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  • UCOSII在LPC1768基于固件库20下的移植

    前言:我从2011年年初开始玩LPC1768,在公司做过几个LPC1768的小项目,都是基于UCOS-112.86操作系统和LPC17Xx V2.0固件库(还有的基于ulP1.0以态网协议栈),产品运行稳定,芯片级操作也十分方便(毕竟是基于固件库操作,不用管那些复杂的寄存器),在官网看到不知何时出了UCOS-I1-V2.91,于是准备应用本版本编写今后的程序,移植时,有意留心写下这篇移植步骤,希望对初学者有帮助。一、移植前的准备工作下载所需文件:1、在LPCWARE官网下载LPC175x 6x CMSIS-Compliant StANDard Peripheral Firmware Driver Library(LPC175X,LPC176x固件驱动库),下载地址链接:http://www.lpcware.com/content/nxpfile/lpc175x6x-cmsis-compliant-StANDard-perip heral-firmware-driver-library-keil-iar-gnu进入网址选择lpc175x6xcmsis-driver_library.zip下载pctis su amas aer baryp2i56tes(也可以在NXP官网下载,但本人去年下载的固件库编译时出现N多警告,看E不爽,自己改又不怕改出问题)2、在UCOS-1l官网下载UCOS-Il-V291源码(上面描述为2.89,但实际内核为2.91),下载地址链接http://micrium.com/page/downloads/source_code进入网址选择UC/os-11下载,如下

    标签: ucosii lpc1768

    上传时间: 2022-06-26


  • ANSI-VITA 66.0-2016 Optical Interconnect on VPX

    ANSI-VITA 66.0-2016 Optical Interconnect on VPX – Base StANDard

    标签: ANSI-VITA

    上传时间: 2022-06-26


  • MT2625 datasheet v1.2

    MT2625 DatasheetVersion: 1.2Release date: 31 January 2018NB-IoT transceiver• Compliant with 3GPP R13/R14 NB-IoT StANDard• Supports DL 200kHz bandwidth/UL single tone and multi-tone• Supported RF bands: B1/B2/B3/B5/B8/B11/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B21/B25/B26/B28/B31/B66/B70/B71• Supports PSM and eDRX modeMicrocontroller subsystem• ARM® Cortex®-M4 with FPU and MPU• 14 DMA channels• One RTC timer, one 64-bit and five 32-bit general purpose timers• Development support: SWD, JTAG• Crypto engineo AES 128, 192, 256 bitso DES, 3DESo MD5, SHA-1, 224, 256, 384, 512• True random number generator• JTAG password protection

    标签: MT2625

    上传时间: 2022-07-04


  • 博通BCM43438KUBG正基同款AP6212sdio工业级wifi模块

    1. General Description BL-M3362NS1 product is designed base on Broadcom BCM43362 chipset. It operates at 2.4GHz band and supports IEEE802.11b/g/n 1T1Rwith wireless data rate up to 72.2Mbps. It supports IEEE802.11isafety protocol, along with IEEE802.11e StANDard service quality. It supports StANDard interfaces SDIOV2.0(50 MHz,4-bit and1-bit) and generic SPI(up to 50 MHz), Integrated ARM Cortex?-M3 CPUwith on-chip memory enables running IEEE802.11 firmware that can be field-upgraded with future features.2. The range of applying Imaging platforms(printers, digital still cameras, digital picture frames)Consumer electronic devices(DTV, DVDplayers, Blu-ray players. etc.)Gaming platforms Carinformation MiFi/Mobile Routes Smart PAD Set-TopBoxes

    标签: wifi

    上传时间: 2022-07-04


  • JTAG基础知识

    IEEE1149.1的产生1985年由IBM、AT&T、Texas Instruments、Philips Electronics NV、Siemens、Alcatel和Ericsson等公司成立的JETAG(Joint European Test Action Group)提出了边界扫描技术。1986年由于其它地区的一些公司的加入,JETAG改名为JTAG。1988年JTAG提出了标准的边界扫描体系结构,名称叫Boundary-Scan Architecture StANDard Proposal,Version2.0,1990年IEEE正式承认了JTAG标准,经过补充和修订以后命名命名为IEEE1149.1-90。同年又提出了BSDL(Boundary Scan Description Lauguage,边界扫描描述语言)。后来成为IEEE1149.1-93标准的一部分。

    标签: jtag

    上传时间: 2022-07-06


  • Mentor PADS StANDard 标准版 VX.1.2 软件下载

    mentor pads 9.5是款功能非常强大的电路原理图、PCB设计工具;它是由MentorGraphics公司研发推出,一款专业原理图和PCB设计工具,主要适用于各类电路设计工程师以及技术人员使用。文件较大,存在百度网盘,下载文件中提供了链接和提取码。打开即可下载。

    标签: pads

    上传时间: 2022-07-08


  • Mentor PADS StANDard Plus VX.2

    mentor pads 9.5是款功能非常强大的电路原理图、PCB设计工具;它是由MentorGraphics公司研发推出,一款专业原理图和PCB设计工具,主要适用于各类电路设计工程师以及技术人员使用。文件较大,存在百度网盘,下载文件中提供了链接和提取码。打开即可下载。

    标签: pads

    上传时间: 2022-07-08


  • VITA46-48-42 技术资料

    VITA 46 Highlights Retain StANDard 6U and 3U form-factors Height, depth, pitch, front panel arrangements, conduction-cooled interfaces, etc.Support StANDard-length PMC and XMC modules· Support high-speed serial fabric on the backplane Tyco MultiGig RT2,7-row connector· Support VME and PCI interfaces for legacy compatibility· Provision for optical connectors as option· Support improved logistics Provide support for Line Replaceable Module(LRM) applications with ESD-protected connector Alignment and keying blocks

    标签: vita46

    上传时间: 2022-07-25


  • VPX标准草案(vita46d0-r0d11)

    VME has been the de-facto bus StANDard for Commercial off the Shelf(COTS ) Circuit Card Assemblies since the 1980's. VME boards have proven to be remarkably capable of evolving to support newer technologies with innovations such as VME Subsystem Bus, PCI Mezzanine Cards(PMC's) and VME320.However, advances in technologies, appearing particularly in interconnects, have demonstratedthe need for an advance in system development. This advance needs to accommodate high speed interconnect, particularly serial interconnects, and higher power delivery in concert with better heat removal.

    标签: vpx标准

    上传时间: 2022-07-27


  • BlueTooth 蓝牙规范 V4.2 ,2772页高清文字完整版pdf

    BlueTooth 4.2 StANDard Master Table of Contents & Compliance Requirements

    标签: 蓝牙

    上传时间: 2022-07-28
