega128的泥浆压力脉冲信号仿真器.pdf49. 基于芯片ADE7755单相电能计量电路的设计.pdf50. 32位嵌入式CPU中系统控制协处理器的设计与实现.pdf51. 基于ADS1253的色谱仪数据采集系统设计.pdf52. 用单片机实现流水灯的控制设计.pdf53. 基于SMBus的双单片机多通道ADC.pdf54. 基于单片机的人体腰椎复位研究.pdf55. 用stm32设计的rtc万年历程序.rar56. 基于PIC单片机的太阳能路灯控制器.pdf57. 基于SPCE061A的智能语音处理系统设计.pdf58. 串口利用定时器中断接受不同的帧.rar59. 基于SMS的单片机无线监控系统设计.pdf60. STM32的SD卡驱动及液晶驱动源代码资料.rar61. 基于单片机的资料库温和湿度监控系统.pdf62. I2C的模拟驱动资料下载.rar63. 基于单片机的多点温度烟雾测控系统设计.pdf64. FREERTOS的官方移植文档.rar65. 基于单片机的粮库多点测温系统的设计.pdf66. 强人写的UCOS_II,V2.52.rar67. SPCE061A在智能家居系统中的应用.pdf68. 飞思卡尔S12系列单片机系统硬件设计.rar69. 基于单片机的温度远程控制系统设计.pdf70. MC9S08FL16 DEMO资料.pdf71. WORKBENCH学习指导资料.pdf72. M52235EVB-K2e 开发板资料.rar73. AVR应用经验解析.pdf74. M52221 DEMO板资料.rar75. DSP系列56F800 DEMO开发板资料.rar76. DSP 56f800 DBUM开发板资料.rar77. SD协议介绍.doc78. CML-5282开发板资料.rar79. 单片机C51编程规范教程.doc80. IIC总线协议中文版.pdf81. Freescale MC9S12C64介绍及编程练习.rar82. freescaler开发板资料及原理图.rar83. PIC16F877的外围功能模块资料.pdf84. HCS12中断原理分析 ppt.rar85. PIC16f877快速入门教程.pdf86. DEMO9RS08KB12开发板资料及原理图.rar87. Freescale HCS12微控制器资料 ppt.rar88. 单片机语言C51程序设计.pdf89. 基于SPCE061A的步进电机控制系统设计.pdf90. HCS12微控制器MC9S12DP256使用指南 ppt.rar91. 单片机常用的程序30例.rar92. MCS-51单片机实用子程序库实验(七).doc93. DEMOLL16_Lab_code使用资料.rar94. FSL08系列单片机开发及C语言编程简介.pdf95. MCS-51单片机实用子程序库实验(六).doc96. HCS12X系列存储器配置操作指南.pdf97. MC9S08QG8英文资料 pdf.pdf98. MCS-51单片机实用子程序库实验(五).doc99. 基于XGATE进行Manchester译码的方法.pdf100. FREESCALE单片机的C编程教程.pdf
标签: 滚动码
上传时间: 2013-05-21