This OpenNL, a library to easily construct and solve sparse linear systems. * OpenNL is supplied with a set of built-in iterative solvers (Conjugate gradient,BICGSTAB, GMRes) and preconditioners (Jacobi, SSOR). * OpenNL can also use other solvers (SuperLU 3.0 is supported as an OpenNL extension,MUMPS will be supported in a future version)
标签: OpenNL construct supplied library
上传时间: 2014-01-07
本程序直接摘自文献: % S. K. Mitra. Digital Signal Processing: A Computer-Based Approach. Second Edition, % McGraw-Hill,2001 清华大学出版社,2001
标签: S. K. Computer-Based Processing
上传时间: 2014-12-02
Computes estimates for the number of forests of a graph, input as a 0-1 incidence matrix. Notes: Compile in C++, "g++ -o span_forest span_forest.c". The program does not demand that the matrix is symmetric with 0 diagonal, but uses only the upper triangular part.
标签: estimates incidence Computes forests
上传时间: 2013-12-26
Computes the permanent of a nonnegative integer matrix. Notes: Compile in C++, "g++ -o permanent permanent.c".
标签: permanent nonnegative Computes Compile
上传时间: 2013-12-23
Computes the hafnian of a nonnegative integer matrix. Notes: Copy hafnian.c to main.c, in the same directory as Rothberg s code (see above). You can download the .tar directory with the code weighted-match.tar here. Then "make" the codes (this codes are in C, not C++). The program is then run by the command "wmatch".
标签: hafnian nonnegative the Computes
上传时间: 2013-12-23
Example of a digital data transmission implementing GMSK modulation This Simulink model simulates as an example the transmission and reception of random digital data modulated with GMSK. The purpose of this model is to illustrate how part of the GSM transmission and reception works. It also measures the BER, affected by an AWGN channel
标签: implementing transmission modulation simulates
上传时间: 2015-07-12
This mfile illustrates a simple two path Rayleigh multipath fading channel This mfile inputs an unmodulated sinewave through a simple Rayleigh two path fading channel and shows the output with phase, gain, and attenuation characteristics via animation
标签: mfile This illustrates multipath
上传时间: 2014-08-30
Simulator for a GSM traffic channel transmission and reception This Simulink model simulates the entire transmission and reception of voice data of a traffic channel for GSM (TCH/FS)over a multipath fading channel, and it calculates the BER of the received signal
标签: transmission Simulator reception simulates
上传时间: 2015-07-12
RAKE receiver for direct-sequence spread spectrum systems Simulink model of a simple direct-sequence spread spectrum system with RAKE reception
标签: direct-sequence direct-sequenc receiver Simulink
上传时间: 2014-01-05
A program that communicates with mobile, but need data line
标签: communicates program mobile data
上传时间: 2014-01-12