The Intel® JPEG Library provides a set of highly optimized C functions that implement JPEG compression and decompression on Intel architecture processors
标签: JPEG functions implement optimized
上传时间: 2015-08-17
CCALC provides convenient way to for performing calculations. You can use standard infix notation for expressions and store results in variables.
标签: calculations convenient performing provides
上传时间: 2015-08-18
标签: library-manage-system 图书管理 源码
上传时间: 2015-08-18
EXAMPLE SOURCE CODE FOR IMPLIB FILTER This filter accepts input through the standard input stream, convertsit and outputs it to the standard output am. The streams are linkedthrough pipes, such that the input stream is the output from the import librarian being invoked, and the output stream is connected to the message window of the IDE, ie.
标签: input standard EXAMPLE accepts
上传时间: 2014-11-18
EXAMPLE SOURCE CODE FOR TASM FILTER his filter accepts input through the standard input stream, converts it and outputs it to the standard output stream. The streams are linked through pipes, such that the input stream is the output from the assembler being invoked, and the output stream is connected to the message window of the IDE, ie.
标签: input standard EXAMPLE accepts
上传时间: 2014-01-13
This the standard to learn. Please let me download E
标签: standard download Please learn
上传时间: 2015-08-20
A new version of the StormLib library, supporting new version of MPQ archives (World of Warcraft and WoW - The Burning Crusade).
标签: version supporting new StormLib
上传时间: 2013-12-25
ti dm642 board library, good for dm642 developer.
标签: 642 developer library board
上传时间: 2014-01-09
The Standard C++ Classes,是学习c++类库的有力帮手。
上传时间: 2014-01-21
DES( Data Encryption Standard)算法,于1977年得到美国政府的正式许可,是一种用56位密钥来加密64位数据的方法。 IDEA是International Data Encryption Algorithm 的缩写,是1990年由瑞士联邦技术学院来学嘉X.J.Lai 和Massey提出的建议标准算法称作PES( Proposed Encryption Standard) 。Lai 和Massey 在1992 年进行了改进强化了抗差分分析的能力改称为IDEA 它也是对64bit大小的数据块加密的分组加密算法密钥长度为128位它基于“相异代数群上的混合运算”设计思想算法用硬件和软件实现都很容易且比DES在实现上快的多。IDEA自问世以来,已经经历了大量的详细审查,对密码分析具有很强的抵抗能力,在多种商业产品中被使用。
标签: Encryption Standard Data DES
上传时间: 2015-08-27