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  • 10 C++ Books: *C++ Timesaving Techniques For Dummies (2005) *C-C++ Programmer s Reference, 3rd Edi

    10 C++ Books: *C++ Timesaving Techniques For Dummies (2005) *C-C++ Programmer s Reference, 3rd Edition (2003) *Creating Games In C++ - A Step By Step Guide (2006) *Cryptography In C And C++ (2001) *Effective C++, 3rd Edition (2005) *Exceptional C++ - 47 Engineering Puzzles, *Programming Problems, And Solutions (1999) *Exceptional C++ Style - 40 New Engineering Puzzles, Programming Problems, And Solutions (2004) *How Not To Program In C++ (2003) *Ivor Horton s Beginning Visual C++ 2005 (2006) *Learn To Program With C++ (2003)

    标签: Timesaving Techniques Programmer Reference

    上传时间: 2014-10-15


  • SharpPcap c#抓包实现时时获取网卡信息

    SharpPcap c#抓包实现时时获取网卡信息 SharpPcap tutorial: a step by step guide to using SharpPcap The text of this tutorial is taken directly from WinPcap's official tutorial but is modified to show the C# use of the SharpPcap library. All examples can be downloaded together with SharpPcap source code from SharpPcap 's homepage. The WinPcap library must be installed before attempting to run any of these examples, so please download and install the latest version from WinPcap's download page. SharpPcap was written and tested using .NET v1.1 and Windows 2000/XP. I have no idea about other .NET and Windows versions. If you do try it, please report your results. The following topics are covered in this tutorial: Obtaining the device list Obtaining advanced information about installed devices Opening an adapter and capturing packets Capturing packets without the event handler Filtering the traffic Interpreting the packets Handling offline dump files Sending Packets Gathering Statistics on the network traffic 1. Obtaining the device list

    标签: SharpPcap c#抓包 获取网卡信息

    上传时间: 2015-07-06


  • fft analysis

    Use fft to analyse signal by plotting the original signal and its spectrum.  

    标签: matlab fft

    上传时间: 2015-11-23


  • oracle查询语句

    最近在学习Oracle,对测试人员而言必须掌握两种语言:第一种是DML,数据操纵语言 (Data Manipulation Language) 是SQL语言中,负责对数据库对象运行数据访问工作的指令集,以INSERT、UPDATE、DELETE三种指令为核心,分别代表插入、更新与删除。第二种是:DQL,数据查询语言 (Data Query Language) 是SQL语言中,负责进行数据查询而不会对数据本身进行修改的语句,这是最基本的SQL语句。核心指令为SELECT,以及一些辅助指令,如FROM、WHERE等,FROM:表示来源,可以搭配JOIN做链接查询; WHERE:过滤条件;GROUP BY:在使用聚合函数时用到,如SUM,COUNT,MAX,AVG;HAVING:对聚合结果进行筛选,这是和WHERE的不同点;ORDER BY:排序。

    标签: oracle 基础 资料

    上传时间: 2016-09-15


  • Arduino Starter Kit Manual

    Thank you for purchasing the Earthshine Design Arduino Starter Kit. You are now well on your way in your journey into the wonderful world of the Arduino and microcontroller electronics. This book will guide you, step by step, through using the Starter Kit to learn about the Arduino hardware, software and general electronics theory. Through the use of electronic projects we will take you from the level of complete beginner through to having an intermediate set of skills in using the Arduino.

    标签: Arduino Starter Manual Kit

    上传时间: 2020-06-09


  • Ansoft0MaxwellV12电机瞬态分析教程

    This Getting Started Guide is written for Maxwell beginners and experienced users who would like to quickly re familiarize themselves with the capabilities of MaxwelL.This guide leads you step-by-step through solving and analyzing the results of a rotational actuator magnetostatic problem with motion By following the steps in this guide, you will learn how to perform the following tasks Modify a models design parameters y Assign variables to a model's design parameters.Specify solution settings for a design Validate a designs setupRun a maxwell simulation v Plot the magnetic flux density vecto v Include motion in the simulation本《入门指南》是为希望快速重新熟悉MaxwelL功能的Maxwell初学者和有经验的用户编写的。本指南将引导您逐步解决和分析旋转致动器静运动问题的结果。按照本指南中的步骤,您将学习如何执行以下任务。修改模型设计参数y将变量分配给模型的设计参数。指定设计的解决方案设置验证设计设置运行maxwell模拟v绘制磁通密度vecto v在模拟中包含运动

    标签: ansoft maxwell

    上传时间: 2022-03-10


  • STEP-BY-STEP在KEIL5中建立TM4C1294项目

    一、前期软件要求需要预先安装如下软件:1.MDK522KEIL5.22安装软件2.MDKCM522KEIL LEGACY安装软件,兼容5以前版本3.Keil.TM4C_DFP.1.1.0TM4C芯片及板的DFP安装包4.SW-EK-TM4C1294XL-214.178TM4C1294XL驱动及样例程序默认安装完成后,有两个目录1.Cleil v5KEL可执行文件目录2.CtrilTivaWare C Series-2.1.4178 TIVA系列驱动及样例二、硬件要求WIN7及以上操作系统,2G内存TM4C1294XL板及TM4C1294XLSUBBOARD组合板,即S800板Micro-USB数据线一根三、新建用户目录设为CIS8OOLEXPI CPU为TM4C1294NCPDT因为需要使用TM4C1294芯片的硬件定义以及固件库,因此从CtzilTivaWare C Series-2.1.4178中将/NC及DRIVERLIB两个子目录拷贝到用户目录中。

    标签: tm4c1294 keil5

    上传时间: 2022-06-22


  • 通向FPGA之路-七天玩转Altera之时序篇

    网上关于Altera的教程很多,可谓浩如烟海。大体来说有两类:一是,step by step的指导如何操作Quartus软件,这类方法的优点是上手快,但却有知其然不知其所以然之惑;二是,从一个很高的起点分析一些具体问题,优点是有深度,但也把大部分初学者拒之门外,不知路在何方。本系列教程的宗旨是在力求全面介绍Altera及其QuartusⅡ软件原理的基础上,对何如使用Altera FPGA进行基础设计、时序分析、验证、优化四大方面进行讲解。本篇为时序篇,推荐用两天时间掌握。其余的,基础篇需一天,验证、优化各需两天,一共七天。本教程大部分内容参考翻译 altera 官方handbook和对应的paper等资料,1.2、1.4、1.6、2.1系热心网友riple所创,笔者基本原文引用,只为阅读流畅性和更易理解做了少许改动,如造成原作者的不适,可联系笔者删除之。后续教程视读者反映情况进行适当调整和发布。

    标签: fpga altera 时序

    上传时间: 2022-07-27


  • 通向FPGA之路-七天玩转Altera之基础篇

    网上关于Altera的教程很多,可谓浩如烟海。大体来说有两类:一是,step by step的指导如何操作Quartus软件,这类方法的优点是上手快,但却有知其然不知其所以然之惑;二是,从一个很高的起点分析一些具体问题,优点是有深度,但也把大部分初学者拒之门外,不知路在何方。本系列教程的宗旨是在力求全面介绍Altera及其QuartusII软件原理的基础上,对何如使用AlteraFPGA进行基础设计、时序分析、验证、优化四大方面进行讲解。本篇为基础篇,推荐用一天时间掌握。还有三大类各需两天,一共七天。本教程大部分内容参考翻译 altera 官方handbook和对应的paper等资料,也有部分章节系热心网友所创,笔者基本原文引用,只为阅读流畅性做了少许改动,如造成原作者的不适,可联系笔者删除之。后续教程视读者反映情况进行适当调整和发布。

    标签: fpga altera

    上传时间: 2022-07-27


  • 微电脑型数学演算式隔离传送器

    特点: 精确度0.1%满刻度 可作各式數學演算式功能如:A+B/A-B/AxB/A/B/A&B(Hi or Lo)/|A|/ 16 BIT类比输出功能 输入与输出绝缘耐压2仟伏特/1分钟(input/output/power) 宽范围交直流兩用電源設計 尺寸小,穩定性高

    标签: 微电脑 数学演算 隔离传送器

    上传时间: 2014-12-23
