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  • 基于CPLD的QDPSK调制解调电路设计

    为了在CDMA系统中更好地应用QDPSK数字调制方式,在分析四相相对移相(QDPSK)信号调制解调原理的基础上,设计了一种QDPSK调制解调电路,它包括串并转换、差分编码、四相载波产生和选相、相干解调、差分译码和并串转换电路。在MAX+PLUSⅡ软件平台上,进行了编译和波形仿真。综合后下载到复杂可编程逻辑器件EPM7128SLC84-15中,测试结果表明,调制电路能正确选相,解调电路输出数据与QDPSK调制输入数据完全一致,达到了预期的设计要求。 Abstract:  In order to realize the better application of digital modulation mode QDPSK in the CDMA system, a sort of QDPSK modulation-demodulation circuit was designed based on the analysis of QDPSK signal modulation-demodulation principles. It included serial/parallel conversion circuit, differential encoding circuit, four-phase carrier wave produced and phase chosen circuit, coherent demodulation circuit, difference decoding circuit and parallel/serial conversion circuit. And it was compiled and simulated on the MAX+PLUSⅡ software platform,and downloaded into the CPLD of EPM7128SLC84-15.The test result shows that the modulation circuit can exactly choose the phase,and the output data of the demodulator circuit is the same as the input data of the QDPSK modulate. The circuit achieves the prospective requirement of the design.

    标签: QDPSK CPLD 调制解调 电路设计

    上传时间: 2014-01-13


  • 基于FPGA的光纤光栅解调系统的研究

     波长信号的解调是实现光纤光栅传感网络的关键,基于现有的光纤光栅传感器解调方法,提出一种基于FPGA的双匹配光纤光栅解调方法,此系统是一种高速率、高精度、低成本的解调系统,并且通过引入双匹配光栅有效地克服了双值问题同时扩大了检测范围。分析了光纤光栅的测温原理并给出了该方案软硬件设计,综合考虑系统的解调精度和FPGA的处理速度给出了基于拉格朗日的曲线拟合算法。 Abstract:  Sensor is one of the most important application of the fiber grating. Wavelength signal demodulating is the key techniques to carry out fiber grating sensing network, based on several existing methods of fiber grating sensor demodulation inadequate, a two-match fiber grating demodulation method was presented. This system is a high-speed, high precision, low-cost demodulation system. And by introducing a two-match grating effectively overcomes the problem of double value while expands the scope of testing. This paper analyzes the principle of fiber Bragg grating temperature and gives the software and hardware design of the program. Considering the system of demodulation accuracy and processing speed of FPGA,this paper gives the curve fitting algorithm based on Lagrange.

    标签: FPGA 光纤光栅 解调系统

    上传时间: 2014-07-24


  • 8259 VHDL代码

    a8259 可编程中断控制 altera提供 The a8259 is designed to simplify the implementation of the interrupt interface  in 8088 and 8086  based microcomputer systems. The device is known as a programmable interrupt controller.  The a8259 receives and prioritizes up to 8 interrupts,  and in the cascade mode, this can be expanded up to  64 interrupts. An asynchronous reset and a clock input have been added to improve operation and reliability.

    标签: 8259 VHDL 代码

    上传时间: 2014-11-29


  • 移动Ad hoc环境下的LBS位置保护算法的研究

    传统的基于位置信息的服务(LBS)的隐私保护需要LBS提供者(简称LSP)与用户之间通过第三方作为中介来进行信息交换,但这种模式极易遭到攻击者攻击。为此提出一种基于K-匿名机制的隐形空间算法KABSCA(k-anonymity based spatial cloaking algorithm ),通过移动设备独立建立一个分布式网络直接与LSP通讯进而避免了第三方的安全威胁。仿真实验显示:使用这种算法,用户可以享受到高质量的信息服务以及高度的隐私保护。

    标签: hoc LBS 移动Ad 环境

    上传时间: 2013-11-06


  • Modbus详解(全书+PDF)第四章:以PC Based Controller设计Modbus通信程序


    标签: Modbus Controller Based

    上传时间: 2013-10-09


  • XAPP807-封装最小的三态以太网MAC处理引擎

    The Tri-Mode Ethernet MAC (TEMAC) UltraController-II module is a minimal footprint,embedded network processing engine based on the PowerPC™ 405 (PPC405) processor coreand the TEMAC core embedded within a Virtex™-4 FX Platform FPGA. The TEMACUltraController-II module connects to an external PHY through Gigabit Media IndependentInterface (GMII) and Management Data Input/Output (MDIO) interfaces and supports tri-mode(10/100/1000 Mb/s) Ethernet. Software running from the processor cache reads and writesthrough an On-Chip Memory (OCM) interface to two FIFOs that act as buffers between thedifferent clock domains of the PPC405 OCM and the TEMAC.

    标签: XAPP 807 MAC 封装

    上传时间: 2013-10-26


  • 基于以太网分布式的数据采集控制系统

    针对飞行模拟器座舱数据采集的复杂性,设计了一种基于以太网分布式的数据采集控制系统,该系统是RCM5700微处理器模块上的以太网应用。在系统的基础上具体讨论了PoE技术的应用,在传输数据的网线上同时提供电流,提出并实现了一种包括辅助电源在内的完整可靠的PoE供电方案。设计采用美国国家半导体的LM5073和LM5576并根据不同的负载情况,进行稳定可靠的电压转换,以满足数据采集电路的要求。实验结果表明:该设计稳定可靠,满足低于13 W的采集节点供电要求,提高了模拟器信号采集系统的通用性和标准化程度,避免了以往数据采集节点单独繁琐的电源设计。 Abstract:  Aiming at the complexity of large avion simulation and controlling,the simulator cabin distribute data collecting and control system was designed. This system is the application of RCM5700 on Ethernet. Based on this system,PoE technique that makes Ethernet can also provide power were expounded with emphasis and included FAUX design the PoE resolution was realized. To achieve the requirement of this system,LM5073 and LM5576 were used to DC-DC switch. From the data of experiment,the design filled the requirement of power-need of node whose power was lower than 13W. The application of the technique can advance the degree of simulation data collections currency and standardization and avoid designing additional power system.

    标签: 以太网 分布式 数据采集 控制系统

    上传时间: 2013-11-09


  • 基于码本映射的语音带宽扩展算法研究

    在现代通信系统中,电话语音的频带被限制在300 Hz~4 kHz的范围内,带来了语音可懂度和自然度的降低。为了在不增加额外成本的前提下提高语音的可懂度和自然度,进行了电话语音频带扩展的研究。提出了一种改进的基于码本映射的语音带宽扩展算法:在码本映射的过程中,使用加权系数来得到映射码本。客观测试结果表明,用此算法得到的宽带语音的谱失真度比用一般的码本映射降低至少2%。主观测试结果表明,用此算法得到的宽带语音具有更好的可懂度和自然度。 Abstract:  In modern communication systems, the bandwidth of telephone speech is limited from 300Hz to 4 kHz, which reduces the intelligibility and naturalness of speech. Telephone speech bandwidth extension is researched to get wideband speech and to improve its intelligibility and naturalness, without increasing extra costs. This paper put forward an improved algorithm of speech bandwidth extension based on codebook mapping. In the process of codebook mapping, weighted coefficients were used to get mapping codebook. Objective tests show that spectral distortion of wideband speech obtained by this algorithm reduces at least 2%, comparing to conditional codebook mapping. Subjective tests show that the wideband speech obtained by this algorithm has better intelligibility and naturalness.

    标签: 映射 带宽 扩展 语音

    上传时间: 2014-12-29


  • 改进SRC算法在人脸识别中的应用

    稀疏表示分类算法(Sparse Representation-based Classification,SRC)在人脸数据库上有很高的识别性能。然而,对于姿态变化,SRC的识别效果并不理想。针对SRC算法不能解决测试样本与训练样本存在偏移误差的问题,本文提出了基于SRC的改进算法。该算法将每一类的训练样本单独作为训练字典,利用迭代校正和基于金字塔分层机构的运动偏移估计方法得到最终的偏移量,最后对校正后的测试样本使用SRC算法实现分类。实验结果表明该方法对于有偏移误差的人脸图像具有较好的鲁棒性及识别率。

    标签: SRC 算法 人脸识别 中的应用

    上传时间: 2013-11-15


  • 如何构建一个1-Wire评估套件

    Abstract: The 1-Wire product family includes numerous devices that can be easily evaluated using a Windows®-based

    标签: Wire 评估套件

    上传时间: 2013-10-12
