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  • M-System DOC(Disk on a Chip) Flash芯片映像读写工具, 可以进行二片Flash芯片的内容互相拷贝, 提高烧录程序的效率.

    M-System DOC(Disk on a Chip) Flash芯片映像读写工具, 可以进行二片Flash芯片的内容互相拷贝, 提高烧录程序的效率.

    标签: Flash M-System Chip Disk

    上传时间: 2017-03-04


  • C8051F340/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 devices are fully integrated mixed-signal System-on-a-Chip MCUs. Highlighted

    C8051F340/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 devices are fully integrated mixed-signal System-on-a-Chip MCUs. Highlighted features are listed below. Refer to Table 1.1 for specific product feature selection

    标签: System-on-a-Chip mixed-signal Highlighted integrated

    上传时间: 2014-01-01


  • 国际会议上的关于人耳图像识别的论文:Multi-view Ear Recognition Based on B-Spline Pose Manifold Construction

    国际会议上的关于人耳图像识别的论文:Multi-view Ear Recognition Based on B-Spline Pose Manifold Construction

    标签: Construction Recognition Multi-view B-Spline

    上传时间: 2013-12-17


  • 基于FPGA的B型超声成像系统的设计与实现.rar

    便携式B型超声诊断仪具有无创伤、简便易行、相对价廉等优势,在临床中越来越得到广泛的应用。它将超声波技术、微电子技术、计算机技术、机械设计与制造及生物医学工程等技术融合在一起。开展该课题的研究对提高临床诊断能力和促进我国医疗事业的发展具有重要的意义。 便携式B型超声诊断仪由人机交互系统、探头、成像系统、显示系统构成。其基本工作过程是:首先人机交互系统接收到用户通过键盘或鼠标发出的命令,然后成像系统根据命令控制探头发射超声波,并对回波信号处理、合成图像,最后通过显示系统完成图像的显示。 成像系统作为便携式B型超声诊断仪的核心对图像质量有决定性影响,但以前研制的便携式B型超声诊断仪的成像系统在三个方面存在不足:第一、采用的是单片机控制步进电机,控制精度不高,导致成像系统采样不精确;第二、采用的数字扫描变换算法太粗糙,影响超声图像的分辨率;第三、它的CPU多采用的是51系列单片机,测量速度太慢,同时也不便于系统升级和扩展。 针对以上不足,提出了基于FPGA的B型超声成像系统解决方案,采用Altera公司的EP2C5Q208C8芯片实现了步进电机步距角的细分,使电机旋转更匀速,提高了采样精度;提出并采用DSTI-ULA算法(Uniform Ladder Algorithm based on Double Sample and Trilinear Interotation)在FPGA内实现数字扫描变换,提高了图像分辨率;人机交互系统采用S3C2410-AL作为CPU,改善了测量速度和系统的扩展性。 通过对系统硬件电路的设计、制作,软件的编写、调试,结果表明,本文所设计的便携式B型超声成像系统图像分辨率高、测量速度快、体积小、操作方便。本文所设计的便携式B型超声诊断仪可在野外作业和抢险(诸如地震、抗洪)中发挥作用,同时也可在乡村诊所中完成对相关疾病的诊断工作。

    标签: FPGA 超声成像

    上传时间: 2013-05-18


  • BurchED B5-X300 Spartan2e using XC2S300e device Top level file for 6809 compatible system on a chi

    BurchED B5-X300 Spartan2e using XC2S300e device Top level file for 6809 compatible system on a chip Designed with Xilinx XC2S300e Spartan 2+ FPGA. Implemented With BurchED B5-X300 FPGA board, B5-SRAM module, B5-CF module and B5-FPGA-CPU-IO module

    标签: compatible 300 Spartan2e BurchED

    上传时间: 2015-07-07


  • About: hamsterdb is a database engine written in ANSI C. It supports a B+Tree index structure, uses

    About: hamsterdb is a database engine written in ANSI C. It supports a B+Tree index structure, uses memory mapped I/O (if available), supports cursors, and can create in-memory databases. Release focus: Major feature enhancements Changes: This release comes with many changes and new features. It can manage multiple databases in one file. A new flag (HAM_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE) places an exclusive lock on the file. hamsterdb was ported to Windows CE, and the Solution file for Visual Studio 2005 now supports builds for x64. Several minor bugs were fixed, performance was improved, and small API changes occurred. Pre-built libraries for Windows (32-bit and 64-bit) are available for download. Author: cruppstahl

    标签: C. hamsterdb structure database

    上传时间: 2013-12-11


  • The Original USB 2.0 specification released on April 27, 2000 Errata to the USB 2.0 specification

    The Original USB 2.0 specification released on April 27, 2000 Errata to the USB 2.0 specification as of December 7, 2000 Mini-B connector Engineering Change Notice to the USB 2.0 specification. Pull-up/pull-down Resistors Engineering Change Notice to the USB 2.0 specification. Errata to the USB 2.0 specification as of May 28, 2002 Interface Association Descriptor Engineering Change Notice to the USB 2.0 specification. Rounded Chamfer Engineering Change Notice to the USB 2.0 specification as of October 8, 2003 Unicode Engineering Change Notice to the USB 2.0 specification as of February 21, 2005 Inter-Chip USB Supplement Revision 1.0 as of March 13, 2006 Revision 1.3 of the USB On-The-Go Supplement as of December 5, 2006 Revision 1.01 of the Micro-USB Cables and Connectors Specification as of April 4, 2007 USB 2.0 Link Power Management Addendum Engineering Change Notice to the USB 2.0 specification as of July 16, 2007.

    标签: specification 2.0 USB Original

    上传时间: 2013-12-31


  • The MPC8280 is a versatile communications processor that integrates on e chip a high-performance Po

    The MPC8280 is a versatile communications processor that integrates on e chip a high-performance PowerPC™ RISC microprocessor, a very flexible system integration unit, and many communications peripheral controllers that can be used in a variety of applications, particularly in communications and networking systems

    标签: high-performance communications integrates versatile

    上传时间: 2016-06-20


  • Program main BIOS image | | /B - Program Boot Block | | /N - Program NVRAM | | /C - Destroy CM

    Program main BIOS image | | /B - Program Boot Block | | /N - Program NVRAM | | /C - Destroy CMOS checksum | | /E - Program Embedded Controller Block | | /K - Program all non-critical blocks | | /Kn - Program n th non-critical block only(n=0-7) | | /Q - Silent execution | | /REBOOT - Reboot after programming | | /X - Don t Check ROM ID | | /S - Display current system s ROMID | | /Ln - Load CMOS defaults

    标签: Program Destroy Block NVRAM

    上传时间: 2016-07-26


  • The P89LPC938 is a single-chip microcontroller, available in low cost packages, based on a high per

    The P89LPC938 is a single-chip microcontroller, available in low cost packages, based on a high performance processor architecture that executes instructions in two to four clocks, six times the rate of standard 80C51 devices. Many system-level functions have been incorporated into the P89LPC938 in order to reduce component count, board space, and system cost.

    标签: microcontroller single-chip available packages

    上传时间: 2013-12-04
