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  • 用JRE平台实现nsg2操作


    标签: nsg2 操作

    上传时间: 2016-11-28


  • The Linux GPIB Package is a support package for GPIB (IEEE 488) hardware. The package contains kerne

    The Linux GPIB Package is a support package for GPIB (IEEE 488) hardware. The package contains kernel driver modules, and a C user-space library with Guile, Perl, PHP, Python and TCl bindings. The API of the C library is intended to be compatible with National Instrument s GPIB library. The Linux GPIB Package is licensed under the GNU General Public License . Requirements: Linux kernel version 2.4.x (use Linux-GPIB version 3.1.x). Earlier kernel versions are not supported.

    标签: package GPIB The contains

    上传时间: 2016-12-17


  • 一个用于NS2中的


    标签: NS2

    上传时间: 2014-01-06


  • sqlite3.6.2的源码。SQLite是一款轻型的数据库


    标签: sqlite SQLite 源码 数据库

    上传时间: 2013-12-18


  • 我自己用的无线Ad-hoc网络的场景文件


    标签: Ad-hoc 无线 网络

    上传时间: 2017-05-08


  • Linux系统下


    标签: Linux

    上传时间: 2014-01-25


  • NS2是通信系统仿真的重要手段


    标签: NS2 通信系统 仿真

    上传时间: 2017-05-20


  • 将源代码转换成html,支持多操作系统

    将源代码转换成html,支持多操作系统,支持多种编程语言:Ada95, ASP, Assembler, Basic, C, C#, C++, Cg, CLIPS, Fortran, Haskell, Java, Markup, Modula2, Objective C, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Python, Renderman, Ruby, SQL, TCl

    标签: html 源代码 操作系统 转换成

    上传时间: 2013-12-28


  • 3.缺少文件 4.所选类别和开发环境不对 5.乱写说明或说明不够认真 6.压缩文件有密码 7.源码重复或已经存在 请不要上传有版权争议的内容和木马病毒代码 开发环境: 请选择 V

    3.缺少文件 4.所选类别和开发环境不对 5.乱写说明或说明不够认真 6.压缩文件有密码 7.源码重复或已经存在 请不要上传有版权争议的内容和木马病毒代码 开发环境: 请选择 Visual C++ Visual Basic DOS Unix_Linux C++ Builder Java Windows_Unix Delphi C-C++ PHP-PERL PHP Perl Python HTML Asm Pascal Borland C++ Others MultiPlatform C++ VFP SQL PDF TEXT WORD VBScript JavaScript ASP CSharp CHM FlashMX matlab PowerBuilder PPT LabView Flex MathCAD VBA PalmOS IDL LISP VHDL Objective-C Fortran TCl/tk QT(重要) 功能描述: 请认真阅读您的文件包然后写出

    标签: 开发环境 密码 代码 源码

    上传时间: 2017-08-18


  • TCl_and_The_Tk_Toolkit

    This manuscript is a partial draft of a book to be published in early 1994 by AddisonWesley (ISBN 0-201-63337-X). Addison-Wesley has given me permission to make drafts of the book available to the TCl community to help meet the need for introductory documentation on TCl and Tk until the book becomes available. Please observe the restrictions set forth in the copyright notice above: you’re welcome to make a copy for yourself or a friend but any sort of large-scale reproduction or reproduction for profit requires advance permission from Addison-Wesley

    标签: Toolkit

    上传时间: 2020-07-05
