The emphasis of this book is on real-time application of Synopsys tools, used to combat various problems seen at VDSM geometries. Readers will be exposed to an effective design methodology for handling complex, submicron ASIC designs. Significance is placed on HDL coding styles, synthesis and optimization, dynamic simulation, formal verification, DFT scan insertion, links to layout, physical synthesis, and static timing analysis. At each step, problems related to each phase of the design flow are identified, with solutions and work-around described in detail. In addition, crucial issues related to layout, which includes clock tree synthesis and back-end integration (links to layout) are also discussed at length. Furthermore, the book contains in-depth discussions on the basics of Synopsys technology libraries and HDL coding styles, targeted towards optimal synthesis solution.
标签: application real-time Synopsys emphasis
上传时间: 2017-07-05
JXMLEditor is a XML editor developed in Java which is based on the Xerces Java parser. The goal of this editor is to offer some features (tree view, drag & drop, syntax colorizing) to create XML documents easily. Also available as Eclipse Plugin.
标签: Java JXMLEditor developed editor
上传时间: 2013-11-30
RS_latch using vhdl, When using static gates as building blocks, the most fundamental latch is the simple SR latch, where S and R stand for set and reset. It can be constructed from a pair of cross-coupled NOR (Not OR) logic gates. The stored bit is present on the output marked Q. Normally, in storage mode, the S and R inputs are both low, and feedback maintains the Q and Q outputs in a constant state, with Q the complement of Q. If S (Set) is pulsed high while R is held low, then the Q output is forced high, and stays high when S returns to low similarly, if R (Reset) is pulsed high while S is held low, then the Q output is forced low, and stays low when R returns to low.
标签: using fundamental the RS_latch
上传时间: 2017-07-30
Abtract - We propose a new family of fi lter banks, named NDFB, that can achieve the directional decomposition of arbitrary N-dimensional (N ≥ 2) signals with a simple and effi cient tree-structured construction.
标签: direction Abtract propose achieve
上传时间: 2014-01-15
此文件夹中共包括十二个小程序 AVL创建平衡二叉树,通过加入一个个的结点创建,并实现了平衡二叉树中的结点删除 Boyer_Moore算法的串模式匹配 Horspool算法的串模式匹配 Graph实现了有向图的非递归广度优先遍历及非递归深度优先遍历 HeapSort利用堆排序实现优先级队列 Merge实现二路归并排序算法 MFK动态规划解背包问题 nqueue求解n皇后问题 QuickSort快速排序算法的实现。 Shell排序算法的实现。 Tree程序中实现了先序\中序\后序遍历二叉树的非递归算法。 tubao用递归法解决突包问题
标签: Boyer_Moore Horspool Grap AVL
上传时间: 2017-08-08
13、堆 MinHeap.h test.cpp 14、哈夫曼树 BinTreeNode.h BinaryTree.h MinHeap.h Huffman.h Test.cpp 15、树 164 QueueNode.h LinkQueue.h TreeNode.h Tree.h 170 test.cpp 16、B+树 BTreeNode.h BTree.h 192 test.cpp 17、图 217 MinHeap.h Edge.h 222 Vertex.h Graph.h 224 test.cpp 18、排序 Data.h 249 QueueNode.h LinkQueue.h Sort.h 263 test.cpp
标签: MinHeap BinTreeNode BinaryTree Huffman
上传时间: 2017-08-14
上传时间: 2017-08-16
The algorithm ID3 (Quinlan) uses the method top-down induction of decision trees. Given a set of classified examples a decision tree is induced, biased by the information gain measure, which heuristically leads to small trees. The examples are given in attribute-value representation. The set of possible classes is finite. Only tests, that split the set of instances of the underlying example languages depending on the value of a single attribute are supported.
标签: algorithm induction decision top-down
上传时间: 2017-08-20
在图形中若于个边(edge)上加上一些值,此数值称为比重( weight ) 。而此图形称为比重图形(Weight Graph ) ,若weight是成本( cost )或距离( distance ) ,则称此图形为网路( Network )。根据Spanning Tree的定义,知一个图形可有许多不同spanning tree ,在network中找出一个具有最小成本( Cost )的Spanning tree ,则此Spanning tree称为最小成本生成树。
上传时间: 2013-12-28
Complete coverage of all four CCNP exams: ? EIGRP, OSPF, IS-IS, and BGP ? Optimizing routing ? IP multicast ? IPv6 ? VLAN implementation ? Spanning Tree ? InterVLAN routing ? Layer 3 redundancy ? Wireless LANs ? VoIP in campus networks ? Campus network security ? Frame-mode MPLS ? IPsec ? Cisco device hardening ? Cisco IOS? threat defenses ? Cisco VoIP ? QoS and AutoQoS ? Wireless scalability
标签: Optimizing Complete coverage routing
上传时间: 2017-09-26