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  • 用matlab开发的人工免疫系统仿真程序

    利用aiNet执行资源聚类的算法分为两部分:第一部分是aiNet学习算法,如上所述;第二部分是在获得记忆细胞矩阵M和Ab-Ab之间的dij矩阵S基础上,实现连通图的剪枝聚类。 定义 1 无向连通图G:在形态空间Sw上,以M中抗体对应的点为G的顶点,每对抗体之间的亲和力dij为G中两点连接边的权值。 定义2 最小生成树:包含连通图G中所有顶点的一个子图称为G的一棵生成树T。生成树中所用边的权值为生成树的权。权最小的生成树定义为最小生成树(Minimum spanning tree,MST)。

    标签: MATLAB 资源动态聚类

    上传时间: 2015-05-12


  • IPC spec tree

    IPC 标准中包含众多的内容,为方便用户使用,其为用户提共了这份目录。

    标签: IPC 610 tree

    上传时间: 2015-07-04


  • 雅马哈机器人操控软件VIPplus

    VIP+ is support software for YAMAHA RCX series robot controllers. In addition to the functions of the previously released "VIP Windows" software, VIP+ includes an easy-to-use GUI (graphical user interface). VIP+ also allows control by 2 or more controllers or access to a controller from 2 or more clients via Ethernet connection. ● With VIP+ you can: • Do offline editing of all data used on robot controllers • Operate and monitor robots connected to robot controllers • Do online editing of all data used with robot controllers • Back up and restore robot controller data ● Functions and features newly added to VIP+: • Ethernet connection to controllers • Supports data input in spreadsheet software format • Seamless backup and restoring of controller information such as point data • Syntax coloring • Data transfer between the online controller and an offline document by drag & drop • Executes online commands using a terminal window • Controller tree and document tree functions similar to Windows Explorer

    标签: 雅马哈 VIPplus

    上传时间: 2015-11-18


  • dhtmlx媲美EasyUI的好用UI组件


    标签: dhtmlx EasyUI

    上传时间: 2017-05-09


  • HC-SR4 data

    HC-SR manual -----------------------------------

    标签: HC-SR data

    上传时间: 2017-11-12


  • HC-SR04超声波测距模块


    标签: HC-SR 04 超声波 测距模块

    上传时间: 2018-02-01


  • 基于多尺度字典的图像超分辨率重建

    Reconstruction- and example-based super-resolution (SR) methods are promising for restoring a high-resolution (HR) image from low-resolution (LR) image(s). Under large magnification, reconstruction-based methods usually fail to hallucinate visual details while example-based methods sometimes introduce unexpected details. Given a generic LR image, to reconstruct a photo-realistic SR image and to suppress artifacts in the reconstructed SR image, we introduce a multi-scale dictionary to a novel SR method that simultaneously integrates local and non-local priors. The local prior suppresses artifacts by using steering kernel regression to predict the target pixel from a small local area. The non-local prior enriches visual details by taking a weighted average of a large neighborhood as an estimate of the target pixel. Essentially, these two priors are complementary to each other. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can produce high quality SR recovery both quantitatively and perceptually.

    标签: Super-resolution Multi-scale Dictionary Single Image for

    上传时间: 2019-03-28


  • Software+Radio

    Software Radio (SR) is one of the most important emerging technologies for the future of wireless communication services. By moving radio functionality into software, it promises to give flexible radio systems that are multi-service, multi- standard, multi-band, reconfigurable and reprogrammable by software. Today’s radios are matched to a particular class of signals that are well defined bytheircarrierfrequencies,modulationformatsandbandwidths.Aradiotransmitter today can only up convert signals with well-defined bandwidths over defined center frequencies, while, on the other side of the communication chain, a radio receiver can only down convert well-defined signal bandwidths, transmitted over specified carrier frequencies.

    标签: Software Radio

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • MiniCore

    An Arduino core for the ATmega328, ATmega168, ATmega88, ATmega48 and ATmega8, all running a [custom version of Optiboot for increased functionality](#write-to-own-flash). This core requires at least Arduino IDE v1.6.2, where v1.8.5+ is recommended. <br/> **This core gives you two extra IO pins if you're using the internal oscillator!** PB6 and PB7 is mapped to [Arduino pin 20 and 21](#pinout).<br/> If you're into "generic" AVR programming, I'm happy to tell you that all relevant keywords are being highlighted by the IDE through a separate keywords file. Make sure to test the [example files](https://github.com/MCUdude/MiniCore/tree/master/avr/libraries/AVR_examples/examples) (File > Examples > AVR C code examples). Try writing a register name, <i>DDRB</i> for instance, and see for yourself!

    标签: MiniCore

    上传时间: 2021-02-22


  • 深入理解LTE

    本书详细介绍了LTE物理层相关协议及算法实现,包括LTE协议栈结构、LTE时域、频域和空间域资源、下行参考信号、下行L1、L2控制信道、PDSCH信道、传输模式、上行参考信号、PUCCH信道、PUSCH信道、CSI资源指示、上行HARQ、下行HARQ、SR、BSR、DRX、MAC复用与逻辑信道优先级、上行同步、小区搜索过程、系统信息、随机接入过程、寻呼、载波聚合、SPS、TTI bundling、RLC等相关协议和算法,所涉及的专题内容分析非常细致,非常详尽,能很好地帮助读者深入理解LTE物理层相关协议。

    标签: LTE 物理层

    上传时间: 2022-06-01
